The children were on their way to school when one of its ropes snapped.
Boris Johnson Survives No-Confidence Vote but Is Politically Damaged
The vote sets off a volatile period: Mr. Johnson vowed to stay on, but history suggests he could still be drummed out of office. Catch up on the vote.
-- Oscar Wilde
We have to think about people here who have no alternatives. They are not rich like some people in Hong Kong who, if things go wrong, can just up and go elsewhere. For many people they don’t have this choice. I think it is incumbent upon every one of us who can do something to at least arrest the rate of deterioration, to continue to do our best.
Pro-Russian Insurgents Balk at Terms of Pact in Ukraine
A U.S.-backed deal to settle the crisis in eastern Ukraine fell flat
but appeared to arrest, at least temporarily, the momentum of
separatist unrest in the region.
Taiwan opposition pushes vote of no confidence, wants premier sacked for poor ...
Washington Post
TAIPEI, Taiwan — Taiwan's main opposition party on Tuesday called for the ouster of the island's premier and blamed the government for mismanaging the economy. But analysts say there may be no quick fix for the economy unless the global recovery picks ...
Early 20th-century photographs of suspects, part of the New York Police Museum collection, show faces that might not look out of place on the street today.
A Generation in the Balance
The lack of confidence in government has turned many older voters rightward. Younger voters have not followed. But even they will want results eventually.
adv. & adj.To or on the right.
A Generation in the Balance
The lack of confidence in government has turned many older voters rightward. Younger voters have not followed. But even they will want results eventually.
adv. & adj.To or on the right.
11 ((米俗))逮捕する, パクる.
A challenge to Kosovo's fledgling democracy
Snap elections are to be held in Kosovo next month after the coalition
government fell victim to a vote of no confidence on Tuesday.
The DW-WORLD.DE Article
A snap election is an election called earlier than scheduled. Generally it refers to an election called when no one expects it, usually to capitalize on a unique electoral opportunity or to decide a pressing issue. It differs from a recall election in that it is initiated by politicians (usually the head of government or ruling party) rather than voters. Because the power to call snap elections usually lies with the incumbent, they frequently result in increased majorities for the party already in power having been called at an advantageous time, however there have been cases of snap elections backfiring and resulting in the ruling party's opposition winning and gaining power. Generally speaking, the Prime Minister under such systems does not have the legal power to call an election, but rather must request the election be called by the head of state. In most countries, the head of state always grants such a request by convention, but in some systems (for instance, the semi-presidential system of the Weimar Republic in Germany 1920-1933) the head of state has been known to deny the Prime Minister's request.
Pronunciation: /əˈrɛst/verb
1 [mass noun] The action of seizing someone and taking them into custody: I have a warrant for your arrest they placed her under arrest [count noun]: at least 69 arrests were madePhrases
late Middle English: from Old French arester, based on Latin ad- 'at, to' + restare 'remain, stop'.snap
1 ばね仕掛けの, パチンとしまる.
2 急の, 即座の, 不意の
a snap decision
3 ((米))楽な, やさしい
a snap history quiz
━━[副]ポキッと, プツンと
go snap
1 ((トランプのスナップゲームで, 同じ2枚のカードがでたとき発する声))スナップ.
2 ((略式))((同じ種類の物を見つけたとき発する声))あれ, これと同じだ.snap
Baseball pitching and batting, when the hitting of golf, the use of the wrist of the force.
- 発音記号[kɑ'nfədəns | kɔ'n-]