The temporary pier is one of few remaining entry points for aid shipments after Israel’s incursion into Rafah, in southern Gaza, earlier this month in response to a Hamas rocket attack that killed four soldiers on May 5. Israel not only seized the Rafah crossing on the border with Egypt but also closed the Kerem Shalom crossing into Israel. Those were the two main entry points for truck convoys carrying aid overland.
Some people are excited to see realistic avatars that look like them in the metaverse. Others worry it might make body image issues even worse.
Imagine if too-big-to-fail banks were still unreformed
What if?
To scrimp on limited stocks of protective gear, some wear their suits and masks for hours on end while in the isolation ward.
Hong Kong’s ‘dirty teams’: frontline medical staff share stories, fears
Riding the New Silk Road
The network of routes known as the Silk Road has been revived as a faster, overland alternative to shipping electronics from China to European markets by sea.
Yangon Journal
Embracing the West, on Burmese Terms
The members of Me N Ma Girls in Myanmar are battling conservative parents, censors and boyfriends who think it is outrageous that they perform in such skimpy outfits.
As the cost of textbooks continues to rise, many college students are choosing to skimp on textbooks to save money. Seven out of 10 undergraduates surveyed at 13 college campuses said they had not purchased one or more textbooks because the cost was too high, according to a new survey released Thursday by the U.S. Public Interest Research Group. The Government Accountability Office has estimated that textbooks cost a quarter the average tuition for state universities and three-fourths the average tuition at community colleges. The article is in The Huffington Post.
The Avatar Effect 阿凡達效應
Hollywood blockbusters aren’t usually notable for their artistic or political subtlety. And James Cameron’s latest sci-fi hit, "Avatar," would seem to be no exception, going by the lament of some critics that the film’s impressive special effects are undercut by a skimpy story line and flat dialogue.
New Opera? Great Idea. Good Luck! By ANTHONY TOMMASINI
Skillful creators have been tempted to milk music for its elemental power and scrimp on the specifics of storytelling.
New York City teems with questionable urban legends. But the fable about the postal clerk and his wife, a Brooklyn librarian, scrimping to amass an astounding collection of modern art, cramming all 5,000 pieces in a rent-controlled one-bedroom apartment, then donating the whole kit and caboodle to the National Gallery of Art in Washington and galleries in all 50 states, is true.
iPad Mini Design "Could Outshine the New iPad"
v., skimped, skimp·ing, skimps.
To be stingy or very thrifty.
Scanty; skimpy.
to save money by spending less than is necessary to reach an acceptable standard:
There is a risk that the debt-ridden airline that may be tempted to scrimp on maintenance or security.
o·ver·land adj.
scrimp and save [scrape] 倹約する.
scrimp・y ━━ a. とぼしい; けちけちした.
Historic kingdom, north-central India. Located on the overland trade routes between northern and southern India, it lay within present-day Madhya Pradesh. Its capital was at Ujjayini (near present-day Ujjain). It flourished in the 6th – 4th centuries BC as one of the great powers of northern India. In the 4th century BC it was conquered and annexed by Candra Gupta Maurya of Magadha. Ujjayini, one of the seven holy cities of Hinduism, was renowned for its beauty and wealth; it also became a centre of early Buddhism and Jainism.
Imagine if too-big-to-fail banks were still unreformed
What if?
To scrimp on limited stocks of protective gear, some wear their suits and masks for hours on end while in the isolation ward.
Hong Kong’s ‘dirty teams’: frontline medical staff share stories, fears
Riding the New Silk Road
The network of routes known as the Silk Road has been revived as a faster, overland alternative to shipping electronics from China to European markets by sea.

Yangon Journal
Embracing the West, on Burmese Terms
The members of Me N Ma Girls in Myanmar are battling conservative parents, censors and boyfriends who think it is outrageous that they perform in such skimpy outfits.
As the cost of textbooks continues to rise, many college students are choosing to skimp on textbooks to save money. Seven out of 10 undergraduates surveyed at 13 college campuses said they had not purchased one or more textbooks because the cost was too high, according to a new survey released Thursday by the U.S. Public Interest Research Group. The Government Accountability Office has estimated that textbooks cost a quarter the average tuition for state universities and three-fourths the average tuition at community colleges. The article is in The Huffington Post.
The Avatar Effect 阿凡達效應
Hollywood blockbusters aren’t usually notable for their artistic or political subtlety. And James Cameron’s latest sci-fi hit, "Avatar," would seem to be no exception, going by the lament of some critics that the film’s impressive special effects are undercut by a skimpy story line and flat dialogue.
New Opera? Great Idea. Good Luck! By ANTHONY TOMMASINI
Skillful creators have been tempted to milk music for its elemental power and scrimp on the specifics of storytelling.
New York City teems with questionable urban legends. But the fable about the postal clerk and his wife, a Brooklyn librarian, scrimping to amass an astounding collection of modern art, cramming all 5,000 pieces in a rent-controlled one-bedroom apartment, then donating the whole kit and caboodle to the National Gallery of Art in Washington and galleries in all 50 states, is true.
iPad Mini Design "Could Outshine the New iPad"
"Apple did not skimp on the aesthetics of the much-anticipated 'iPad mini.'"
- 発音記号[kəbúːdl] [名]((俗))一群, 群れ(lot).
the whole (kit and) caboodle
何[だれ]もかも, 全部.skimp
v., skimped, skimp·ing, skimps.
- To deal with hastily, carelessly, or with poor material: concentrated on reelection, skimping other matters.
- To provide for or supply inadequately; be stingy with: accused them of skimping defense funding.
To be stingy or very thrifty.
Scanty; skimpy.
[Obsolete skimp, scanty, perhaps from alteration of SCRIMP.]
adj., -i·er, -i·est.
skimpiness skimp'i·ness n.
verb [I](skĭm'pē)

adj., -i·er, -i·est.
- Inadequate, as in size or fullness, especially through economizing or stinting: a skimpy meal.
- Unduly thrifty; niggardly.
skimpiness skimp'i·ness n.
to save money by spending less than is necessary to reach an acceptable standard:
There is a risk that the debt-ridden airline that may be tempted to scrimp on maintenance or security.
o·ver·land adj.
Accomplished, traversing, or passing over the land instead of the ocean: an overland journey; an overland route.
By way of land: traveled overland to the ranch.
━━ v. 切詰める, けちけちする ((on)).

- The incarnation of a Hindu deity, especially Vishnu, in human or animal form.
- An embodiment, as of a quality or concept; an archetype: the very avatar of cunning.
- A temporary manifestation or aspect of a continuing entity: occultism in its present avatar.
[Sanskrit avatāraḥ, descent (of a deity from heaven), avatar : ava, down + tarati, he crosses.]