It’s a seemingly harmless act: smooching a tiny turtle as it sits in the palm of your hand. But the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is warning animal lovers not to do it.
At least 26 people across 11 states have recently been infected in a salmonella outbreak linked to small turtles, the CDC said in a recent investigation notice. At least nine have been hospitalized.
“Don’t kiss or snuggle your turtle, and don’t eat or drink around it" because this can spread salmonella "to your mouth and make you sick" the CDC warned, adding that turtles with shells less than four inches long are “a known source of illness.”
A Cat Can't Get Enough Of This Dog Snuggle Pile
financial realm is forming in the emerging world. The hegemon-in-waiting financially, as geopolitically, is China
A new report set out to investigate how salmonella infections from live birds had changed, and why.
A new report set out to investigate how salmonella infections from live birds had changed, and why.
Your trip abroad just got immeasurably easier!
No one would reconstitute California in its current form if starting from scratch. But unravelling the creation would be immeasurably more painful than dealing with its flaws. What would happen if California was split up?
At this time of year, everyone needs to snuggle up to someone from time to time. In this lithograph, Ceri Richards instills that warm fuzzy feeling.
View the main page for this artwork
Historically globalisation has needed a hegemon. America seems to be retreating from that role and China is not yet ready for it. So far it has opened itself to foreigners only when it sees a clear benefit to itself. As one foreign executive who has spent decades in China puts it, "the defining ideology in China is the ideology of nationalism

Architecture Review: A Glass Box That Nests Snugly on the Roof
Comeuppance for Rich, at Least on Screen
“We Are the Nobles,” a satirical look at the habits of wealthy Mexicans, has become the highest-grossing Mexican film ever. Above, Gaz Alazraki, the director.
Declinism resurgent
Detroit has declined immeasurably since...
Apple Launches Digital Picture Books
Now, kids can snuggle up with an iPad for a bedtime story.
Pronunciation: /snʌɡ /
ADJECTIVE ( snugger, snuggest)
BritishBack to top
VERB ( snugs, snugging, snugged)
1.1[ NO OBJECT, WITH ADVERBIAL OF DIRECTION] Settlecomfortably and cosily:the passengers snugged down amongst thecargo
late 16th century (originally in nautical use in the sense 'shipshape, compact, prepared for bad weather'): probably of Low German or Dutch origin.

v., -gled, -gling, -gles. v.intr.
- To lie or press close together; cuddle.
- To curl up closely or comfortably; nestle: snuggled happily under the covers.
To draw close or hold closely, as for comfort or in affection; hug.
[Frequentative of SNUG1 .]
Urban Dictionary: snuggle
Top Definition. snuggle. To make oneself comfortable, usually by moving closer to another person or thing. To embrace closely, as to show affection or offer ...The adjective has 2 meanings:
Meaning #1: impossible to measure
Synonyms: unmeasurable, immensurable
Antonym: measurable (meaning #1)
Meaning #2: beyond calculation or measure
Synonyms: incomputable, inestimable

