Rodrigo Duterte told his defence secretary to buy weapons from Russia and China rather than America, hitherto the Philippines’ closest ally. He also said the navy would no longer patrol the South China Sea alongside American vessels. “I do not like the Americans,” said Mr Duterte. “It’s simply a matter of principle for me”
hither and thither [yon]
Also, hither and yon. Here and there, as in I've been wandering about, hither and thither, or Ruth went hither and yon, searching for her sister. These old words for "here" and "there" are rarely heard outside these expressions, which themselves may be dying out. [c. a.d. 725]
here·to·fore (hîr'tə-fôr', -fōr')

Up to the present time; before this; previously.
[Middle English : here, here; see here + tofore, previously (from Old English tōforan : tō, to; see to + foran, before, from fore; see fore).]
hith·er·to (hĭTH'ər-tū', hĭTH'ər-tū')

Until this time: The weather, which had hitherto been sunny and mild, suddenly turned cold.