Zaha Hadid passed away in 2016 but her legacy lives on via the sinuous, stately buildings dotted around the globe. From @[The Economist’s 1843 magazine]'s archive #IWD2020
The Sinuous Vision of Architect Zaha Hadid
A gallery of the fascinating work of the Pritzker Prize–winning architect
In a lecture at Oxford University economist Paul Krugman implied that the British government—perhaps deliberately—engineered measly growth at the beginning of its term, thus making it easier for the economy to roar back as the election approached. That would seem to ascribe to the coalition an unrealistic level of strategic wizardry and general deviousness, beyond even that possessed by the chancellor of the exchequer, George Osborne. Though interesting, it may say more about Mr Krugman than the British government
IBM to Buy Tealeaf for Customer Analytics Expertise
IBM announced an agreement to acquire Tealeaf Technologies, a maker of customer-experience analytics software. IBM (NYSE:IBM) has announced a definitive agreement to acquire Tealeaf Technology, a provider of customer-experience analytics software that ...
I never knew shepherds are a devious breed, but the story is that one took his flock to a skating rink and ventured onto the surface with a sheep on a leash: He wanted to see if he could pull the wool over someone's ice.
(By Frank Stewart, The Washington Post)
Government-Picked Leader Resigns as Losses Pile Up
The government-appointed chief executive of Freddie Mac announced yesterday that he is stepping down just six months into the job because, associates said, he was frustrated with the intense scrutiny by federal regulators and the short leash they keep the company on.
(By Zachary A. Goldfarb, The Washington Post)
《中英對照讀新聞》Antagonism rife in the ant world螞蟻世界充滿對立
Ants are renowned for their ability to work together, and put the good of the community ahead of personal concerns.
But new research suggests that their colonies are actually hotbeds of devious, selfish and corrupt behaviour. And it is the royal family - or male ants carrying a so-called "royal" gene - that are largely to blame.
antagonism:名詞,指對抗、對立、敵意,如There’s a history of antagonism between the two teams.(這兩隊一向互相敵視。)
colony:名詞,原指殖民地、海外僑民聚居地,文中指生物的群體、聚落,如a colony of ants/termites/bacteria(一群螞蟻/白蟻/細菌)。""
noun [C] (MAINLY US leash)
a piece of rope, chain, etc. tied to an animal, especially to a dog at its collar when taking it for a walk:
Please keep your dog on a lead when on the beach.
antagonismnoun [C or U]
hate, extreme unfriendliness or active opposition:
There's a history of antagonism between the two teams.
the antagonism towards neighbouring states
the historic antagonisms between the countries of western Europe
antagonist [C] FORMAL
a person who is strongly opposed to something or someone:
The antagonists in this dispute are quite unwilling to compromise.
Compare protagonist (SUPPORTER).
actively opposing or showing unfriendliness and opposition to something or someone:
He's extremely antagonistic towards all critics.
antagonize, UK USUALLY antagonise
verb [T]
to make someone feel opposition or dislike towards you:
It's a very delicate situation and I've no wish to antagonize him.
━━ n. 敵対, 敵がい心, 積極的な反応 ((against, to, between)); 反作用; 【生物】拮抗作用.
devious adjective
1 describes people or plans and methods that are dishonest, often in a complicated way, but often also clever and successful:
You have to be a bit devious if you're going to succeed in business.
a devious scheme
2 indirect:
He took a rather devious route which avoids the city centre.
rife djective [after verb] FORMAL
1 If something unpleasant is rife, it is very common or frequent:
Dysentery and malaria are rife in the refugee camps.
2 rife with sth full of something unpleasant:
The office was rife with rumours.
藥學 | ANTAGONISM | 對抗作用 | |||
細菌學免疫學 | ANTAGONISM | 互殘作用,頡頏作用 | |||
土壤學 | Ionic ANTAGONISM | 離子頡抗作用 | |||
土壤學 | ANTAGONISM | 頡抗作用 | |||
肥料學 | ANTAGONISM | 頡頏作用 | |||
社會學 | ANTAGONISM | 敵對 | |||
獸醫學 | ANTAGONISM | 拮抗作用 | |||
獸醫學 | drug ANTAGONISM | 藥物拮抗作用 |
拮抗 頡頏
頡頏ㄒ|ㄝˊ ㄏㄤˊ
鳥飛上飛下,跳躍的樣子。文選˙張衡˙歸田賦:「交頸頡頏,關關嚶嚶。」聊齋志異˙卷一˙王成:「進退頡頏,相持約一伏時,玉鶉漸懈。」 | |
不相上下。晉書˙卷九十二˙文苑傳˙序:「頡頏名輩,並綜採繁縟。」明˙李玉˙占花魁˙第二十三齣:「性度粗疏豪放,與劉伶伯仲,阮籍頡頏。」 | |
剛直傲慢。文選˙夏侯湛˙東方朔畫贊:「苟出不可以直道也,頡頏以傲世。」 | |
奇特的言辭。文選˙揚雄˙解嘲:「是故鄒衍以頡頏而取世資。」 |
拮抗する rival ((in doing, for)); compete.〔「けっこう(拮抗)」の慣用読み〕力に優劣がなく互いに張り合うこと。
きっこう-さよう ―かう― 5 【▼拮抗作用】
sin·u·ous (sĭn'yū-əs)

- Characterized by many curves or turns; winding: a sinuous stream.
- Characterized by supple and lithe movements: the sinuous grace of a dancer.
- Not direct; devious.
- Sinuate: a sinuous leaf.
[From Latin sinuōsus, from sinus, curve.]
sinuously sin'u·ous·ly adv.sinuousness sin'u·ous·ness n.
adj., -i·er, -i·est.
- Stealthy, furtive, and sneaking.
- Informal. Graceful, sinuous, and sleek: wore a slinky outfit to the party.