Titus van Rijn in a Monk`s Habit 1660 -Rembrandt
Style: Baroque, Tenebrism
Genre: portrait
Media: oil, canvas……

Today most couples cohabit before marrying, and a large proportion of the women in those couples, Sassler argues, are not satisfied doing a disproportionate share of so-called women's housework.
On Stump, a Chastened Obama Takes Sharper Tone
By MARK LEIBOVICH 39 minutes ago
President Obama, sounding more subdued than he did in his own campaign in 2008, spent four days on the road trying to help fellow Democrats.
Mary Altaffer/Associated Press
Protest Puts Coverage in Spotlight
Occupy Wall Street has become an ideological litmus test, spawning accusations of media bias from all sides. Above, police subdued a photographer on Thursday in New York.
Last year, China acted like a famished giant, devouring a third of the steel, coal and cotton produced in the world, but its domestic output value accounted for only 8 percent of the global total.
fam·ish (făm'ĭsh)

v., -ished, -ish·ing, -ish·es. v.tr.
- To cause to endure severe hunger.
- To cause to starve to death.
- To endure severe deprivation, especially of food.
- To undergo starvation and die.
[Middle English famishen, alteration of famen, from Old French afamer, from Vulgar Latin *affamāre : Latin ad-, ad- + Latin famēs, hunger.]
famishment fam'ish·ment n.Japanese Mortified By Obama's Bow
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
By Sean Hannity

By Sean Hannity
The news that is not White House approved...
Embarrassing an Ally
Over the weekend President Obama declared himself the first Pacific president. I'm not sure if that was before or after he bowed to the Japanese emperor while trying to shake his hand at the same time. Unfortunately, that's not exactly how the Japanese perform their customary bow.
ABC's Jake Tapper reports that at least one Japanese newspaper is not printing the picture of the president's mortifying bow because the Japanese are embarrassed by his behavior. A scholar of traditional Japan tells Mr. Tapper, "The bow… did not just display weakness in Red State terms, but evoked weakness in Japanese terms… The last thing the Japanese want or need is a weak-looking American president."
Wasn't this president elected to restore our alliances and repair our images abroad? Now he's embarrassed the U.S. and one of our allies all at the same time. That takes real effort.
“Try always,” says the worldly Cardinal Wolsey in “Wolf Hall,” Hilary Mantel’s fictional portrait of Henry VIII’s turbulent court, “to find out what people wear under their clothes.” Katherine of Aragon, the queen who can’t produce an heir, wears a nun’s habit. Anne Boleyn, the tease eager to supplant her, won’t let the king know what she’s wearing until their wedding night; she says “yes, yes, yes” to him, “then she says no.” Thomas More, willing to go to any lengths to prevent the marriage, wears a shirt of bristling horsehair, which mortifies his flesh until the sores weep.
━━ n. 癖, 習慣; 常用癖; (動・植物の)習性; 体質; 気質; 服, (特に)僧服; 婦人乗馬服; 【結晶】晶癖.

"I began to keep the little creatures," she said, "with an object that the wards will readily comprehend. With the intention of restoring them to liberty. When my judgment should be given. Ye-es! They die in prison, though. Their lives, poor silly things, are so short in comparison with Chancery proceedings that, one by one, the whole collection has died over and over again. I doubt, do you know, whether one of these, though they are all young, will live to be free! Very mortifying, is it not?"
1 ((通例受身))…に屈辱を与える, を動揺させる
be mortified at [by] his remark
2 《病理学》…を壊疽(えそ)にかからせる.
3 ((形式))〈肉体・情欲などを〉禁欲や苦行によって制する, 克服する
mortify the flesh by fasting
1 禁欲する, 苦行する.
2 《病理学》〈体の部分が〉壊疽にかかる.
[中フランス語←後ラテン語mortificāre (mors死+-FY=死なす). △MORTAL]
mor・ti・fy・ing mortifying
[副]━━ vt. (苦痛・情欲を)克服する; 屈辱を感じさせる, (気持ちを)傷つける.
━━ vi. 【医】脱疽(だっそ)にかかる.

v., -fied, -fy·ing, -fies. v.tr.
- To cause to experience shame, humiliation, or wounded pride; humiliate.
- To discipline (one's body and physical appetites) by self-denial or self-inflicted privation.
- To practice ascetic discipline or self-denial of the body and its appetites.
- Pathology. To undergo mortification; become gangrenous or necrosed.
[Middle English mortifien, to deaden, subdue, from Old French mortifier, from Latin mortificāre, to kill : mors, mort-, death + -ficāre, -fy.]
━━ vt. (苦痛・情欲を)克服する; 屈辱を感じさせる, (気持ちを)傷つける.━━ vi. 【医】脱疽(だっそ)にかかる.

(səb-dū', -dyū') 
tr.v., -dued, -du·ing, -dues.

tr.v., -dued, -du·ing, -dues.
- To conquer and subjugate; vanquish. See synonyms at defeat.
- To quiet or bring under control by physical force or persuasion; make tractable.
- To make less intense or prominent; tone down: subdued my excitement about the upcoming holiday.
- To bring (land) under cultivation: Farmers subdued the arid lands of Australia.
[Middle English subduen, alteration (influenced by Latin subdere, to subject) of Old French suduire, to seduce, from Latin subdūcere, to withdraw (probably influenced by Latin sēdūcere, to seduce) : sub-, away; see sub- + dūcere, to lead.]
subduable sub·du'a·ble adj.subduer sub·du'er n.
1 ((形式))〈国・国民などを〉征服する;〈人・敵を〉圧倒する, 〈反乱を〉制圧[鎮圧]する.
2 〈人を〉服従させる, 威圧する, 従順にする
be subdued by kindness
3 ((形式))〈感情・衝動を〉抑える, 抑制する
She subdued the raging in her heart.
4 〈自然を〉征服する;〈土地を〉開墾する.
5 …を和らげる;〈炎症・感染・痛みを〉鎮める, 和らげる
subdue pain
- 発音記号[praivéiʃən][名]
1 [U]奪うこと, 剥奪(はくだつ), 没収;奪われている状態.
2 [U][C]((形式))(生活必需品などの)欠乏, 不足;不自由, 窮乏
3 欠乏[不足]状態.
a life of privation
suffer many privations
Pronunciation: /kəʊˈhabɪt/
Definition of cohabit