In a Chinese Enclave of Canada, the Sweet Escape of Karaoke
The city of Richmond, which is now majority ethnic Chinese, provides ample opportunities for crooners who want to let loose in multiple languages.
France's Glamorous First Lady Releases New Album
After weeks of hype and breathless anticipation, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy's new
album, offered free online this week, hits stores in France and much of
Europe Friday, June 11. Critics are split on the first lady's croonings.
The DW-WORLD Article
Marilyn Monroe: crooned ''Happy Birthday, Mr. President'' to John F. Kennedy at Madison Square Garden (1962)
Dell loses another Taiwan consumer lawsuit
TAIPEI — A Taiwanese woman has won a lawsuit forcing US computer giant Dell to honour bargains the firm said it mistakenly offered on the Internet, ...
Robert A. Levinson, vice chairman of the advisory board, said the trustees met last week to discuss changing the academy’s constitution so the academicians would no longer have financial control.
Mr. Levinson argued that artists are ill equipped to make financial decisions about the institution’s future. “They just live in another world and don’t understand fiduciary responsibility,” he said.
“The word that jumps to my mind is ‘hubris,’” said Mr. Tollison, sitting in his office in Oxford, just across Courthouse Square from Mr. Scruggs’s firm. “He’s had a consistent pattern of violating his fiduciary duties to partners in these legal ventures,” Mr. Tollison said. “I know the lawyers in Oxford, Tupelo and Clarksdale, and most everybody is very congenial. But Dickey’s had difficulties with lawyers and fees in the past.”
Meanwhile, in Stratford, the area of London that will house the Olympic Village, bulldozers and construction workers are currently cleaning up the site for the Olympic Stadium, a swimming pool, and velodrome. After the Games, the government plans to convert 1.5 million square feet of space into offices, and leave behind a large public park and about 3,300 apartments, which it hopes will become a flourishing community.
與 此同時,在倫敦奧運村所在地斯特拉特福德(Stratford),推土機和建築工人目前正在清理場地,為體育場、遊泳池以及自行車室內賽車場的建設做準 備。奧運會後,政府計劃將150萬平方英尺的奧運村場地改為寫字樓,並留下一個大公園和大約3,300套公寓,希望這裡能發展為一個繁榮的社區。
Manufacturing industry is in flower
- be in flower 正在開花期, 正盛行
in flower
describes a plant that has open flowers:
Our roses are usually in flower from April to November.
noun [C] UK ━━ n. 〔英〕 経木(きょうぎ)[プラスチック]製の果物かご.
a small square or rectangular box in which particular types of fruit are sold:
a punnet of strawberries/raspberries
Her barrister, Nicholas Bowen, mocked the nature of her alleged crimes. 'If somebody sells a punnet of strawberries at Wimbledon is that a criminal offense?' he asked. A punnet, as all Britons know, is roughly the equivalent of a couple of handfuls -- or about half a liter.
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Red Spring Onions in Punnet 640 x 480 - 85k - jpg | Converters can use the material with ... 245 x 233 - 54k - jpg |
A punnet is a basket for displaying and collecting fruits or flowers . Farmer's markets sometimes sell fruits and berries in plastic punnets. Decorative punnets are often made of felt and seen in flower and craft arrangements.
In recent years, the traditional plastic punnet is being replaced by the molded fibre and microflute products so as to protect the environment.
In recent years, the traditional plastic punnet is being replaced by the molded fibre and microflute products so as to protect the environment.
A sports arena with a banked oval track for bicycle and motorcycle racing.
[French vélodrome, blend of vélocipède, velocipede. See velocipede, and -drome, racecourse (from Latin -dromus; see –drome).]
bulldozer Show phonetics
noun [C]
a heavy vehicle with a large blade in front, used for pushing earth and stones along and for flattening areas of ground at the same time
bulldoze Show phonetics
verb [T]
1 to destroy buildings and flatten an area with a bulldozer:
The township was bulldozed (flat) in the 1950s.
2 to force someone to do something, although they might not want to:
She bulldozed her daughter into buying a new dress.

━━ a. 信用[託]の; 受託者の; (紙幣が)信用発行の.
━━ n. 受託者.
fiduciary issue (金準備なしの銀行券の)保証[信用]発行.
fiduciary money 保証発行貨幣.
━━ n. 受託者.

tr.v., -ored, -or·ing, -ors.
- To hold in respect; esteem.
- To show respect for.
- To bow to (another dancer) in square dancing: Honor your partner.
- To confer distinction on: He has honored us with his presence.
- To accept or pay as valid: honor a check; a store that honors all credit cards.
croon Show phonetics
verb [I or T] to sing or talk in a sweet low voice full of emotion
crooner Show phonetics
noun [C] OLD-FASHIONEDa singer, especially a man, who sings slow love songs
