Fearmongering works. Fans of the truth should fear it
In Hungary, Russia, Pakistan and France, leaders lie to scare people into supporting them
It is not just that better medicine and sanitation allow people to live longer, healthier lives, or that labour-saving devices have given people more free time. People are also growing more intelligent, and more humane
It is not just that better medicine and sanitation allow people to live longer, healthier lives, or that labour-saving devices have given people more free time. People are also growing more intelligent, and more humane
As well as a huge conventional arsenal, North Korea also has a dozen nuclear warheads and spends perhaps $3 billion a year on a nuclear programme that involves rocket launches and nuclear tests
Op-Ed: After the Tornado, a War Zone
That’s the thing with a tornado — even when you know it’s coming, you’re
helpless, because you don’t know precisely where it will hit.
Top European Central Bank official Jörg Asmussen called on the rest of the world to pledge more money to the International Monetary Fund's crisis war chest, a view expected to put Europe at odds with other regions at talks in Washington later this week.
Inspectors Say Iran Worked on WarheadBy DAVID E. SANGER and WILLIAM J. BROAD
The U.N.’s nuclear inspectors declared for the first time that information it has collected raised concern of “past or current undisclosed activities” by Iran to develop a nuclear weapon.
Missile Parts Sent to Taiwan in Error
The U.S. mistakenly shipped electrical fuses for nuclear missile warheads to Taiwan, the Pentagon said.
每日一詞 :Scandalmonger |美國政壇的“醜聞販子”
上週,聯邦調查局逮捕了特朗普前競選顧問羅傑·斯通(Roger Stone)。特別檢察官穆勒以妨礙司法進程、作偽證和騷擾證人等罪名對他進行指控。作為“通俄門”調查中的標誌性人物,斯通究竟是何許人也?
時報記者以斯通過往玩弄政治的經歷解答了這一問題:“斯通將販賣丑聞歸功於自己,而後又消失在犯罪現場的策略可追溯到幾十年前。”(Mr. Stone's tactics of claiming credit for scandal-mongering and then vanishing from the scene of the crime go back decades.)
Scandal-mongering意為“販賣丑聞” ,是scandalmonger (使醜聞流傳的人)的變形。這個詞的前半部分源於中世紀法語scandale(不當行為或誹謗言論引起的公憤),後半部分則源於古英語mangere(商人)。在新聞報導中,scandalmonger常被用來形容用陰謀論和流言蜚語製造話題的“攪屎棍”。
combining form
- denoting a dealer or trader in a specified commodity.
"fishmonger"- denoting a person who promotes a specified activity, situation, or feeling, especially one that is undesirable or discreditable.

- An English variety of large cooking apple.
- Archaic. The human head.
[Middle English, from Old North French, possibly from coste, rib (from its ribbed appearance), from Latin costa.]
Meaning #1: furnished or strengthened with ribs
Antonym: ribless (meaning #1)
Meaning #2: (of the surface of shells) having a rough, rib-like texture
- a person who sells goods, especially fruit and vegetables, from a handcart in the street.
Synonym: costate coster
n.[Abbrev. of costermonger.]
One who hawks about fruit, green vegetables, fish, etc.
wár chèst[wár chèst]
warhead Show phonetics
noun [C]
the front end of a bomb or missile that contains explosives:
a conventional/nuclear warhead
The explosive head of a missile, torpedo, or similar weapon:a nuclear warhead
war·lord (wôr'lôrd')

A military commander exercising civil power in a region, whether in nominal allegiance to the national government or in defiance of it.
warlordism war'lord'ism n.
━━ n. 戦争 ((against, on)); 交戦期間[状態]; 軍事, 戦術; 争い, 闘争.

━━ vi. (-rr-) 戦争する, 戦[闘]う ((with, against)).
