50 Years Later, It Feels Familiar: How America Fractured in 1968
It was a violent year. Liberals reeled, a war dragged on and protests raged. People got all their news from radio, TV and newspapers. But what if they’d had phones vibrating with modern news alerts?
Amtrak Says Shortfalls and Rules Delayed Safety System
The railroad said technical and regulatory roadblocks had delayed operation of the system, which might have prevented this week’s train derailment.
"This isn’t a case of discrimination by Facebook, not exactly. It’s a case of Facebook offering a platform for its users to bludgeon those who don’t conform."
紐約時報(New York Times)網路版今天在Sinosphere專欄當中,刊登了王霜舟(Austin Ramzy)發表的文章,標題為「台灣捲入餿水油醜聞」(Taiwan Reels From Gutter Oil Scandal)。
'Watching Miley Cyrus's show feels a bit like being repeatedly bludgeoned over the head, and just as erotic' Guardian culture

Other stadium-sized pop acts signpost their maturity with clanging visual...
The Guardian
“Yahoo Japan is a Japanese company, and most of their employees are Japanese people who fluently understand how the Japanese mind-set and business work,” said Nobuyuki Hayashi, a technology analyst. “But Google’s still a foreigner who’s learned how to speak some Japanese.”
Iceland has been reeling from the effects of the financial crisis since October 2008, when its banks collapsed in the space of a week under the weight of billions of dollars in debt.
On May 6, Porsche and Volkswagen set a four-week deadline to create an “integrated” auto concern, but the deadline came and went amid some very public sniping from Mr. Piëch. The conflict centers on whether a fusion would simply make Porsche the 10th brand within the sprawling VW empire, or whether it would be a merger of equals.
An alpha male who is known to create fear among his underlings, Mr. Piëch has made clear that the goal was to reel in Porsche on VW’s terms.
![]() | December 20, 2008 -- 12:14 p.m. EST
Nortel Networks filed for protection from creditors in the U.S. and Canada, reeling from sliding demand for its telecom equipment.
Go to Article from The New York Times»
Revenue Shortfalls
School budgets are already reeling from projected shortfalls in state revenue, which can typically make up anywhere from about one-third to two-thirds of district budgets. This coming fiscal year, 23 states are projecting gaps -- where revenues are expected to be lower than expenditures -- compared with 16 last year, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Local revenue sources, often tied to property-tax revenues, are also suffering from the real-estate slowdown.
Japan reeling from latest bizarre murder spree
Telegraph.co.uk - United Kingdom
By Julian Ryall in Tokyo
Telegraph.co.uk - United Kingdom
By Julian Ryall in Tokyo
A 77-year-old Japanese man bludgeoned his family to death with a hammer to feel "relief", the latest in a series of violent and ...
Japan reeling from latest bizarre murder spree
Telegraph.co.uk - United Kingdom
By Julian Ryall in Tokyo
A 77-year-old Japanese man bludgeoned his family to death with a hammer to feel "relief", the latest in a series of violent and ...
- Main Entry: , bludgeon,
- 1blud·geon
- Pronunciation:
- \ˈblə-jən\
- Function:
- noun
- Etymology:
- origin unknown
- Date:
- 1730
bludg·eon (bl
A short heavy club, usually of wood, that is thicker or loaded at one end.
tr.v. bludg·eoned, bludg·eon·ing, bludg·eons
1. To hit with or as if with a heavy club.
2. To overcome by or as if by using a heavy club. See Synonyms at intimidate.
[Origin unknown.]
eon·er, bludg
) n.
A short heavy club, usually of wood, that is thicker or loaded at one end.
1. To hit with or as if with a heavy club.
2. To overcome by or as if by using a heavy club. See Synonyms at intimidate.

Force or bully (someone) to do something:she was determined not to be bludgeoned intosubmission
noun [C]
an amount which is less than the level that was expected or needed:
The drought caused serious shortfalls in the food supply.
A deficit of something required or expected:they are facing an expected $10 billion shortfall in revenue
v.intr.- To be thrown off balance or fall back: reeled from the sharp blow.
- To stagger, lurch, or sway, as from drunkenness: reeled down the alley.
- To go round and round in a whirling motion: gulls reeling and diving.
- To feel dizzy: My head reeled with the facts and figures.
- A device, such as a cylinder, spool, or frame, that turns on an axis and is used for winding and storing rope, tape, film, or other flexible materials.
- A cylindrical device attached to a fishing rod to let out or wind up the line.
- The quantity of wire, film, or other material wound on one reel.
- A set of curved lawn-mower blades that rotate around a bar parallel to the ground, cutting grass while moving against a stationary straight blade.
- To wind on or let out from a reel.
- To recover by winding on a reel: reel in a large fish.
reel off
- To recite fluently and usually at length: reeled off a long list of names and dates.
[Middle English, from Old English hrēol.]
reel:動詞,指使旋轉、搖晃或眩暈、震驚得無法行動,如We were reeling with the news that we had won all that money.(聽到贏了那麼多錢,我們簡直嚇暈了。)reel (MOVE) Show phonetics
verb [I]
1 to walk moving from side to side, looking like you are going to fall:
At closing time he reeled out of the pub and fell down on the pavement.
She hit him so hard that he reeled backwards.
2 If the place where you are reels, what you are looking at seems to go round and round in front of you:
A stone hit his head and the street reeled before his eyes.
3 If you reel, or your mind or brain reels, you feel very confused or shocked and unable to act:
We were reeling (in amazement/shock/delight, etc.) from/with the news that we had won all that money.
Feel shocked, bewildered, or giddy:the Prime Minister was reeling from a savaging inflicted in the Commons
許久沒讀蔡瀾先生先生的專欄。不過最近買進:『蔡瀾嘆世界』(陳子善編,濟南:山東畫報出版社, 2005),讀了一下,也應該寫一下。
表面上,蔡瀾是「俗人」,對於享受生命發揮得淋漓盡致的人,讓人想起法國的思湯達爾總結其一生的「生活、寫作、愛情」。他的書應該將近 70本餘本了。看來會一直寫下去。他很幸運,了不起。
這本書我最喜愛「頌椿」 -- 相對而言是「長篇」,寫他家人和他認識的椿樹 – 真巧,我想不出來前人將為什麼用椿萱表示父母。我自己了解它是從日本人的喜愛之展示開始的。前幾天到台大對面的一飲食街,看到一舊的嚐「椿麵」之廣告,可找不到,不知道品質如何?
adj.- Able to express oneself readily and effortlessly: a fluent speaker; fluent in three languages.
- Flowing effortlessly; polished: speaks fluent Russian; gave a fluent performance of the sonata.
- Flowing or moving smoothly; graceful: a yacht with long, fluent curves.
- Flowing or capable of flowing; fluid.
[Latin fluēns, fluent-, present participle of fluere, to flow.]
fluency flu'en·cy n.fluently flu'ent·ly adv.