What advertising pros love about such a magazine is its influence and its readers.
And pros such as David Ogilvy,… unanimously agree the only magazine that fits the bill is The Reader's Digest.
Ms. Prophet, who is British and an artist, and Mr. Richardson, a financial consultant from Clinton, N.Y., say they hadn't expected to sell the house after all their work but they now want to establish a retreat for artists and scientists in New England.

━━ n. 退却; (普通the ~) 退却の合図; 帰営らっぱ[太鼓]; 隠退[避難](所); 【カトリック】黙想
retreat:退省;避靜:在一段時期中,暫時離開日常的俗世生活,靜下心來,祈禱默思,作一心靈上的反省,分辨並檢討自己對天主和對他人的關係,若發現有違天主旨意的地方,則設法加以改善。退省院稱 retreat center。
; 【聖公会】静修.
beat a retreat 退却する; 企てをやめる.
in full retreat 総退却中で.
make good one's retreat 首尾よく難をのがれる.
━━ v. 退く[かせる] ((from)); 退却する; 引退する.
fill/fit the bill

; 【聖公会】静修.

━━ v. 退く[かせる] ((from)); 退却する; 引退する.
to be exactly what is needed in a particular situation:
例子:That box will fill the bill nicely.
David Ogilvy 在該廣告的引言是: 他每月看39種雜誌,讀者文摘甚至讓他欽佩。 Wikipedia article "David Ogilvy".