U.S. pipeline operator Kinder Morgan Inc has acquired oil and gas producing assets in West Texas and is planning to tap U.S. carbon capture incentives to increase output from the properties, according to people familiar with the matter.
Scientists have captured new images of a calcium-shuttling molecule that has been linked to aggressive cancers. The three-dimensional structure could help researchers develop novel therapies and diagnostic tools for diseases that are caused by a malfunction in calcium adsorption.
Read more: http://newsroom.cumc.columbia.edu/?p=36864
Announced Tuesday, O3b Networks said the satellites are planned to orbit near the equator to deliver Internet connectivity to emerging markets in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East. The service is planned for activation by the end of 2010.
Will Be First Black Candidate on Major Party Ticket
Senator Barack Obama secured the Democratic presidential nomination on Tuesday evening after a primary campaign that inspired millions of voters.
News Analysis
Next on Agenda Is Clinton’s Role
Barack Obama must work to repair relations with Hillary Rodham Clinton and her supporters and decide whether to offer her a spot on the ticket.
━━ n. 切符, チケット, 乗車[入場]券; 札, 正[付]札; 〔俗〕 質札; (交通違反の)呼出し状; (政党の)公認候補者名簿; (選挙用に掲げた)政策; 免許証, 証明書; 〔話〕 (the ~) まさに必要な物[事], おあつらえ向きの事.
A ticket refers to a single election choice which fills more than one political office or seat. For example, in the U.S., the candidates for President and Vice President run on the same "ticket", because they are elected together on a single ballot question rather than separately.
A ticket can also refer to a political party. In this case, the candidates for a given party are said to be running on the party's ticket. "Straight party voting" (most common in some U.S. states) is voting for the entire party ticket, including every office for which the party has a candidate running. Particularly in the era of mechanicalvoting machines , it was possible to accomplish this in many jurisdictions by the use of a "party lever" which automatically cast a vote for each member of the party by the activation of a single lever.
Political party factions may also sponsor tickets in primary elections. When this occurs, a group of candidates, usually one for each office for which the party's nomination is being contested in the primary, endorse each other and may make joint appearances and share advertising with the goal of securing the party's nomination for the office each is seeking for all ticket members. This system was frequently seen in the "Solid South" era in the Southern United States when there was no effective two party system and victory in the Democratic Party primary was considered to be "tantamount to election".
A ticket can also refer to a political party. In this case, the candidates for a given party are said to be running on the party's ticket. "Straight party voting" (most common in some U.S. states) is voting for the entire party ticket, including every office for which the party has a candidate running. Particularly in the era of mechanical
Political party factions may also sponsor tickets in primary elections. When this occurs, a group of candidates, usually one for each office for which the party's nomination is being contested in the primary, endorse each other and may make joint appearances and share advertising with the goal of securing the party's nomination for the office each is seeking for all ticket members. This system was frequently seen in the "Solid South" era in the Southern United States when there was no effective two party system and victory in the Democratic Party primary was considered to be "tantamount to election".

Republican ticket from 1865 gubernatorial election in Massachusetts. The Republican candidate, Alexander H. Bullock, defeated Democratic challenger Darius N. Couch.

activated adsorption 【化】活性化吸着.
activated alumina 【化】活性アルミナ.
activated carbon [charcoal] 【化】活性炭.
activated complex 【化】活性錯(合)体.

activation analysis 【物】放射化分析.
activation energy 【物】活性化エネルギー.
