Thanks to a modern period drama, string quartets are the most fashionable they have been in centuries. While music purists may sniff, it is an instance of how modern tunes help to demystify a rarefied art form and bring in younger audiences
Photo: Liam Daniel/Netflix
Rolls-Royce has always traded on rarity rather than volume—making its cars ideally suited to electrification.
Paris may be the city of love, Venice the ideal place for romance – but:
Europe’s largest matchmaking festival is held in a country town on the
western shores of Ireland.
The DW-WORLD Article
But it takes the author only roughly half his culminating ''discourse concerning two new sciences" to say so; then comes a potluck supper of fascinating tidbits and puzzling pronouncements.
The New York Times leads with rare good news out of Burma, where relief workers are coming back from some of the areas devastated by Cyclone Nargis with reports that survivors aren't doing as badly as initially feared. Of course, this doesn't mean survivors aren't struggling to stay alive, but there's little evidence that the delay in reaching the Irrawaddy Delta led to large numbers of deaths or disease outbreaks.
a variety of frozen daiquiris of rare quality
unusual person:
He's that rare bird, a barman who doesn't drink alcohol.
1 not common; very unusual:
a rare disease/species
The museum is full of rare and precious treasures.
a rare occasion/opportunity/visit/treat, etc.
[+ to infinitive] It's very rare to find these birds in England in winter.
2 describes the atmosphere or air at the top of a mountain which contains less oxygen, making it harder to breathe
See also rarefied.
not often:
We rarely see each other now.
I rarely have time to read a newspaper.
FORMAL Rarely have I seen such a beautiful sunset.
See also seldom.
noun [C or U]
something that is very unusual, or the quality of being very unusual:
Men who do the cooking are something of a rarity.
Diamonds are valuable because of their rarity.
- potluck
pot・luck 有り合わせの料理; 持ち寄りパーティー (potluck dinner [supper, lunch]).
(pŏt'lŭk')- Whatever food happens to be available for a meal, especially when offered to a guest: Having arrived unannounced for supper, we had to take potluck.
- A meal at which each guest brings food that is then shared by all. Also called potluck supper.
- Whatever is available at a particular time: The scheduled flight was canceled and passengers had to take potluck on the other airlines.
多年沒在台灣過過年, 尾牙也沒吃過
美國老中年節聚餐, 或去餐廳, 或在家, 若在家通常是potluck1 [U] anything that is available or is found by chance, rather than something chosen, planned or prepared:
We had no idea which hotel would be best, so we just took pot luck with the first one on the list.
Mary's welcome to stay for dinner if she doesn't mind taking pot luck (= having whatever is available).
2 [C] MAINLY US an informal meal where guests bring a different dish which is then shared with the other guests:
a pot luck dinner
We're having a pot luck on Saturday.