This id an introduction of the author, not as a person, but as a personage.
Things Considered, December 26, 2005 · I believe in the power of presence.
I was recently reminded of this belief when I and several other Red Cross volunteers met a group of evacuees from Hurricane Katrina. We were there, as mental health professionals, to offer "psychological first aid." Despite all the training in how to "debrief," to educate about stress reactions and to screen for those needing therapy, I was struck again by the simple healing power of presence. Even as we walked in the gate to the shelter, we were greeted with an ardent burst of gratitude from the first person we encountered. I felt appreciated, but vaguely guilty, because I hadn't really done anythingpersona/另類閱聽─表演藝術中的大腦疾病與音聲異常
這本書有些不夠嚴謹 多照書全抄
譬如說 談 persona 指從面具後發出的聲音
可是你查多數的詞源 它指的是"面具" 譬如說
- A living human. Often used in combination: chairperson; spokesperson; salesperson.
- An individual of specified character: a person of importance.
- The composite of characteristics that make up an individual personality; the self.
- The living body of a human: searched the prisoner's person.
- Physique and general appearance.
- Law. A human or organization with legal rights and duties.
- Christianity. Any of the three separate individualities of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as distinguished from the essence of the Godhead that unites them.
- Grammar.
- Any of three groups of pronoun forms with corresponding verb inflections that distinguish the speaker (first person), the individual addressed (second person), and the individual or thing spoken of (third person).
- Any of the different forms or inflections expressing these distinctions.
- A character or role, as in a play; a guise: "Well, in her person, I say I will not have you" (Shakespeare).
in person
- In one's physical presence; personally: applied for the job in person.
[Middle English, from Old French persone, from Latin persōna, mask, role, person, probably from Etruscan phersu, mask.]
USAGE NOTE The word person has found widespread use in recent decades as a gender-neutral alternative to man in the names of occupational and social roles, such as businessperson, chairperson, spokesperson, and layperson. In addition, a variety of entirely new, more inclusive phrases have arisen to compete with or supplant -man compounds. Now we often hear first-year student instead of freshman and letter carrier instead of mailman. In other cases, a clipped form, such as chair for chairman, or a phrase, such as member of the clergy for clergyman,
has found widespread use as a neutral alternative. Reflecting this
trend, new standards of official usage for occupational titles have been
established by the U.S. Department of Labor and other government
agencies; for instance, in official contexts, terms such as firefighter and police officer are now generally used in place of fireman and policeman. See Usage Notes at man.
1 父, 父親;((the 〜))父親の情[愛, 威厳](▼子供が父親を呼ぶときはDad, Daddy);(動物の)雄親;((F-))((呼びかけ))お父さん(▼まれに妻が夫を呼ぶときにも使われる)
a bereaved father
子 に先立たれた父
子 に先立たれた父
a father of two [three]
二 [三]児の父親
二 [三]児の父親
the father in him
彼 の父性愛
彼 の父性愛
Like father, like son.
((こ とわざ)) この親にしてこの子あり
((こ とわざ)) この親にしてこの子あり
Mother told Father about me.
母 は私のことを父に話した(▼自分の父をさすときしばしば固有名詞扱いにするが, 改まっていうときはmy fatherを用いる).
母 は私のことを父に話した(▼自分の父をさすときしばしば固有名詞扱いにするが, 改まっていうときはmy fatherを用いる).
2 ((広義))義父(father-in-law);継父(stepfather);養父(adoptive father)(▼養父母はadoptive, 養子女はadoptedを用いる);父親代わりの人;保護者, 後見人.
3 ((通例 one's 〜s))((文))先祖, 父祖;始祖
be gathered to one's fathers
死 ぬ
死 ぬ
sleep [lie] with one's fathers
4 神父, 聖職者;((F-))((司祭に対する敬称))…神父;((Fathers))(キリスト教初期の)教父
Father Brown
ブラウン神 父.
ブラウン神 父.
5 ((F-))《神学》至高者, 造物主, 神;((the F-, our F-))父なる神.
6 ((老人への尊称))…老, …翁.
7 ((川の擬人化))父なる川
Father Thames
(the) Father of Waters
((米)) (特に)ミシシッピ川.
((米)) (特に)ミシシッピ川.
8 ((通例 〜s))(市町村の)指導的人物, 長老(city fathers);((主に英))(団体・議会などの)最長老, 最古参.
9 (…の)創始[創設, 創造]者, 生みの親, 考案[発明]者, 開祖((of ...));((F-))…の父
the (Founding) Fathers
建 国の父たち, 米国憲法制定[署名]者たち
建 国の父たち, 米国憲法制定[署名]者たち
Hippocrates is the father of medicine.
