He has begun to adopt a less haughty tone. But the toxic election campaign—tinged with genuine worries, half-truths, and outright lies—has not helped him
France looks likely to re-elect Emmanuel Macron
But his race against Marine Le Pen is a lot closer than it was last time
Tucker is not backing down.
Tucker Carlson accuses the Canadian media of being a mouthpiece for Trudeau
Stand News 立場新聞
16小時 ·
北京政府為阻「青年新政」梁頌恆、游蕙禎就任而不惜釋法,引起外媒廣泛關注。《華爾街日報》社評〈Beijing's Heavy Hand on Hong Kong〉形容,北京對香港的高壓手段,必然會令香港社會不滿中國政府領導的情緒升溫;社評指,北京一再誤解香港,並拒履行對港承諾,引爆反對聲音是咎由自取。

外媒關注釋法 華爾街日報社評:港人反對情緒升溫 北京咎由自取 | 立場報道 | 立場新聞
观察员表示,第一步将会是中共机关报《人民日报》(People's Daily)的附属报纸《环球时报》(Global Times)在4月份推出第二份全国发行英文报纸。
The first step would be the launch of a second national English-language newspaper by Global Times, an of affiliate the Communist Party's mouthpiece People's Daily, in April, observers said.
《衛報》的一篇報道標題是,"儘管要對話,但是中國仍然嘲笑達賴喇嘛"。 報道說,在中國政府突然宣佈要在近日與達賴喇嘛的代表舉行對話兩天後,中國共產黨的官方喉舌仍然對達賴喇嘛發表大量輕蔑之詞。 報道說,星期天的《人民日報》評論員文章稱"達賴集團一貫擅長玩弄詞藻"、"分裂國家的人都是歷史的罪人"。 China ridicules Dalai Lama, despite 'talks'
This article appeared in the Guardian on Monday April 28 2008 on p16 of the International section. It was last updated at 00:00 on April 28 2008.
Tibetan exiles had greeted the announcement warily and the Dalai Lama's nephew, Khedroob Thondup, a member of the Tibetan parliament-in-exile, yesterday attacked it as a "ruse" designed "to deflect pressure and give false assurance to western leaders".
Yesterday's People's Daily commentary claimed: "The Dalai clique have always been masters at games with words and the ideas that they have tossed about truly make the head spin ... Those who split the nation are criminals to history."
The renewed attack came as a leading Tibetan official launched an extraordinarily frank condemnation of the handling of recent protests in Tibet.
Bai Ma, chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference committee in Qinghai province, said: "It is regrettable that authorities in Lhasa failed to take firm action to control the situation during the first few hours of the March 14 riots ... They did not have enough police. They had guns, but they could not open fire without permission from above."
He told the South China Morning Post that the situation at the Drepung and Sera monasteries in Lhasa remained tense because of the patriotic education programme targeting monks. "The heavy-handed and arbitrary tactics [of the government] only create more animosity."
The Olympic torch relay also continues to provoke controversy, with Hong Kong this weekend barring a Danish artist, Jens Galschiot, and his two sons who had planned to protest over human rights violations when the torch arrives this week.
China's pulse races
Los Angeles Times - CA,USA
... In the China Youth Daily, the mouthpiece of the Communist Youth League, readers can find articles on adult toys, while the People's Daily has published ...
A Fresh Face Vows to Revive the G.O.P.
At 32, Representative Adam H. Putnam of Florida has become the unlikely mouthpiece for the beleaguered minority in the House.
Los Angeles Times - CA,USA
... In the China Youth Daily, the mouthpiece of the Communist Youth League, readers can find articles on adult toys, while the People's Daily has published ...
A Fresh Face Vows to Revive the G.O.P.
At 32, Representative Adam H. Putnam of Florida has become the unlikely mouthpiece for the beleaguered minority in the House.
- 1.such as well might happen or be true; probable."speculation on the likely effect of opting out"
- 2.apparently suitable; promising."a likely-looking spot"
- probably."we will most likely go to a bar"
group noun [C] DISAPPROVING
a small group of people who spend their time together and do not welcome other people into that group:
Our golf club is run by a very unfriendly clique (of people).
There's a clique at work that never talks/who never talk to anyone else.
cliquey (cliquier, cliquiest)
adjective (ALSO cliquish) DISAPPROVING
I decided not to join the tennis club because I found it very cliquey (= because new members were not made to feel welcome).
using too much force in dealing with someone:
The protestors accused the police of using heavy-handed tactics.
noun [C]
1 the part of a telephone, musical instrument or other device that goes near or between the lips:
To play the recorder, blow gently into the mouthpiece.
2 DISAPPROVING a person or a newspaper that only expresses the opinions of one particular organization:
This newspaper is just a Republican mouthpiece.
n. (名詞 noun)[C]
- (樂器的)吹口;(電話機的)送話口;(容器等的)口
- (拳擊手的)護齒套
- 代言人;喉舌
- 【俚】律師
吸い口; 吹き口; マウスピース; 送話口; (水道管などの)口; 代弁者 ((of)); 〔俗〕 刑事(事件専門)弁護士.