underhanded, underhand ways, make off with, frisson, frisson nouvean. dollop, gall, The books have gall; the television series has Galsworthy.exasperation. Bosses have long adopted underhand tactics to encourage individuals to quit rather than have to sack them.
Bosses have long adopted underhand tactics to encourage individuals to quit rather than have to sack them. Nudging people to resign by making life intolerable is not the way
One way people are trying to nab vaccines early is through legal but ethically dubious actions
Review: In Cirque du Soleil's 'Kurios,' a Frisson of Novelty
This spectacle combines the troupe's familiar pinpoint precision with surprises and a dash of exoticism.
In ads, interviews and court filings, BP officials have insisted
that their good intentions in settling the 2010 Gulf of Mexico spill
were being hijacked by greedy lawyers and underhanded claimants.
The infamous “Fifty Shades” S-and-M trilogy by E. L. James began as an e-book and became a publishing sensation by adding a frisson of “Story of O”-style bondage to an old-fashioned romance novel. And “Downton Abbey,” which was supposed to last only one season, is beginning its third on PBS on Sunday and is basically a romance novel with a thick dollop of “The Forsyte Saga.” The books have gall; the television series has Galsworthy.
E·L·詹姆斯(E. L. James)寫的邪惡的性虐三部曲《格雷的五十道陰影》,一開始是電子書,由於在老式的愛情故事中加入了《O的故事》(Story of O)式的捆綁元素,所以具有了興奮點,出版後轟動一時。《唐頓莊園》最初只打算拍一季,現在它的第三季將於本周日(2013.1月6日——譯註)在PBS頻道開始播放;從根本上講,它是一個帶有濃重的《福爾賽世家》(The Forsyte Saga)色彩的愛情故事。那個三部曲充滿了厚顏無恥的性愛;而這部系列電視劇則具有高爾斯華綏(Galsworthy,《福爾賽世家》的作者——譯註)的深度。
Real, Rough Life, in Front of a Lens
Many films appearing in this year’s New Directors/New Films festival reaffirm social realism’s validity as humanistic art with an educational frisson.
Last month, the National Archives banned an amateur historian who did what should have been unthinkable: He doctored the date on a valuable Lincoln document. Now the archives has found that it has a more widespread problem, with underhanded “scholars” and sneak thieves making off with American treasures to sell on the black market to history buffs.
Internet companies like Google are faced with starkly uncomfortable choices in China given the political sensitivities of their business. But they're not alone in facing awkward dilemmas. Are the risks worth the rewards for, say, a high-tech manufacturer that spots a lucrative market niche in China but that could lose its entire global business if thieves make off with its intellectual property?
第一個人稱沙德侯爵(Margquis De Sade
- 音節
- fris • son
- 発音
- friːsɔ'ːŋ
- frissonの変化形
- frissons (複数形)
[名](恐怖・興奮による)身震い.The meaning of FRISSON is a brief moment of emotional excitement : shudder, thrill.
[フランス語]Frisson is a French word that means "shiver" or "chills". It's a feeling of a sudden rush of emotions, or a physical sensation that some people experience when they're moved by music, art, or other stimuli.
Triggers Listening to emotional music, Looking at beautiful art, Watching a moving scene in a movie, and Physical contact with another person.
make off
1. Depart in haste, run away, as in The cat took one look at Richard and made off. [c. 1700]
2. make off with. Take something away; also, steal something, as in I can't write it down; Tom made off with my pen, or The burglars made off with the stereo and computer as well as jewelry. [Early 1800s]
she·nan·i·gan shə-ˈna-ni-gən
: a devious trick used especially for an underhand purpose

- Marked by or done in a deceptive, secret, or sly manner; dishonest and sneaky. See synonyms at secret.
- Sports. Executed with the hand brought forward and up from below the level of the shoulder; underarm: an underhand pitch.
- With an underhand movement: Throw the ball underhand.
- In a sly and secret way.
underhandedly un'der·hand'ed·ly adv.
underhandedness un'der·hand'ed·ness n.