took a booby prize in any cattle shop,
The Whales Of August 1987 (Bette Davis)
Shown here nearly three times its actual size, “Beauty Revealed: Self Portrait” was painted from life by a right-handed woman in a studio that was none too warm
Young Hunter S. Thompson slams ‘empty head’ Jack Kerouac in 1958 letter
"The man is an ass, a mystic boob with intellectual myopia."
An Englishman likes a routine: Marmite on his toast, warm beer in his glass, bad teeth in his mouth and, for readers of the Sun, a squint at Kelly from Daventry's boobs on Page 3. Such is the claim made by Britain's biggest-selling tabloid: that since its topless photos were introduced in 1970 they have become a harmless fixture of national life. Yet Page 3's days could be numbered
3. YouTube to Boob Tube: Dane Boedigheimer's Annoying Orange TV Show Has Kids Hooked How a guy from Minnesota turned animated scenes of "kitchen carnage" into a hit TV show for boys in three years
Intel Still Trying to Put Smarts Into the Boob Tube
Silicon Valley has been talking for 15 years or so about marrying TV and the Internet. On Thursday, Intel gave an update this week about a reformulated TV strategy that might be paraphrased as follows: it's the software, stupid.
Microsoft has swiftly fixed an embarrassing gaffe which saw a chunk of code labelled "big boobs".
cattle market noun [C] (COWS)
- 発音記号[búːb]
[名]. n. Slang A stupid or foolish person; a dolt. n.
1 ((米古風))まぬけ, とんま;俗物.
2 ((英略式))大失敗, へま.
━━[動](自)((英俗))大失敗をやる, どじを踏む.
boob tube,
n. Slang
Television: "Parents complain about the quality of the shows but don't prevent their children from gluing themselves to the boob tube" (David Owen).
Synonyms: television receiver, television, television set, tv, tv set, idiot box, telly, goggle box
Booby prize
A prize given to make fun of the loser in a contest or game.
Booby is a type of gannet. 'Boobies' has also been used as a slang
term for breasts since around 1935. This booby is neither of those. The
word has been used to mean dunce or nincompoop since at least the late
16th century and that's the 'booby' of 'booby prize' and 'booby trap'.
The word probably derives from the Spanish word 'bobo' meaning 'fool'
or 'dunce'. An example of that usage, as 'bobie', comes in The Pleasant Comodie of Patient Grissill, 1599:
Let Gwenthyan see what bobie fool loves her...
It is also found, as 'booby', in Fletcher and Massinger's comic play The Custome of the Countrey, circa 1640:
Cry you great booby.

One of the Saylers espying a Bird fitly called a Booby, hee mounted to the top-mast and tooke her. The foolish quality of which Bird is to sit still, not valuing danger.
phrase 'booby prize' originated as a term of disparagement for the
person with the lowest score in a contest. It was probably coined in
the USA. All the early printed references to 'booby prize' originate
from there - the earliest that I can find is from a student newspaper
from Oberlin, Ohio, The Oberlin Review, 1881:
The gentlemen strove at skill in hemming aprons for the fair ones: the first prize was won by Mr. Jackson, the booby prize by Mr. Jones.
The Phrase A Week newsletter goes to 125,000 subscribers (90,500 by e-mail, 30,500 by RSS feed).
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booby prize
- An award given to the one who performs worst in a game or contest.
- Informal. Acknowledgment of great inferiority, as in ability.
something dangerous, especially a bomb, that is hidden inside somewhere that looks safe:
The bodyguard was killed while checking the president's car for booby traps.
a booby-trap bomb
They put a bucket of water on top of his door as a booby trap.
booby-trap Show phonetics
verb [T]
The police discovered that the car was booby-trapped.