Chu-po Chen
左手寫色情小説,右手寫博士論文。左手用賺來的錢去支持不賺錢的右手。My dirty little secret: I've been writing erotic novels to fund my PhD
Don’t breathe a word, my mentor advised me. They were right – I’ve had…
For Frampton, Montaigne’s style is the man: compassionate, unshockable, tolerant, decent, intellectually independent. The pleasurable balance and flow of his sentences reflect the openness and even-handedness of his mind. In Montaigne’s view, there are always too many people trying to change the world who could not change a fuse. “Man is quite insane. He wouldn’t know how to create a maggot, but he creates gods by the dozen.”
‘A masterly and evenhanded take on a world that defies easy stereotypes’
Great review of #EgyptExhibition in the The Wall Street Journal
Japanese Collectors Face a Record Shortage of Obscure Music
Wall Street Journal
Japanese record-shop owners head to a San Francisco LP fair to find music that may be considered passe' in the U.S., but is highly sought in Japan. Paula Abdul, Debbie Gibson, and Spandau Ballet are some of the artists who vinyl and CD collectors are ...
“MAN of letters” was not how Gore Vidal described himself. He preferred “famous novelist”. Both terms were equally passé. There was a time when wise men, like his beloved Montaigne, wrote essays that people discussed, and a time when American novelists worth the name—Twain, Hawthorne and Melville, rather than the dwarfish fetus-faced Capote or the oafish Mailer—wrote books that the public actually read; but that was long ago. Mr Vidal, a man whose persona breathed east-coast aristocracy, found civilisation crumbling all around him, and roared his indignation.

Cosmic Pyrotechnics: New Planetary Nebula Dazzles Astronomers
Simone Weil once described the “Iliad” as “impartial as sunlight,” adding that “one is barely aware that the poet is a Greek and not a Trojan.” The narrator of “The Tale of the Heike” is similarly evenhanded, finding much to praise and to blame on both sides of the battlefield. Kiyomori’s virtuous son Shigemori doesn’t hesitate to chastise his father, reminding him that “the gods do not accept violence against what is right.” The oafish Genji commander Kiso, by contrast, who doesn’t know that “a gentleman boards a carriage from the rear and leaves by the front,” sows discord among his people.
adjective: evenhanded
- fair and impartial in treatment or judgement."an even-handed approach to industrial relations"
- 音節
- breathe
- 発音
- bríːð
- breatheの変化形
- breathed (過去形) • breathed (過去分詞) • breathing (現在分詞) • breathes (三人称単数現在)
- breatheの慣用句
- As I breathe and live!, breathe again, breathe ... in, (全4件)
2 一息つく, 休息する.
3 生きている.
4 〈ワインが〉(かおりを豊かにするために)栓を抜いたあと空気にさらされる.
2 〈馬などを〉一息つかせる, 休ませる.
3 …を息切れさせる;…を疲れさせる;…に運動させる;〈犬などを〉散歩させる.
5 …を表現する, 明示する
As I breathe and live!/As I live and breathe!
((略式))(1) (久しぶりに会った人に)これは驚いた.
(2) ((強い決意))必ず, きっと.
breathe again [=breathe more easily / breathe easier]
breathe ... in/breathe in ...
(1) ⇒(他)1(2) (少しも聞き逃すまいと)…に耳を傾ける.
breathe on [upon] ...
(1) …に息を吹きかける.(2) …をよごす;…を中傷する.
- oafish
- [形]やぼな;がらの悪い.
- oaf
- [名](複 〜s, ((古))oaves 〔óuvz〕)1 ばか;まぬけ;武骨者, いなか者. ▼特に男子についていう You('re a) big oaf!大ばか野郎.2 ((古))=chan...
- [nébjulə]
[名](複-lae 〔-lì
〕, 〜s)

1 《天文》星雲.
2 《病理学》角膜片雲;尿の白濁(物).

━━ n. 【ギリシア神話】オリオン ((巨人の猟師;Artemis に殺されるが星座となる)); 【天文】オリオン座.

The Warrior, in astronomy, and undoubtedly the finest of all constellations in the sky. Orion is a winter group near the celestial equator. Four of the most prominent stars, α, γ, β, and κ, form a huge crude rectangle (see illustration). The group is pictured as the figure of a warrior, holding a shield with his left hand and swinging a club with his raised right arm ready to strike the charging Bull. Betelgeuse (meaning armpit), one of the largest stars known, is the red star at the right shoulder, Bellatrix is at the left shoulder, and Rigel, the blue-white star, is at the left leg. Three bright stars in a straight line in the middle of the rectangle represent the warrior's belt. The center star is Alnilam. See also Constellation; Orion Nebula.

