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A pet shop in New Jersey has been the subject of multiple crimes in recent weeks after its owner was shot in the face with a crossbow and an expensive bird was stolen.
Spain pupil kills teacher 'with crossbow'
BBC News
A student armed with a crossbow has killed a teacher at a school in Barcelona, Spain, local .
"Free cheese is only found in a mousetrap."
an opposition politician in Ukraine, referring to $15 billion in loans
promised to his country by President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.
Not just for laughs: English comedy is essential comfort blanket in Berlin
Anglophone comedy is now a bona fide "scene" in Berlin, thanks mainly to a
bar called SIN. Driven by desperate attempts to fit in, and jokes about
shelf toilets, insecure Anglo-Saxons have finally found a bolt-hole.
Audi Agrees to Buy Ducati Audi, the luxury car unit of Volkswagen, said Wednesday that it had agreed to acquire Italian motorcycle maker Ducati, gaining a foothold in a growing market as well as expertise in building small, high-powered motors.
Looking Beyond Parks for New Paths to Influence The eviction of protesters from Zuccotti Park in Lower Manhattan and other encampments in cities across the nation raises questions about whether the Occupy Wall Street movement will die out as its territorial footholds disappear, Cara Buckley of The New York Times reports.
ovation -- the New Two-way Play
It takes a lower price or a better mousetrap to win over potential customers. This is especially true in the developed world, but to gain a foothold in rapidly growing economies, successful multinationals increasingly will have to unleash new products and services while paying strict attention to costs. "We need better products, faster, at a lower cost," says Joe Manget, global leader of The Boston Consulting Group's operations practice. In a break with the past, many ideas for these new products and services now originate in developing countries. Watch for more successful global companies to take this approach. http://knowledge.wharton.
- Affording passage in two directions: a two-way street.
- Moving in two directions: two-way traffic.
- Permitting communication in two directions: a two-way radio.
- Permitting flow in two directions: a two-way valve.
- Expressive of or involving mutual action, relationship, or responsibility.
- Involving two participants: a two-way treaty.
- Sports. Playing both offense and defense well: a two-way player.
1 足掛かり, 足場.
2 立脚地(点);(成功に通じる)地盤
gain [establish] a foothold
我上周被某人將bolt-hole 翻譯成"如螺栓洞的逃避所"的誤導 沒去查字典 反而問螺絲專家Justing 為什麼會這樣
今天 研究一下英國的海邊名勝地 Brighton 因為想讀七零年代末該讀而未讀的小說 Brighton Rock
我去過Brithon一次 不過小說第一頁的路線圖卻完全沒印象 所以多查一下 沒想到該城市變化甚大 Brighton Rock 一書所談的地理背景是兩次大戰之間的Brighton 現在改建很多
讀到下句 我去查牛津美國英文辭典 發現 bolt·hole在英國就是兔子等用來逃脫的穴路或濄
我才知道BOLT還有其他意思 不只是螺絲等等
Alan Brownjohn's poem ‘A Brighton’ makes engaging use of the town's reputation as a secret bolthole for Londoners:
"‘Brighton’: not far, a lie or an excuse
Like dental checks or grandmothers' funerals.
‘Did you have a nice day at Brighton?’ asks the master
Receiving a boy's forged note about his cold.
bolt·hole 安全な隠れ場所、逃避所
我上周被某人將bolt-hole 翻譯成"如螺栓洞的逃避所"的誤導 沒去查字典 反而問螺絲專家Justing 為什麼會這樣
今天 研究一下英國的海邊名勝地 Brighton 因為想讀七零年代末該讀而未讀的小說 Brighton Rock
我去過Brithon一次 不過小說第一頁的路線圖卻完全沒印象 所以多查一下 沒想到該城市變化甚大 Brighton Rock 一書所談的地理背景是兩次大戰之間的Brighton 現在改建很多
Oxford Guide to Literary Britain & Ireland:Brighton and Hove
讀到下句 我去查牛津美國英文辭典 發現 bolt·hole在英國就是兔子等用來逃脫的穴路或濄
我才知道BOLT還有其他意思 不只是螺絲等等
Alan Brownjohn's poem ‘A Brighton’ makes engaging use of the town's reputation as a secret bolthole for Londoners:
"‘Brighton’: not far, a lie or an excuse
Like dental checks or grandmothers' funerals.
‘Did you have a nice day at Brighton?’ asks the master
Receiving a boy's forged note about his cold.
bolt·hole 安全な隠れ場所、逃避所
A crossbow is a type of weapon, based on the bow, consisting of a horizontal bow-like assembly mounted on a stock, that shoots projectiles called bolts or quarrels. The medieval crossbow was called by many names, most of which derived from the word ballista, a torsionsiege engine resembling a crossbow.[1]
1. A hole through which to bolt: found a bolthole in the fencing.
2. A place affording escape.
IN BRIEF: n. - An opening through which an animal may run when pursued into its burrow or den.
▼主に完了形・過去形で用い, 「うまくいかなかった」の意を含む.
IN BRIEF: n. - An opening through which an animal may run when pursued into its burrow or den.
- 発音記号[bóult]
1 (門・戸・窓を締める)差し錠, かんぬき, さん.
3 急な飛び出し, 突進;逃亡
do a bolt
make a bolt for ...
make a bolt for it
4 ((米))脱党, 離反;自党政策の拒否.
5 (織物・布・壁紙などの)一巻き;(ワラなどの)束.
6 電光, 稲妻(thunderbolt)
a bolt from [out of] the blue
7 元込めライフル銃の槓桿(こうかん);遊底.
8 石弓(crossbow)の矢.
shoot one's (last) bolt
最後に全力を出し尽くす.▼主に完了形・過去形で用い, 「うまくいかなかった」の意を含む.
1 …をボルトで締める;〈門・戸・窓に〉かんぬきを掛ける((back, down, on, up))
bolt down the hatch
bolt a person in [out]
bolt (up) the door
2 ((米))…の支持[参加]をやめる
bolt a political party
3 …をだしぬけに[思わず]しゃべる.
4 〈飲食物を〉急いで食べる[飲み込む]((down))
bolt (down) one's breakfast
5 〈布・壁紙などを〉巻く.
1 〈戸などが〉かんぬきで締まる.
2 〈物が〉(…に)ボルトで止められる((onto ...));〈2つの物が〉ボルトで締まる((together)).
3 〈馬・ウサギなどが〉(驚いて)急に飛び出す[駆け出す];〈人が〉駆け出す, 逃げる;すばやく行動する.
4 ((米))(政党などから)脱退する((from ...)).
5 大急ぎで食べる.
6 〈野菜などが〉とうが立つ.
━━[副]だしぬけに, 突然;まっすぐに
bolt upright
(棒を飲んだように)まっすぐに, 直立して.
(棒を飲んだように)まっすぐに, 直立して.