2025年2月13日 星期四

To gel, aphorism, aphorist. ideology, maxim, ideologue, ideological purity. China is turning away from English 大家說俄語. Each chapter of the novel begins with an aphorism attributed to Pudd’nhead Wilson’s “calendar,”

To gel, aphorism, aphorist. ideology, maxim, ideologue,  ideological purity. China is turning away from English 大家說俄語. Each chapter of the novel begins with an aphorism attributed to Pudd’nhead Wilson’s “calendar,”  

 Pudd’nhead Wilson’s Calendar for 1894, Mark Twain. Each chapter of the novel begins with an aphorism attributed to Pudd’nhead Wilson’s “calendar,” an almanac written by a character in the book. 

Switched at birth?
Mark Twain’s novel “Pudd’nhead Wilson,” first serialized in Century magazine, tells the story of two boys switched at birth—one a white aristocrat, the other an enslaved child of mixed Black and white ancestry. The indeterminate race of the latter, who is called Chambers, allows him to pass as the white man Tom Driscoll, highlighting the power of mixed-race characters to self-determine their identity. But as in many passing narratives, the characters in Twain’s book come to the unfortunate realization that they are not in control of how the world views them.
Each chapter of the novel begins with an aphorism attributed to Pudd’nhead Wilson’s “calendar,” an almanac written by a character in the book. To promote the serialized novel, the Century Company published under a fictional imprint this small format calendar, distributing it to bookstores and newsstands.
This calendar is on view until May 4, 2025.
Pudd’nhead Wilson’s Calendar for 1894, [New York: Century, 1893], purchased in 1934; PML 30089. Photography by Carmen González Fraile, 2024.
可能是貓頭鷹和顯示的文字是「洛快喜 Yudd' >udd'nBead udd' nbead "ilson's ilson's Calendar for 1894 ঠচ 」的圖像

 Shorter was (as usual) both metaphorical and direct. “It’s a little thing we call trust and faith,” he said. “To me, the definition of faith is to fear nothing.”

If there is one immortal distinction Shorter can certainly claim, it’s that of being jazz’s all-time greatest aphorist. That’s not an easily earned title, in a music community full of philosophers. Blakey, for one, famously said that jazz “washes away the dust of everyday life.” Davis reminded us that it’s about “the notes you don’t play.”

Some Chinese intellectuals believe anti-English measures are part of a Communist Party drive for ideological purity

Why China is turning away from English
Lingua no thank ya

No Republican played a bigger part in Donald Trump’s rise than Jeff Sessions—but it still wasn’t enough to save his career


Donald Trump ends the career of his former chief ideologue, Jeff Sessions
The president, a fan of Confederate monuments, toppl


西班牙《國家報》報導,為加泰獨立運動作出不少理論的實業家Oriol Soler上星期四曾走進厄瓜多爾駐英大使館,與Wikileaks創辦人阿桑奇會面。西班牙外相稱,Soler企圖操縱「加泰事件的民主方向」,暗示Soler想尋求阿桑奇協助在網上造成有利加獨的輿論,影響12月的加泰地選。

Key Catalan ideologue met with Julian Assange in London

Spanish foreign minister said there is evidence that several individuals are “trying to affect the natural democratic course of events in Catalonia”

"It takes no time at all to gel." – Prince William on the East Anglian Air Ambulance team.

When asked about the decision not to charge Hillary Clinton, lawyers and legal experts interviewed answered with a maxim about the U.S. justice system: Not every bad act is a crime, and not all crimes are punished.

In considering whether to press charges against Hillary Clinton, the FBI’s options were limited to two federal laws, each of which posed significant obstacles for investigators and prosecutors.

That grounded maxim
So rife and celebrated in the mouths
Of wisest men: that to the public good
Private respects must yield.
Milton I.865

socialist/capitalist ideology
The people are caught between two opposing ideologies.

gel verb (BECOME FIRM)

[ I ] us also jell to change from a liquid into a thicksoft solid

[ I ] us also jell If an idea or situation gels, it starts to become moreclear and fixed:

They talked a lot about opening a restaurant, but their plans never gelled.

[ I ] us also jell If two or more people gel, they form a good relationshipor become friends:

The team really gelled during the first few games of the season.


 (rīf) pronunciation
adj., rif·er, rif·est.
  1. In widespread existence, practice, or use; increasingly prevalent.
  2. Abundant or numerous.
[Middle English, from Old English rȳfe.]
maxim noun [C]
a brief statement of a general truth, principle or rule for behaviour


  • 発音記号[àidiɑ'lədʒi, ìd- | -ɔ'l-]
  • 中國最近有譯為"思想性" (哈哈)
1 イデオロギー, 観念形態.
2 [U]((古))観念論.
3 [U]空理空論.
[形]((叙述))((形式))〈好ましくない物・事が〉はびこって, 広まって;〈場所が〉(好ましくない物・事で)いっぱいである, 満ち満ちている((with ...)). ▼主にbeまたはgrow, waxと共に用いる
Violence is rife in the slums. [=The slums are rife with violence. ]

ideologue noun [C] FORMAL
a person who believes very strongly in particular principles and tries to follow them carefully


  1. an adherent of an ideology, especially one who is uncompromising and dogmatic.

    "a right-wing ideologue"



ideological adjective
based on or relating to a particular set of ideas or beliefs:
ideological differences
There are some fairly profound ideological disagreements within the movement.
ideologically adverb
The government is ideologically opposed to spending more on the arts (= this is in opposition to its political beliefs).

Little separates the two women ideologically (= they believe in similar things) .
Iatrogenic 由醫療處方或檢查所致的病
Iatrogenic disease 受醫師影響而生之病
Ideologist 18世紀道德哲學家(研究個人與社會的唯理理論、其對象確立為人類的思維本身,或人與人關係之間的學問。主要分為歷史的和數目的-可以採用牛頓定律的先驗概念,從統計數字讀出概念定律。未來的統計學誕生於啟蒙時代理性道德哲學中有關定律的思想)或空想家,

noun [C]
a well-known and wise statement, which often has a meaning that is different from the meanings of the words it contains
As the saying goes, 'Don't count your chickens before they're hatched'.
”Turnover is vanity, profits are sanity and cash is reality”, goes the old saying.
Two's company, three's a crowd. SAYING
said when two people are relaxed and enjoying each other's company but another person would make them feel less comfortable

noun [C] 格言
a short, cleverly phrased saying which is intended to express a general truth; a maxim
Oscar Wilde was famous for such aphorisms as 'Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes'

"Aphorism — the English version, anyway, in which there is no event or moment that cannot be made into a droll maxim of one sort or another — is at the heart of 'Who's Who in Hell,'" writes Sifton. He says, "There are missteps, particularly in Chalmers's inept sketching of parenthood and in his largely impersonal relationship with the novel's female characters," but overall, the novel "makes for fine and highly pleasurable reading."
