"They now knew that if there is one thing that one can always desire and sometimes get, it is human tenderness."
---- Albert Camus, "La Peste" (1947)
SoftBank considers unraveling its $3 billion WeWork stock buyback plan.
SoftBank reviewing $3 billion tender offer for WeWork shares
Czech Prime Minister Topolanek Tenders Resignation
Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek's government formally resigned in a
move that may cripple Prague's ability to chair the European Union and
threaten a treaty designed to reform the bloc.
The DW-WORLD Article
German Economy Minister Michael Glos has tendered his resignation. According to a report to be published in this Sunday's edition of the Bild am Sonntag newspaper, Glos has asked to be relieved of his duties in a letter to the leader of his Christian Social Union, Bavarian Premier Horst Seehofer.
━━ n. (the ~) (アイルランドの)首相.
Mr Ahern told a news conference he would tender his resignation as both taoiseach and Fianna Fáil leader on 6 May.
To offer formally: tender a letter of resignation. See synonyms at offer.
tender (OFFER)
noun [C]
1 a written or formal offer to supply goods or do a job for an agreed price:
The council has invited tenders for the building contract.
2 SPECIALIZED a written offer to buy or sell shares in a company
1 [I] If you tender for a job, you make a formal offer to do it for a stated price:
Five companies have tendered for the hospital contract.
2 [I] SPECIALIZED If you tender for something such as shares, you make a formal offer to buy them for a stated price.
legal tender noun [U]
the money which can be officially used in a country
SoftBank reviewing $3 billion tender offer for WeWork shares
Czech Prime Minister Topolanek Tenders Resignation
Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek's government formally resigned in a
move that may cripple Prague's ability to chair the European Union and
threaten a treaty designed to reform the bloc.
The DW-WORLD Article
German economy minister tenders resignation
German Economy Minister Michael Glos has tendered his resignation. According to a report to be published in this Sunday's edition of the Bild am Sonntag newspaper, Glos has asked to be relieved of his duties in a letter to the leader of his Christian Social Union, Bavarian Premier Horst Seehofer.
Bertie Ahern (taoiseach)
Mr Ahern, 56, has been taoiseach since June 1997 and has been a member of the Irish Parliament for 31 years.Taoi・seach
━━ n. (the ~) (アイルランドの)首相.
Mr Ahern told a news conference he would tender his resignation as both taoiseach and Fianna Fáil leader on 6 May.
To offer formally: tender a letter of resignation. See synonyms at offer.
tender (OFFER)
noun [C]
1 a written or formal offer to supply goods or do a job for an agreed price:
The council has invited tenders for the building contract.
2 SPECIALIZED a written offer to buy or sell shares in a company
1 [I] If you tender for a job, you make a formal offer to do it for a stated price:
Five companies have tendered for the hospital contract.
2 [I] SPECIALIZED If you tender for something such as shares, you make a formal offer to buy them for a stated price.
legal tender noun [U]
the money which can be officially used in a country
2020/02/03 - A tender offer is a type of public takeover bid constituting an offer to purchase some or all of shareholders' shares in a corporation. Tender offers are typically made publicly and invite shareholders to sell their shares for a ...
In corporate finance, a tender offer is a type of public takeover bid. The tender offer is a public, open offer or invitation by a prospective acquirer to all stockholders of a publicly traded corporation (the target corporation) to tender their stock for ...