Japan’s Virus Success Has Puzzled the World. Is Its Luck Running Out?
The country has avoided the grim situations in places like Italy and New York without draconian restrictions on movement. It’s now at a high risk of rampant infection.
Had he withdrawn from the area, he might not have died. But still, there are things that only organizations with no ties to a government can accomplish. A senior Peshawar-kai official stated: "We would never run away." The group's motto is "Go where others dare not go. Do what others dare not do," which shows its true worth.
Google eyes the enterprise market
NetworkWorld.com - Southborough,MA,USA
Most have failed to survive, never mind prosper, but the latest web-based challenger from Google seems to have some legs. Office has long had over 90 ...
The government's takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, The New York Times's Eric Dash writes, is training a spotlight on a part of American financial system that rarely gets much attention: the vast network of federal agencies and quasi-governmental lenders that helps keep credit flowing through the economy.
The Wall Street Journal wrote Thursday that Mr. Fuld has grown increasingly frustrated about the rampant speculation surrounding his firm. When reports emerged in June that Lehman was in discussions to raise more capital, he reportedly went to his executive committee and angrily asked, "Who talked?"
Probe reveals shoddy checks of food imports
The agriculture ministry and the health ministry have conducted rampant slipshod safety inspections of imported food, putting consumers' health at risk, officials of the internal affairs ministry said Friday.(May 24) [more]
rampant, slipshod, shoddy, is training a spotlight on, legs
During the visit, Mr. Ji took part in detailed discussions -- with Secretary of State William P. Rogers and others -- of future contacts between Washington and Beijing.
In 1983, Mr. Ji became China's director of Hong Kong and Macao affairs and figured prominently in talks with Britain in the 1980's concerning the return of Hong Kong to China, which took place in 1997.
figure (APPEAR)
verb [I usually + adverb or preposition]
to be, appear, take part or be included in something:
Their names did not figure in the list of finalists.
They denied that violence and intimidation had figured prominently in achieving the decision.
badly and carelessly made, using low quality materials:
shoddy goods
shoddy workmanship
These clothes are very shoddily made.
rampant (INCREASING)
(of something bad) getting worse quickly and in an uncontrolled way:
rampant corruption
Rampant inflation means that our wage increases soon become worth nothing.
He said that he had encountered rampant prejudice in his attempts to get a job.
Disease is rampant in the overcrowded city.
(especially of a piece of work) showing lack of care, effort and attention:
She complained that the solicitor's work had been slipshod.
- To coach in or accustom to a mode of behavior or performance.
- To make proficient with specialized instruction and practice. See synonyms at teach.
- To prepare physically, as with a regimen: train athletes for track-and-field competition.
- To cause (a plant or one's hair) to take a desired course or shape, as by manipulating.
- To focus on or aim at (a goal, mark, or target); direct. See synonyms at aim.
- To let drag behind; trail.
- legs The ability to last or sustain success, especially by appealing to an audience: a blockbuster movie that has legs.
尊嚴 德行

━━ a. …だけの値打ちがある ((doing)); …だけの財産がある; …の値段である.
be worth one's weight in gold (人が)非常に役立つ[親切であるなど].
for all one is worth 〔話〕 全力を尽して.
for what it is worth それだけのこと[もの]として, 真偽善悪は別として.
It is worth …'s while to do. …することは人が(それだけの)時間をかける価値がある.
It is worth while doing / It is worth while to do …することは時間をかけるだけの価値がある.
worth it 〔話〕 やる価値がある.
worth one's […'s] while …するだけの価値がある.
━━ n. 価値, (…の価格に)相当する分; 財産; 真価.
worth・ful ━━ a. 価値のある.
worth・ful・ness n.
━━ a. 価値のない; むだな; (人が)取り柄のない.
worth・less・ly ad.
worth・less・ness n.
worth-while ━━ a. やりがいのある.

━━ n. 価値, (…の価格に)相当する分; 財産; 真価.

worth・ful・ness n.

worth・less・ly ad.
worth・less・ness n.
