黑幫角色變成了自己的專長,在《真實羅曼史》(True Romance, 1993)和《危險機密》(The Juror,
日語原文 | せんだいメディアテーク |
平文式羅馬字 | Sendai Mediateku |
List of Tony Blair's Personal Contacts "Hacked"
Hacker group claims to have published former British prime minister's address book.
Web Alphabet Is Set to Change
The body that oversees the design of the Internet is set to let Web addresses be expressed in characters other than those of the Roman alphabet.
Domestic cats are considered among the 100 worst non-native invasive species in the world yet control of the creatures has not been widely addressed by local, state and federal governments, the study shows.(Reuters)
hustings (HUS-tingz)
1. Political campaign trail.
2. A place where campaign speeches are made.
3. A local court formerly held in some localities in Britain and still occasionally held in London.
4. A local court in some parts of Virginia.
From Middle English, from Old English husting, from Old Norse husthing, from hus (house) + thing (assembly)
Hustings is the British equivalent of the US word stump. Originally, campaigning politicians conveniently used the stump of a large tree to stand on and to speak from. Today, it's metaphorically used in expressions such as stump speech (campaign speech) or on the stump (on the campaign trail). Until 1872 Hustings was the raised platform from which candidates were nominated for the British Parliament, and where they addressed electors.
"By this time next Monday, after all the hurly-burly of the hustings is done, Malaysians would have cast their ballots in the country's 11th general election and the results will be known." — Warren Fernandez; Election Numbers to Watch; The Straits Times (Singapore); Mar 15, 2004.
"A lot can be learned about candidates from their speeches on the hustings: not what they say, but how they say it." — The Way He Talks; Economist (London, UK); Mar 4 2004.
address:動詞,處理、對付。例句:We need to address the issue immediately. (我們必須立刻處理這個問題。)
- addressの変化形
- addresses (複数形) • addressed (過去形) • addressed (過去分詞) • addressing (現在分詞) • addresses (三人称単数現在)
[名] 〔
drés, ǽdres |

1 (式典などでの)あいさつ(の言葉);(特に公式の)演説, 式辞, 講演, 声明
address forms
(1) (郵便物などの)あて名(▼厳密には名前を含まない);上書き, 住所, 所番地
(1) (郵便物などの)あて名(▼厳密には名前を含まない);上書き, 住所, 所番地
a permanent address
定住所(長期出張・留学・軍役などで住所が不確実なとき, 必ず連絡できる留守宅や親元などの住所)
(2) 《コンピュータ》アドレス.定住所(長期出張・留学・軍役などで住所が不確実なとき, 必ず連絡できる留守宅や親元などの住所)
5 ((米))(立法府が行政府に対して行う)裁判官罷免(ひめん)請求.
7 ((the A-))((米))大統領の教書;((英))勅語奉答文.
━━[動] 〔
drés〕 (〜ed or -drest, 〜・ing)(他)

1 [III[名]]〈よく知らない人に〉(丁寧に)話しかける, 呼びかける;[V[名]as[名]]〈人に〉(敬称・愛称で)話しかける, 〈人を〉(…と)呼びかける
2 [III[名]]〈団体・集会などに〉演説する
3 ((形式))〈要求・意見などを〉(…に向かって)述べる, (…の)耳に入れる, (…に)申し入れる((to ...));((〜 -self))(…に)話しかける, 発言する((to ...))
4 ((通例受身))〈郵便物などの〉あて名[上書き]を書く;…を(人に)あてる((to ...))
5 ((形式))〈心・注意力・精力などを〉(…に)注ぐ, 向ける((to ...));((〜 -self))(…に)本気でとりかかる, 身を入れる((to ...))
7 《商業》〈船荷などを〉(代理人などに)ゆだねる, 委託する;…を(…に)託送する((to ...)).
8 《コンピュータ》〈データを〉アドレス指定する.
9 《ゴルフ》〈ボールに〉アドレスする, 打つ構えをする;《弓》〈矢を〉構える.
10 ((米))〈行政府が〉〈裁判官を〉(立法部からの要請により)罷免[解任]する.
[中フランス語adresser(a-へ+dresserさし向ける→真直ぐにする). △DRESS, DIRECT]address
tr.v., -dressed, -dress·ing, -dress·es.
- To speak to: addressed me in low tones.
- To make a formal speech to.
- To direct (a spoken or written message) to the attention of: address a protest to the faculty senate.
- To mark with a destination: address a letter.
- To direct the efforts or attention of (oneself): address oneself to a task.
- To deal with: addressed the issue of absenteeism.
- To dispatch or consign (a ship, for example) to an agent or factor.
- Sports. To adjust and aim the club at (a golf ball) in preparing for a stroke.
Syllabification: (un·ad·dressed)
Pronunciation: /ˌənəˈdrest/
- The letters of a language, arranged in the order fixed by custom.
- A system of characters or symbols representing sounds or things.
- A set of basic parts or elements: "genetic markers . . . that contain repeated sequences of the DNA alphabet" (Sandra Blakeslee).
[Middle English alphabete, from Latin alphabētum, from Greek alphabētos : alpha, alpha; see alpha + bēta, beta; see beta.]
Definition of burly
adjective (burlier, burliest)Origin:
Middle English (in the sense 'dignified, imposing'): probably from an unrecorded Old English word meaning 'stately, fit for the bower' (see bower1, -ly1)
Definition of hurly-burly