A footwear revolution is happening in the world’s fashion capital. The once-familiar click of stiletto on cobble is giving way to the silence of rubber soles
Why French women no longer wear high heels
A footwear revolution in the world’s fashion capital
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Rand McNally Video Traveller: Tahiti 1992: Movie and film review ...
The scent of tropical flowers wafts through the air, and postcard-pretty views
of coconut palms are very romantic. ~ Alice Day, All Movie Guide ...
Edited by Dian Hanson
Hardcover, 30 x 30 cm, 372 pages
Hot Legs: From Stocking Top to Stiletto Heel
Once taboo, long the object of sexual obsession, the female leg retains a mysterious allure and powerful erotic charge. TASCHEN's latest in Dian Hanson's acclaimed "body parts" series explores our fascination with gams, stems and pins - from the suffragettes to the sexual revolution - via French postcards, Hollywood pin-ups and vintage nudes. Over 400 photographs and a quirky, informative text document our insatiable leg mania in this volume.
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n., pl. -tos or -toes.
- A small dagger with a slender, tapering blade.
- Something shaped like such a dagger.
- A small, sharp-pointed instrument used for making eyelet holes in needlework.
[Italian, diminutive of stilo, dagger, from Latin stilus, stylus, spike.]
[名](複 〜s, 〜es)
1 スティレットヒール(stiletto heel)(婦人靴の細くて高いかかと);((通例〜s))スティレットヒールの婦人靴.
2 (両刃で細い)短剣.
3 (裁縫・刺しゅう用の)目打ち.gam2 (găm)
n. Slang.
A person's leg.
[Probably from Polari (theatrical argot), from Italian gamba, from Late Latin, hoof. See gambol.]
(thông, thŏng) 
- A narrow strip, as of leather, used for binding or lashing.
- A whip of plaited leather or cord.
- A sandal held on the foot by a strip that fits between the first and second toes and is connected to a strap usually passing over the top or around the sides of the foot.
- A garment for the lower body that exposes the buttocks, consisting of a narrow strip of fabric that passes between the thighs supported by a waistband.
[Middle English, from Old English thwong.]
中文(繁體)(Chinese (Traditional))
n. - 皮帶, 皮條, 鞭梢, 皮鞭, 平底人字拖鞋
v. tr. - 裝皮帶, 用皮鞭打
n. - 皮帶, 皮條, 鞭梢, 皮鞭, 平底人字拖鞋
v. tr. - 裝皮帶, 用皮鞭打