v., -clined, -clin·ing, -clines.
- To express polite refusal.
- To slope downward; descend.
- To bend downward; droop.
- To degrade or lower oneself; condescend.
- To deteriorate gradually; fail.
- To sink, as the setting sun.
- To draw to a gradual close; wane.
- To refuse politely: I declined their offer of help. See synonyms at refuse1.
- To cause to slope or bend downward.
- Grammar. To inflect (a noun, a pronoun, or an adjective) for number and case.
- The process or result of declining, especially a gradual deterioration.
- A downward movement.
- The period when something approaches an end.
- A downward slope; a declivity.
- A disease that gradually weakens or wastes the body.
[Middle English declinen, from Old French decliner, from Latin dēclīnāre, to turn away, bend downward, change the form of a word : dē-, de- + -clīnāre, to lean, bend.]
declinable de·clin'a·ble adj.decliner de·clin'er n.
The belief that something, particularly a country or a political or
economic system, is undergoing a significant and possibly irreversible
—declinist n., adj.
—declinist n., adj.
Example Citations:
The declinists, we might say, will always be with us. Wherever
anyone believes in progress, someone, possibly the same one, believes in
decline. Declinism emerges today from the triumphalism of the
right: In our greatness, conservatives say, there is much to lose, and
many who threaten us. So, too, does it emerge from the pessimism of the
left: Power corrupts, and the corrupt will get their comeuppance. At
present, both impulses—triumphalist and pessimistic, chest-beating and
self-lacerating—are on the upsurge. So too, then, declinism.
—Laura Secor, "That sinking feeling," The Boston Globe, September 14, 2003
—Laura Secor, "That sinking feeling," The Boston Globe, September 14, 2003
Nearly every sentiment and idea that Franzen relays about the fallen
preeminence of literature has been expressed before, and better. No one
needs to be reminded for the umpteenth time that Dickens was a popular
sensation and that the audiences that once clamored at the docks for
news of Little Nell now queue at the multiplex or congregate in
cyberspace. Like Broadway, the fabulous invalid, the serious novel has
seemed poised to breathe its last ever since electricity entered the
home. As a cultural analyst, Franzen is simply the latest to join the
chorus line of declinism: Gore Vidal has been signing the novel's death certificate for a half-century.
—James Wolcott, "Advertisements for Himself," The New Republic, December 2, 2002
—James Wolcott, "Advertisements for Himself," The New Republic, December 2, 2002
First Use:
In 1988 the United States reached the zenith of its fifth wave of declinism
since the 1950s. The roots of this phenomenon lie in the political
economy literature of the early 1980s that analyzed the fading American
economic hegemony and attempted to identify the consequences of its
disappearance. ...
Although predominantly of a liberal-leftist hue, declinist
writings reflect varying political philosophies and make many different
claims. In general, however, they offer three core propositions.
First, the United States is declining economically compared to other market economy countries, most notably Japan but also Europe and the newly industrializing countries. The declinists focus on economic performance and on scientific, technological and educations factors presumably related to economic performance.
Second, economic power is the central element of a nation's strength, and hence a decline in economic power eventually affects the other dimensions of national power.
Third, the relative economic decline of the United States is caused primarily by its spending too much for military purposes, which in turn is the result, in Kennedy's phrase, of "imperial overstretch," of attempting to maintain commitments abroad that the country can no longer afford.
—Samuel P. Huntington," The U.S. — Decline or Renewal?," Foreign Affairs, December 1, 1988
First, the United States is declining economically compared to other market economy countries, most notably Japan but also Europe and the newly industrializing countries. The declinists focus on economic performance and on scientific, technological and educations factors presumably related to economic performance.
Second, economic power is the central element of a nation's strength, and hence a decline in economic power eventually affects the other dimensions of national power.
Third, the relative economic decline of the United States is caused primarily by its spending too much for military purposes, which in turn is the result, in Kennedy's phrase, of "imperial overstretch," of attempting to maintain commitments abroad that the country can no longer afford.
—Samuel P. Huntington," The U.S. — Decline or Renewal?," Foreign Affairs, December 1, 1988
Declinism has been called the "apocalypse soon" school of
international relations. The word was coined in 1988 by Samuel P.
Huntington (see the first use, above), but the noun "declinist"
appears in the Oxford English Dictionary, where a citation from 1831
mentions the "doctrine of the decline of science" and labels one of its
proponents as "the leader of the Declinists." The opposite is triumphalism,
which originally (circa 1964) referred to excessive or blind pride in
the achievements of one's religion or church, but now has a broader
mandate in the language (for example, excessive or blind pride in the
achievements of one's country).
Pronunciation: /kʌmˈʌp(ə)ns/
Definition of comeuppance
[in singular] informalsnug[snug]
- 発音記号[snʌ'g]
[形](〜・ger, 〜・gest)
3 〈衣類が〉体にぴったりの, 少しきつい;〈ふたなどが〉ぴったり合う.
4 〈家などが〉こじんまりした, 整った;〈船などが〉きちんと整備された;〈船が〉航海に耐える.
5 〈収入などが〉不自由のない, 十分な.
━━[動](〜・ged, 〜・ging)(自)気持ちよく寄り添う, くつろぐ.
1 …を気持ちよくする, 小ぎれいにする, きちんとする;…を(…に)ぴったり合わせる((to ...)).
2 …を隠す.
━━[副]居心地よく, きちんと, こじんまりと.
- 発音記号[hidʒéməni | -gém-]
1 (連盟などの間の)主導権, 盟主権.
[ギリシャ語hēgemonía (hēgemon指導者+-Y3=指導者であること)]
nik | hì

Pronunciation: /ˈhɛdʒɪmɒn/