Ken Bannister is going bananas because no one wants his bananas. Over the past 38 years, Mr. Bannister has collected more than 17,000 banana-themed artifacts. He is the founder of the International Banana Club and Museum in Hesperia, Calif., in the High Desert northeast of Los Angeles.
On Jan. 8, he received a letter from the Hesperia Recreation & Parks District informing him the banana collection must go, because the district wants to bring in new blood to the city-owned space. It will be replaced by artifacts collected by the late John Swisher, a local historian. Mr. Bannister has until the end of th, e month to pack up his bananas. "I guess it's time to split," he says.
中英對照讀新聞/ Japan goes bananas for 71-year-old horseman 日本為71歲的馬術選手瘋狂
Japanese dressage rider Hiroshi Hoketsu looks and dresses more like a soccer manager in his early fifties than the world’s oldest Olympian at 71-year-old. Meet the Benjamin Button of this year’s London Olympics.
A national celebrity, Hoketsu greets you with a firm handshake, his sharp wit and fierce determination striking you immediately.
"I don’t know how you’re supposed to feel at 71," Hoketsu told Reuters in an interview on Thursday, sitting bolt upright in a jacket and yellow tie.
"I’m the same physique as I was at university," added the German-based rider, who first competed for Japan as a 23-year-old show jumper at the 1964 Tokyo Olympics.
Whippet-thin at 1.68 metres tall and 62 kilos, Hoketsu steers clear of German food as much as possible.
"I cook four times a week and avoid oily food," he said. "I don’t eat many sausages."(Reuters)
「我一週下廚4次,避免油膩食物,」他說,「我也沒有吃太多香腸。」 (路透)
- 発音記号[hwípit | wíp-]
[名]The Whippet is a breed of dog in the sighthound family. They are active and playful and are physically similar to a small Greyhound.
1 ((英))ホイペット犬.
2 (第一次大戦中の英国軍の)豆タンク(whippet tank). 
shów jùmping[shów jùmping]
- レベル:社会人必須
Act crazy, as in When it comes to animal rights, some people go bananas. According to the lexicographer J. E. Lighter, this expression may allude to the similar go ape, in that apes and other primates are closely associated with eating bananas. [Slang; second half of 1900s]
go bananas:片語,變得瘋狂、憤怒或情緒化。例句:The man just went bananas when his daughter told him she wanted to drop out of school.(那男人在聽到他女兒說要退學不唸書就抓狂了。)
Urban Dictionary: go bananas
When you "go bananas" you behave in a slightly crazy or silly fashion. The expression is considered slang and is therefore used only in informal co...bananas

adj. Slang
Crazy: "That's the horrible thing when you're bananas-nobody can know the awful things that are going on in your head" (Otto Friedrich). "City dwellers . . . are subjected to so much noise it drives them bananas" (New Yorker).
[From banana, worthless or crazy person, from BANANA.]
- 発音記号[bənǽnəz | -nɑ'ː-]
go bananas
sharp wit:機智,形容人擁有能說笑話與發表有趣評論的良好、反應快速的能力。
steer clear of something/somebody:片語,避免某人或某事。例句:I try to steer clear of heavy meals these days.(我這些日子都儘量避免吃大餐。)
2009年 04月 24日 13:38 大宗商品開出“香蕉球” 大宗商品中存在著許多假象。
儘管本週大幅波動﹐但油價基本仍穩定在每桶50美元上下10%左右的水平。鑒於一直疲弱的供需基本面的數據﹐ 這點的確不同尋常。本月﹐國際能源署(International Energy Agency)使得人們擔心會再次發生類似80年代初那種需求萎縮的情況。從供應天數看﹐工業化國家的商業石油庫存高於1998年﹐當時的油價暴跌到了每 桶10美元。

Bloomberg News
能源經濟學家威勒格(Phil Verleger)就投機者對市場的影響發表了一番高論﹐不過可能與你想象的內容截然不同。與投機者是去年油價飆升的罪魁禍首這種普遍觀點相反﹐他認為油價和其他許多原材料的價格走勢顯示﹐大宗商品基金的進出同價格基本沒有直接的關係。
這 些基金大都是被動投資﹐但它們的確影響了遠期曲線的形狀。上升的曲線表明石油較實際需求相對過剩。基金買盤推升原油期貨的遠期價格﹐增加了曲線的上升斜 率。對於向他們出售合約的交易員﹐這帶來了購買價格較低的實物﹐儲存起來等到未來以較高價格交貨的動力﹐因此導致了庫存的居高不下。這減少了市場上的石油 供應量﹐為現貨價格提供了支撐。石油輸出國組織(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, 簡稱:歐佩克)的減產也產生了相同的作用。
不過﹐在全球經濟前景繼續惡化時﹐依靠投資 者的樂觀情緒和行業聯盟的凝聚力來保持價格的穩定需要鋼鐵般的意志。如果對石油峰值理論的信心進一步崩潰﹐或融資再度趨緊﹐對期貨需求的下降將降低遠期曲 線的陡峭程度。反過來說﹐這會降低石油套利交易的利潤﹐導致投機者清理庫存﹐從而可能打擊油價。
不 過﹐存儲並不是消費。中國進口量的激增並未帶來工業產量的相應增加﹐顯示這些金屬進入了倉庫﹐而不是工廠。奇怪的是﹐儘管中國對鐵礦石的需求顯然難以得到 滿足﹐但預計今年的價格將大幅下調。與石油過剩一樣﹐當這些庫存被利用起來時﹐價格也可能會大幅下跌﹐將這種假象轉變為真正的頭痛。
banana ball is when the ball rotate while keep forwarding, the direction of the ball will change. The trajector of the ball looks like a banana.
here is more scientific explaination for that:
when the golf ball goes forward, if face head wind. Then, its rotating, the volecity of the wind on either side of the ball differ, resulting in the difference in force. Therefore, the ball will be forced to one direction instead what it is started for.
hope it helps, you can get some hints by checking out what is topspin and backspin.