Great Summer Reads: Find The Perfect Book to Enjoy this Summer!
The hottest months of summer are here! Fortunately, summer reading is one of the few activities that can be enjoyed equally indoors with the AC running or while working on your tan at the beach. Below are someOxford titles that will help you make the best use of long days and summer vacations!
The hottest months of summer are here! Fortunately, summer reading is one of the few activities that can be enjoyed equally indoors with the AC running or while working on your tan at the beach. Below are some

- Emitting visible light as a result of being heated.
- Shining brilliantly; very bright. See synonyms at bright.
- Characterized by ardent emotion, intensity, or brilliance: an incandescent performance.
noun [S]UK
the act of reading something:
It's not brilliant but it's worth a read.
The book is a good/easy etc. read.
INFORMAL Could I have a read of (= Could I read) your newspaper, if you've finished with it?
noun [S]
the act of reading something:
It's not brilliant but it's worth a read.
The book is a good/easy etc. read.
INFORMAL Could I have a read of (= Could I read) your newspaper, if you've finished with it?
“summer read(s)” --注意一般說法為第一段的summer reading
noun [C or U]
US ABBREVIATION FOR air conditioner or air conditioning (1930)
noun [C or U]
US ABBREVIATION FOR air conditioner or air conditioning (1930)
tan (COLOUR)
noun [C] (ALSO suntan)
when your skin is brown from being in the sun:
a deep tan
noun [C] (ALSO suntan)
when your skin is brown from being in the sun:
a deep tan
One trillion (10 exp12): terahertz.
1,099,511,627,776 (2 exp40): terabyte.
[From Greek teras, monster.]
Trillion (10 to the 12th power). Abbreviated "T." It often refers to the precise value 1,099,511,627,776 since computer specifications are usually binary numbers.
(1) (TB) (TeraByte) One trillion bytes (technically 1,099,511,627,776 bytes). See tera and space/time.
(2) (Tb) (TeraBit) One trillion bits (technically 1,099,511,627,776 bits). Lower case "b" for bit and "B" for byte are not always followed and often misprinted. Thus, Tb may refer to terabyte. See tera and space/time.
A terabyte is a measure of computer storage capacity and is 2 to the 40th power or approximately a thousand billion bytes (that is, a thousand gigabytes).
希捷科技(Seagate Technology)發表Barracuda ES.2與Barracuda 7200.11全新兩款硬碟機,搭載領先業界的1TB (terabyte)高容量,以及高效能與可靠度,支援各種企業與桌上型PC應用,因應全球各地快速激增的數位內容儲存需求。 一般家庭與辦公室數位內容的爆炸性成長,...