The best way to show gratitude is by giving to the people who come after us.
美聯社 芝加哥大學全國民調研究中心(AP-NORC)近日對一千多名美國成年人進行調查,請他們選擇一個詞來表達自己對過去一年和目前生活狀況的感受,高達七成受訪者選擇了“感激”(gratefu)一詞。對民意一向難以聚合的美國來說,七成是一個很高的數字。
Dear Friend,
Our sincerest apologies – an email was mistakenly sent to you today, indicating that you had an installment gift could not be processed.
This message was sent in error.
Please disregard with our gratitude for your understanding.
With thanks,

Lisa Torres
Sr. Membership Director
Sipping a glass of water, the president offered special gratitude to the woman on his right.
“I advised this hard-working Cabinet to get a little bit of rest this week,” he said, looking at Hillary Clinton, “particularly the people who have been traveling around the globe day-in and day-out and don’t know what time zone they’re in.”
The adverb has one meaning:
Meaning #1: for an indefinite number of successive days
Synonym: day after day
美聯社 芝加哥大學全國民調研究中心(AP-NORC)近日對一千多名美國成年人進行調查,請他們選擇一個詞來表達自己對過去一年和目前生活狀況的感受,高達七成受訪者選擇了“感激”(gratefu)一詞。對民意一向難以聚合的美國來說,七成是一個很高的數字。
“To not have entirely wasted one’s life seems to be a worthy accomplishment, if only for myself.”
On Bukowski's birthday, his extraordinary letter of gratitude to the man who helped him quit his day job at the post office to become a poet
Dear Friend,
Our sincerest apologies – an email was mistakenly sent to you today, indicating that you had an installment gift could not be processed.
This message was sent in error.
Please disregard with our gratitude for your understanding.
With thanks,

Lisa Torres
Sr. Membership Director
Sipping a glass of water, the president offered special gratitude to the woman on his right.
“I advised this hard-working Cabinet to get a little bit of rest this week,” he said, looking at Hillary Clinton, “particularly the people who have been traveling around the globe day-in and day-out and don’t know what time zone they’re in.”
Day-In Day-Out
The adverb has one meaning:
Meaning #1: for an indefinite number of successive days
Synonym: day after day
tr.v., thanked, thank·ing, thanks.
- To express gratitude to; give thanks to: He thanked her for the gift.
- To hold responsible; credit: We can thank the parade for this traffic jam.
[Middle English thanken, from Old English thancian.]
thanks to
On account of, because of, as in Thanks to your help, we'll be done on time. This phrase alludes to gratitude being due to someone or something. It is also put negatively, no thanks to, meaning "without the benefit of help from," as in We finally found your house, no thanks to the confusing map you drew. This usage, first recorded in 1633, is about a hundred years older than the first term, recorded only in 1737.
Used as a toast or valediction. See salutation.
Used as a toast or valediction. See salutation.
〔國際新聞中心/綜合報導〕在英國,如果你幫了別人一個忙,別期望聽到「謝謝」!調查顯示,現在越來越多英國人覺得用「謝謝」(Thank you)表達謝意,實在太過正經八百,因此近5成的人寧可用「謝啦」(Cheers)等不那麼正式的同義詞取代,說法文「謝謝」(Merci)或西班牙文「感謝」(Gracias)的人,都比說Thank you的人多。甚至有受訪者認為,表達謝意無須拘泥言詞,一個迷人的微笑,就足以訴說千言萬語。
這份由線上禮物商店「Me to You」發起的民調,詢問3000名英國民眾如何表達感謝,結果高居排行榜第一的竟然不是傳統的Thank you,而是也有「乾杯」等意的「Cheers」。近5成受訪者表示,他們使用Cheers的頻率,還比使用Thank you高。其他諸如簡明扼要的俚語「感恩喔!」(Ta)、「大感謝!」(Much appreciated),甚至連「酷喔!」(cool)、「讚!」(awesome),用的人都比說Thank you的多。「Me to You」表示,4成受訪者覺得「Thank you」太過正式,也有許多受訪者認為,只要是用友善又禮貌的方式表達,如何表示感謝,形式並不那麼重要,因此許多人認同,送上甜死人的微笑、或用揮手等表示謝意,可是遠遠勝過千言萬語道出的感謝呢!
grace noun (APPROVAL)
[ U ] formal
approval or kindness, especially (in the Christian religion) that is freely given by God to all humans:
Betty believed that it was through divine grace that her husband had recovered from his illness.
by the grace of God formal
through the kindness or help of God:
By the grace of God, the pilot managed to land the damaged plane safely.
grace :聖寵;恩寵;恩典:上主賜與世人的恩惠,尤其經由聖事和祈禱而賜與,使人不僅死後可享永生,即使在今生,也能更自由地,以信心、以希望、以愛情歡度現世的生活(參閱法典 840 ; 844 ; 961 )。
grace, actual :寵佑;助力聖寵;現時恩寵;助人為善的聖寵:指人在皈依的開始,或在聖化的過程中,來自天主的助佑,是天主所賜的超性神恩,開導人的理智好能分辨是非、善惡,感動人的意志以便行善避惡。
grace, efficacious :實效聖寵;有效聖寵:在靈魂上能發揮功效的聖寵。
grace, habitual :寵愛;常存聖寵:是恒常的向善傾向,使人依照天主的召喚而生活和行動;是天主賜給沒有大罪的善人之超性生命,得以分享天主的生命,成為天主的義子義女,蒙天主鍾愛。又稱聖化聖寵 grace, sanctifying 。
Grace, His :閣下:英國基督徒對總主教的尊稱;第三人稱。美國用 His Excellency 。
grace, illuminating :神光:寵佑之一種,使人頭腦清醒,易於行善。
grace, sacramental :聖事聖寵:領受聖事時,聖事本身所賜予之恩(聖)寵。
grace, sanctifying :寵愛;聖化聖寵。詳見 grace, habitual 。
Grace, Your :閣下:英國基督徒對總主教的尊稱;第二人稱。美國用 Your Excellency 。
grace after meals :飯後經:基督徒用飯後的感恩祈禱文。
grace at meals :飯經;膳時致謝;謝飯禱告:基督徒飯前、飯後習慣誦念的禱詞。
grace before meals :飯前經;謝飯禱告:基督徒用飯前的感恩祈禱文。
I'm so grateful (to you) for all that you've done.
After the earthquake we felt grateful to be alive.
I'm just grateful that I'm not still working for him.
formal I would be most grateful if you would send me the book immediately.
- 音節
- grat • i • tude
- 発音
- grǽtətjùːd | -tjùːd
- [名][U](物事への)感謝(の念)((for ...));(人への)謝意((to ...))