Line pattern of the constellation Orion. M42 designates the Orion Nebula. The grid lines represent the coordinates of the sky. The apparent brightness, or magnitude, of the stars is shown by the size of the dots, graded by appropriate numbers.
Even the biggest stars eventually fade away
With all the leaves gone from the trees, it is brighter in the copse of a park I frequent. When I recently passed by it after dark, I saw street lights illuminating the bare trees. There was something lacking in the atmosphere created by artificial lighting, but a waka poem written by Princess Shokushi (1149-1201) toward the end of the Heian Period (794-1185) popped in my head.
The poem is about chilly winds blowing leaves off the branches every night, letting moonbeams penetrate every dark corner of the garden. The season is early winter, but I think moonlight on denuded trees is aesthetically most striking in the dead of winter. And when one turns one's gaze skyward, the firmament is filled with stars blinking in brisk seasonal winds.
Readily visible in the southern sky is the Winter Triangle, which consists of three equidistantly positioned stars of the first magnitude. Orion, which is located to the right, has two first-magnitude stars. And by turning one's head, one can see other "celebrity" constellations like Cassiopeia and the Big Dipper, among others.
Interesting space-related stories have been in the news since the start of this year. One concerned Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), who, some claim, may have known that Neptune was a planet that circled the sun. If that was the case, it means that the actual discovery of this planet preceded its officially recognized year of discovery by more than 200 years.
Neptune was discovered in 1846, not by accident but by calculations that were predicated upon its assumed existence. Because of this, the discovery was hailed as a "triumph of celestial mechanics." The triumph should not be diminished in any way, even if Galileo had really discovered this planet much earlier.
For Galileo, who in his time could not even refute the geocentric view of the universe without risking his life, the discovery would be just another addition to his known great achievements.
A poem by Yoko Nagai (1951-2000) goes: "Oh, the quiet spring in the Orient/ Flower petals fall in Galileo's telescope."
The vernacular Asahi Shimbun reported Sunday that Betelgeuse, one of the two first-magnitude stars in Orion, is showing signs of a major explosion to come. The explosion would mean the death of this megastar. Even stars don't remain the same as years go by.
Gazing at the night sky, I thought of the finite nature of all created things.
--The Asahi Shimbun, Jan. 11
de·nude (dĭ-nūd', -nyūd')
The poem is about chilly winds blowing leaves off the branches every night, letting moonbeams penetrate every dark corner of the garden. The season is early winter, but I think moonlight on denuded trees is aesthetically most striking in the dead of winter. And when one turns one's gaze skyward, the firmament is filled with stars blinking in brisk seasonal winds.
Readily visible in the southern sky is the Winter Triangle, which consists of three equidistantly positioned stars of the first magnitude. Orion, which is located to the right, has two first-magnitude stars. And by turning one's head, one can see other "celebrity" constellations like Cassiopeia and the Big Dipper, among others.
Interesting space-related stories have been in the news since the start of this year. One concerned Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), who, some claim, may have known that Neptune was a planet that circled the sun. If that was the case, it means that the actual discovery of this planet preceded its officially recognized year of discovery by more than 200 years.
Neptune was discovered in 1846, not by accident but by calculations that were predicated upon its assumed existence. Because of this, the discovery was hailed as a "triumph of celestial mechanics." The triumph should not be diminished in any way, even if Galileo had really discovered this planet much earlier.
For Galileo, who in his time could not even refute the geocentric view of the universe without risking his life, the discovery would be just another addition to his known great achievements.
A poem by Yoko Nagai (1951-2000) goes: "Oh, the quiet spring in the Orient/ Flower petals fall in Galileo's telescope."
The vernacular Asahi Shimbun reported Sunday that Betelgeuse, one of the two first-magnitude stars in Orion, is showing signs of a major explosion to come. The explosion would mean the death of this megastar. Even stars don't remain the same as years go by.
Gazing at the night sky, I thought of the finite nature of all created things.
--The Asahi Shimbun, Jan. 11
denude | (verb) To divest of covering; make bare. |
Synonyms: | strip |
Usage: | Rake in hand, Flora set out to denude her lawn of fallen leaves. |
de·nude (dĭ-nūd', -nyūd')

- To divest of covering; make bare.
- Geology. To expose (rock strata) by erosion.
[Latin dēnūdāre : dē-, de- + nūdāre, to make bare (from nūdus, nude).]
denudation de'nu·da'tion (dē'nū-dā'shən, -nyū-, dĕn'yʊ-) n.- 発音記号[dinjúːd | -njúːd]
1 ((主に受身))…を裸にする;…から(おおいなどを)はぐ;〈地域の〉(動植物などを)滅ぼし尽くす;…から(特質・財産・希望・権利などを)奪い取る((of ...)).
2 《地質学》〈岩石を〉削剥(さくはく)する.assets: almost overnight the Arctic was denuded of animals
More example sentences
- The hills of the eastern plains in the area are denuded and extensively deforested.
- Musically, their self-imposed imperative of the most basic, stripped-down sound possible simply denudes their songs of what little interest they may have triggered in the first place.
- If forests are denuded and environment continually abused in this manner there will be very bad days ahead for the next generation, he said.
- 発音記号[pæséi | pɑ'ːsei]
1 時代遅れの;旧式な, すたれた.
3 〈女性が〉盛りを過ぎた.