Up-Close Ukraine Atrocity Photographs Touch a Global Nerve
The apparent execution of Ukrainian civilians by Russian forces has focused attention on what constitutes war crimes.
- Residents of Nova Basan, about 60 miles east of Kyiv, described beatings and mock executions as part of a monthlong occupation.
A mock execution is a stratagem in which a victim is deliberately but falsely made to feel that their execution or that of another person is imminent or is taking place. The subject is made to believe that they are being led to their own execution. This might involve blindfolding the subjects, making them recount last wishes, making them dig their own grave, holding an unloaded gun to their head and pulling the trigger, shooting near (but not at) the victim, or firing blanks. Mock execution is categorized as psychological torture. There is a sense of fear induced when a person is made to feel that they are about to be executed or witness someone being executed. Mock execution is considered psychological torture because there is no physical harm caused, but there is mental harm.
模擬處決是一種策略,在這種策略中,受害者被故意但錯誤地認為他們的處決或另一個人的處決迫在眉睫或正在發生。 使對象相信他們正被引導到自己的處決。 這可能涉及蒙住受試者的眼睛,讓他們講述最後的願望,讓他們自己挖墳墓,將未上膛的槍對准他們的頭並扣動扳機,在受害者附近(但不是在)射擊,或發射空白。 模擬處決被歸類為心理折磨。 當一個人感到他們即將被處決或目睹某人被處決時,就會產生一種恐懼感。 模擬處決被認為是心理折磨,因為沒有造成身體傷害,但有精神傷害。
March 10, 2022 Russia-Ukraine news - CNN
https://www.cnn.com › europe › live-news › ukraine-russi...
5 days ago — "Their task from the first day of war is to surround Kyiv, to encircle it and then continue to attack, overthrow the government," he said.
Kiev: The Largest Encirclement In The History Of Warfare
https://www.warhistoryonline.com › instant-articles › th...
Apr 2, 2019 — The First Battle of Kiev began on August 7, 1941. It was one of the greatest stages of Operation Barbarossa with attacks, resistance, ...
“They made us take our clothes off, lie face down, and then they searched our telephones and bodies for symbols and tattoos.”
The Economist was able to verify reports of what appears to be a summary execution in Bucha. Nine bodies lay at the side of a builder’s yard that had been used as a Russian base. Vasya Skyba, a survivor, told us what happened.
He and the other men were rounded up, beaten and tortured, he said, and after a few hours an order was issued to kill them.
Mr Skyba says that they were led to the side of the building and shot. Read how he survived by playing dead on the concrete floor: https://econ.trib.al/S8TJMGT
- a brief statement or account of the main points of something."a summary of Chapter Three"
- 1.not including needless details or formalities; brief."summary financial statements"
- 2.LAW(of a judicial process) conducted without the customary legal formalities."summary arrest"
Heavy Fighting Reported in Tripoli; Rebels Encircle City
Rebel leaders in Tunis and eastern Libya characterized it as the beginning of a new uprising in the capital as Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s hold in Libya seemed to slip.
Lager (German: storage) is a type of beer that is brewed using bottom-fermenting yeast at lower temperatures and for longer durations than those typically used to brew ales. In German, the term "lager" refers to storing a beer at cool temperatures and does not necessarily imply bottom-fermentation. Pilsener, Bock, Export and Märzen are all styles of lager. Pale lager is the most widely-consumed and commercially available style of beer in the world.
laager (LAH-guhr)
1. A camp, especially one protected by a circle of wagons or armored vehicles.
2. An entrenched policy or viewpoint.
verb tr., intr.
To enclose in a defensive encirclement.
From obsolete Afrikaans lager (camp), from Dutch or German Lager (camp). Ultimately from the Indo-European root legh- (to lie or lay) that is also the source of lie, lay, lair, fellow.
"[The scientists] should repudiate the laager mentality and evasions of the East Anglia researchers. Instead of grudgingly yielding to Freedom of Information requests, they should publish their data and workings online wherever possible." — Ian Katz; The Case for Climate Action; The Guardian (London, UK); Feb 8, 2010.

tr.v., -cled, -cling, -cles.
- To form a circle around; surround. See synonyms at surround.
- To move or go around completely; make a circuit of.
請問:阿拉貢"做事在法語中意謂大便"-- 這在英文為 business
正解 do one's business 排便する. (包括小便)
rl答: 大便小解都是正經事
(aller) faire ses besoins
do the business
1 INFORMAL to do what is wanted or needed in a situation:
As long as he does the business on the football field, the club is happy with him.
2 UK SLANG to have sex
business was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.
- business (SELLING)
- business (MATTER)
- business (THINGS YOU DO)
- big business (BUSINESS)
- big business (POPULAR)
- business class
- business end
- business park
- business plan
- e-business
- funny business
- monkey business
- show business
- be in business
- get down to business
- not be in the business of
- (It's) business as usual.
- Business before pleasure.
- What a business!
- do the business
- have no business doing sth
- like nobody's business
- be none of sb's business
- go about your business
- mean business
- mind your own business
- talk business/politics
━━ n. 事務; 業務; 職業; 実業, 営業, 商業, 商売; 会社, 店; 仕事; 用事, 用件; 議事(日程); 本分; 関与; 事件; (劇の)しぐさ (action).
business entity concept 企業実体概念[論] ((企業という組織を所有者と切り離す考え方)).
三省堂提供「EXCEED 英和辞典」より凡例はこちら
To circle 包圍
circle (SHAPE)
noun [C] a continuous curved line, the points of which are always the same distance away from a fixed central point, or the area enclosed by such a line:
Coloured paper was cut into circles, squares and triangles.
We sat in a circle.
1 [I or T] to move in a circle, often around something:包圍
The plane circled for an hour before receiving permission to land.Security staff circled the grounds of the house with guard dogs every hour.
BHP-Rio: A Regulatory Maze
EU and Japanese authorities are circling BHP's proposed Rio Tinto deal due to antitrust concerns over iron-ore prices.
故事:"全球最大的礦業企業必和必拓(BHP Billiton)週三提高了對競爭對手力拓股份有限公司(RioTinto)的敵意收購報價。正是該公司此舉引爆了礦產行業中的一系列洗牌事件﹐若這兩家巨頭實現強強聯手﹐多種大宗商品的價格很可能會隨之大幅上揚。"bb
2 [T] to draw a circle around something:
Circle the answer you think is correct.
See also encircle.
circular Show phonetics
1 shaped like a circle:
a circular flowerbed/tablecloth
See also circular.
2 describes an argument which keeps returning to the same points and is not effective
noun [U]
the circularity of political arguments(