In Suburbia, Doubts Persist About Trump
Undecided women in Philadelphia’s suburbs, a crucial voting bloc, said Mr. Trump had not only failed to win them over but in many cases had repelled them.
在網路上看到這樣的標題:"人到中年 你的容貌出賣了你的內心"大意是:"心慈則貌美。"
文中的 "出賣"顯然是從英文betray轉譯過來的。不過中文 "出賣"有負面的意思,betray則未必。例如:"炊煙起處有人家"譯為The smoke betrays where the dwelling lies.便是完全了解betray意思的正確用法,並沒有 "出賣" 的意思。
"你的容貌出賣了你的內心"一句,事實上真正被 "出賣"的是原作者,說明他/她的中文比英文差。
在網路上看到這樣的標題:"人到中年 你的容貌出賣了你的內心"大意是:"心慈則貌美。"
文中的 "出賣"顯然是從英文betray轉譯過來的。不過中文 "出賣"有負面的意思,betray則未必。例如:"炊煙起處有人家"譯為The smoke betrays where the dwelling lies.便是完全了解betray意思的正確用法,並沒有 "出賣" 的意思。
"你的容貌出賣了你的內心"一句,事實上真正被 "出賣"的是原作者,說明他/她的中文比英文差。
on Page 1:
"one which still holds a prominent place in Irish myths and memories. When the siege of Londonderry was lifted, and James II decisively defeated at the battle of the Boyne"
The Lius are China’s first-generation billionaires, born into a world of Mao suits, food rations, price controls and Communist slogans. And the story of how they made their fortune is considered one of the guiding myths of China’s Communist party, a symbol of this country’s transformation over the last 30 years, since its unlikely embrace of capitalism. But their story also betrays the contradictions of modern China — a country where the average factory worker makes less than $50 a week.
美國人向來信科學不信偏方,重量級醫藥保健書明星不能走偏鋒出奇招,否則出版社把關先就過不了。曾任教美國賓州大學的南西‧史妮德曼(Nancy Snyderman),轉任美國NBC電視台醫藥新聞主編後知名度竄升,新近出版《致命的醫學小常識????》(Medical Myths That Can Kill You),封面打肖像牌顯見就是暢銷保單。新書走智性訴求,強調許多聽來的「醫學小常識」都是錯的;提醒讀者想活得健康長壽,就必須深入瞭解醫學知識背後 的科學根據,在生活中實踐。
- A traditional, typically ancient story dealing with supernatural beings, ancestors, or heroes that serves as a fundamental type in the worldview of a people, as by explaining aspects of the natural world or delineating the psychology, customs, or ideals of society: the myth of Eros and Psyche; a creation myth.
- Such stories considered as a group: the realm of myth.
- A popular belief or story that has become associated with a person, institution, or occurrence, especially one considered to illustrate a cultural ideal: a star whose fame turned her into a myth; the pioneer myth of suburbia.
- A fiction or half-truth, especially one that forms part of an ideology.
- A fictitious story, person, or thing: “German artillery superiority on the Western Front was a myth” (Leon Wolff).
[New Latin m[ymacr]thus, from Late Latin m[ymacr]thos, from Greek mūthos.]
1 [C or U] an ancient story or set of stories, especially explaining in a literary way the early history of a group of people or about natural events and facts:
ancient myths
The children enjoyed the stories about the gods and goddesses of Greek and Roman myth.
Most societies have their own creation myths.
2 [C + that] DISAPPROVING a commonly believed but false idea:
Statistics disprove the myth that women are worse drivers than men.disprove
verb [T]
to prove that something is not true:
The allegations have been disproved.
betray (SHOW) 洩漏
verb [T]
to show feelings, thoughts or a particular characteristic without intending to:
If he is nervous on stage, he does not betray it.
Although she often seems quite cold and harsh, her smiling eyes betray her true nature.
Unintentionally reveal; be evidence of.
‘she drew a deep breath that betrayed her indignation’