10 先行するもの, 原型, 本源.
(a bit of) how's your father
((英略式))((おどけて))性交, セックス.
from father to son
the father and mother of a ...
((略式))非常にきびしい[激しい]…, 異常に大きな…
the father (and mother) of a row
激しいけんか(▼((豪))ではand motherを省く).
激しいけんか(▼((豪))ではand motherを省く).
1 〈子を〉(父として)もうける, …の父となる
father three sons
3 人の息子の父親になる.
3 人の息子の父親になる.
2 …を起こす, 創始する, 生み出す;…の創造[創作]者である
father a rumor
うわさ をまいた当人である
うわさ をまいた当人である
This university fathers a lot of promising scientists.
3 …の父としてふるまう[世話する].
4 …を(父として)認知する;〈著作などを〉自分の作だとする, 〈失態などの〉責任を認める;(人を)〈子の〉父親だとする;〈物を〉(人の)作だとする, …を(…の)せいにする((on, upon ...))
father a bastard
嫡 出でない子を認知する.
嫡 出でない子を認知する.
[古英語fæder. △ドイツ語Vater]
- A male person whose sperm unites with an egg, resulting in the conception of a child.
- A man who adopts a child.
- A man who raises a child.
- A male parent of an animal.
- A male ancestor.
- A man who creates, originates, or founds something: Chaucer is considered the father of English poetry.
- An early form; a prototype.
- Father Christianity.
- God.
- The first person of the Christian Trinity.
- An elderly or venerable man. Used as a title of respect.
- A member of the senate in ancient Rome.
- One of the leading men, as of a city: the town fathers.
- or Father A church father.
- (Abbr. Fr.)
- A priest or clergyman in the Roman Catholic or Anglican churches.
- Used as a title and form of address with or without the clergyman's name.
v., -thered, -ther·ing, -thers.
- To procreate (offspring) as the male parent.
- To act or serve as a father to (a child).
- To create, found, or originate.
- To acknowledge responsibility for.
- To attribute the paternity, creation, or origin of.
- To assign falsely or unjustly; foist.
To act or serve as a father.
[Middle English fader, from Old English fæder.]
- 発音記号[intérəgèit]
2 《コンピュータ》〈データベースなどに〉情報を送らせる, 応答させる.
[ラテン語interrogātus (inter-間で+rogāre問う). △ROGATION]
- 発音記号[diːbríːf]
[動](他)〈帰還した兵士・飛行士・外交官などに〉(…について)任務の結果を尋ねる, 報告を聞く((on ...)).
[名]"Presence is a noun, not a verb; it is a state of being, not doing."
━━ n. ある[いる]こと, 存在; 出席; 人前; (えらい人の)面前; (軍隊・警官などの)駐留(隊); 風采(さい), (立派な)態度; 霊(気).
in the presence of …の面前で.
presence of mind 沈着.
stage presence 舞台度胸.

n. n. - 出席, 存在, 到場
日本語 (Japanese)
n. - 存在, 出席, 面前, 人前, 御前, 居る人, 風采, 舞台度胸, 幽霊, 霊
n. - 存在, 出席, 面前, 人前, 御前, 居る人, 風采, 舞台度胸, 幽霊, 霊
- The state or fact of being present; current existence or occurrence.
- Immediate proximity in time or space.
- The area immediately surrounding a great personage, especially a sovereign.
- A person who is present.
- A person's bearing, especially when it commands respectful attention: "He continues to possess the presence, mental as well as physical, of the young man" (Brendan Gill).
- The quality of self-assurance and effectiveness that permits a performer to achieve a rapport with the audience: stage presence.
- A supernatural influence felt to be nearby.
- The diplomatic, political, or military influence of a nation in a foreign country, especially as evidenced by the posting of its diplomats or its troops there: "The American diplomatic presence in London began in 1785 when John Adams became our first minister" (Nancy Holmes).
Meaning #3: an invisible spiritual being felt to be nearby
Meaning #4: the impression that something is present
1. 出席,在場;存在
I was surprised by the presence of so many people at the meeting.
Your presence is requested.
2. 面前,眼前
He gets nervous in the presence of famous people.
3. 風采;風度
The speaker was a man of poor presence.
4. (感到在面前的)精靈,鬼怪
Translate personage | into Italian
Pronunciation: /ˈpəːs(ə)nɪdʒ/
Definition of personage
late Middle English: from Old French, reinforced by medieval Latin personagium 'effigy'. In early use the word was qualified by words such as honourable, eminent, but since the 19th century the notion ‘significant, notable’ has been implied in the word itself
1 社会的地位の高い人, 著名人, 名士, 有力者.
2 (劇・物語などの)(登場)人物.
3 (一般に)人(person).