In a small parish in northern Italy affiliated with the Russian Orthodox Church, the mostly Ukrainian worshipers — IT specialists, migrant factory laborers, nurses and cleaners — decided to repudiate the full-throated support for the war in Ukraine from Patriarch Kirill of Moscow.
China Expands Virus Lockdown, Encircling 20 Million
The new travel restrictions include five cities. In the epicenter, anxiety prevailed as mistrustful residents crowded into hospitals.
Now in Defense of Gay Marriage, Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton's journey from signing the Defense of Marriage Act to
repudiating it mirrors larger changes in society as same-sex marriage
has evolved from a fringe idea.
The former governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin, has called on American Muslims to "refudiate" plans to build a mosque close to the site of the World Trade Center in New York.
"Repudiate" and "refute" are both words, but until now, "refudiate" was not.
When this was pointed out to Sarah Palin, she replied that English is a living language and even Shakespeare liked to coin new words.
John Ayto is the author of the Oxford Dictionary of Modern Slang.
Heavy Fighting Reported in Tripoli; Rebels Encircle City
Rebel leaders in Tunis and eastern Libya characterized it as the beginning of a new uprising in the capital as Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s hold in Libya seemed to slip.
Lager (German: storage) is a type of beer that is brewed using bottom-fermenting yeast at lower temperatures and for longer durations than those typically used to brew ales. In German, the term "lager" refers to storing a beer at cool temperatures and does not necessarily imply bottom-fermentation. Pilsener, Bock, Export and Märzen are all styles of lager. Pale lager is the most widely-consumed and commercially available style of beer in the world.
laager (LAH-guhr)
1. A camp, especially one protected by a circle of wagons or armored vehicles.
2. An entrenched policy or viewpoint.
verb tr., intr.
To enclose in a defensive encirclement.
From obsolete Afrikaans lager (camp), from Dutch or German Lager (camp). Ultimately from the Indo-European root legh- (to lie or lay) that is also the source of lie, lay, lair, fellow.
"[The scientists] should repudiate the laager mentality and evasions of the East Anglia researchers. Instead of grudgingly yielding to Freedom of Information requests, they should publish their data and workings online wherever possible." — Ian Katz; The Case for Climate Action; The Guardian (London, UK); Feb 8, 2010.

tr.v., -cled, -cling, -cles.
- To form a circle around; surround. See synonyms at surround.
- To move or go around completely; make a circuit of.
- re • pu • di • ate
- 発音
- ripjúːdièit
- repudiateの変化形
- repudiated (過去形) • repudiated (過去分詞) • repudiating (現在分詞) • repudiates (三人称単数現在)
2 ((古風))〈妻子を〉捨てる, 離縁する.
3 〈借金の〉支払いを拒否する.