Can European Recognition Bring Palestinian Statehood Any Closer?
Not on its own, in all likelihood. But it reflects a growing, global exasperation with Israel that might eventually lend momentum to a two-state solution.
Anger Rises in Libya as Government Condemns U.S. Raid
Some Libyans, angry at the raid, expressed exasperation at their
government’s failures to bring any measure of security to its people.
請問,在台中和高雄之間,你有沒有聽過一個叫「奇埃」的地方?絕大多數民眾對這個地名陌生,但是在華航客機座位前螢幕的衛星飛航地圖上,卻出現了這個奇怪地名。由於翻譯的錯誤,"嘉義" 竟成了"奇埃",台灣也因此而憑空冒出了一個聞所未聞的城市(照片摘自網路)。 這個嘉義→Chiai ...
《中英文新聞對照》Putin cracks US spy joke普廷說美國間諜笑話
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who famously launched his career as a spy, used an old secret service joke to demonstrate the levels of bureaucracy plaguing his country.
The joke in which none of the officials want to assume responsibility for arresting a US agent, came days after a bomb blast killed 35 people in a Moscow airport that critics blamed on lapses in security and bureaucratic corruption.
"So an American spy comes to Lubyanka," Putin told a government meeting, referring to the headquarters of the Soviet-era KGB.
"I am a spy and I want to turn myself in," Putin continued with a small smirk on his face.
"Are you armed?" the US spy is asked, to which he responds yes." Then you have to go to room number seven," a Russian official tells him.
There the US spy is asked if he is carrying communication equipment -- another affirmative answer sends the US agent to yet another official’s office.
In the end, the exasperated spy is asked by yet another official if he has an actual assignment to work on.
"Yes," says the spy.
"Then go carry it out and stop bothering people at work," he is told.
crack a joke:慣用語,講笑話。例句:Every time you crack a joke, nobody laughs.(每次你講笑話都沒人捧場。)
turn oneself in:慣用語,自首,投案。例句:The suspected murderer had turned himself in to police.(謀殺嫌疑犯已向警方自首。)
Can European Recognition Bring Palestinian Statehood Any Closer?
Not on its own, in all likelihood. But it reflects a growing, global exasperation with Israel that might eventually lend momentum to a two-state solution.

v., cracked, crack·ing, cracks. v.intr.
- To break or snap apart.
- To make a sharp snapping sound.
- To break without complete separation of parts; fissure: The mirror cracked.
- To change sharply in pitch or timbre, as from hoarseness or emotion. Used of the voice.
- To break down; fail: The defendant's composure finally began to crack.
- To have a mental or physical breakdown: cracked under the pressure.
- To move or go rapidly: was cracking along at 70 miles an hour.
- Chemistry. To break into simpler molecules by means of heat.
- To cause to make a sharp snapping sound.
- To cause to break without complete separation of parts: cracked the glass.
- To break with a sharp snapping sound. See synonyms at break.
- To crush (corn or wheat, for example) into small pieces.
- To open to a slight extent: cracked the window to let in some air.
- To strike with a sudden sharp sound.
- Informal.
- To break open or into: crack a safe.
- To open up for use or consumption: crack a book; cracked a beer.
- To break through (an obstacle) in order to win acceptance or acknowledgement: finally cracked the "men-only" rule at the club.
- To discover the solution to, especially after considerable effort: crack a code.
- To cause (the voice) to crack.
- Informal. To tell (a joke), especially on impulse or in an effective manner.
- To cause to have a mental or physical breakdown.
- To impair or destroy: Their rude remarks cracked his equanimity.
- To reduce (petroleum) to simpler compounds by cracking.
- A sharp snapping sound, such as the report of a firearm.
- A partial split or break; a fissure.
- A slight narrow space: The window was open a crack.
- A sharp resounding blow.
- A mental or physical impairment; a defect.
- A breaking, harshly dissonant vocal tone or sound, as in hoarseness.
- An attempt or try: gave him a crack at the job; took a crack at photography.
- A witty or sarcastic remark. See synonyms at joke.
- A moment; an instant: at the crack of dawn.
- Irish. Fun; amusement.
- Slang. Crack cocaine.
Excelling in skill or achievement; first-rate: a crack shot; a crack tennis player.
phrasal verbs:
crack down
- To act more forcefully to regulate, repress, or restrain: The police cracked down on speeding.
- To praise highly: He was simply not the genius he was cracked up to be.
- To damage or wreck (a vehicle or vessel): crack up a plane; crack up a boat.
- To wreck a vehicle in an accident: cracked up on the expressway.
- To have a mental or physical breakdown: crack up from overwork.
- To experience or cause to experience a great deal of amusement: really cracked up when I heard that joke.
crack the whip
- To behave in a domineering manner; demand hard work and efficiency from those under one's control.
[Middle English craken, from Old English cracian.]
Pronunciation: /ɪgˌzɑːspəˈreɪʃ(ə)n, ɛg-/
Translate exasperation | into German | into Italian | into Spanish noun
[mass noun]----exasperate(ĭg-zăs'pə-rāt')

tr.v., -at·ed, -at·ing, -ates.
- To make very angry or impatient; annoy greatly.
- To increase the gravity or intensity of: "a scene . . . that exasperates his rose fever and makes him sneeze" (Samuel Beckett).
[Latin exasperāre, exasperāt- : ex-, intensive pref.; see ex- + asperāre, to make rough (from asper, rough).]
解說中的 informal 為日常用語(ĭn-fôr'məl)

- Not formal or ceremonious; casual: an informal gathering of friends; a relaxed, informal manner.
- Not being in accord with prescribed regulations or forms; unofficial: an informal agreement.
- Suited for everyday wear or use: informal clothes.
- Being more appropriate for use in the spoken language than in the written language.
.《中英對照讀新聞》Arnie the EU ’presidentor’ draws chuckles and frowns 阿諾想出任歐盟「主席終結者」引來訕笑與不滿
It’s a script drawing laughs and frowns among European Union veterans: Arnold Schwarzenegger, EU president, chairing summits next to Nicolas Sarkozy, Angela Merkel and David Cameron.
News that the Austrian-born former "Governator" of California was advised to seek the EU presidency has brought smiles to the staid corridors of Brussels, but also exasperation about the EU’s image in the United States.
Joke or not, Schwarzenegger would have his first shot at the post in mid-2012, at the end of the first two-and-a-half-year term of European Council President Herman Van Rompuy, a button-down former Belgian premier.
But "Conan the Barbarian" can forget about flexing his political muscle against the haiku-writing Van Rompuy in a US-style presidential campaign.
Instead, the action hero would have to charm and cajole 27 people with their own big egos:the bloc’s 27 heads of state and government, the only people who get to nominate and vote for the EU Council president.
have/take a shot at something:片語,非正式用法,指首度嘗試做某事,如He’s proven himself to be a talented actor and now he’s having a shot at directing his first play.(他已經證明自己是個有天份的演員,現在又首度嘗試執導他的第一齣戲。)
button-down:形容詞,亦可寫成 buttoned-down,指保守的、傳統的或缺乏想像力的,如He is a colorful character in the buttoned-down, dull-gray world of business.(在作風保守、死氣沈沈的商界,他倒是個有趣的人物。)
flex one’s muscles:片語,指採取行動展現實力,如The latest bomb scare was just the terrorists flexing their muscles - showing us they haven’t gone away.(最新一起炸彈恐嚇是恐怖份子企圖展現實力──向我們證明他們並沒有消失。)
Germany's engine, however, has spewed toxic fumes. As manufacturers rev exports, the rest of Europe has been unable to compete.