So in September, Ms. Miller got something called the Ideal Implant, which bills itself as “natural feel without silicone gel.” The implants, created by a Dallas plastic surgeon, Dr. Robert S. Hamas (pronounced HEY-mus), are made of saline. But instead of bouncing around and potentially scalloping or folding 褶皱或折叠, as saline implants tend to, they are as soft as gel.
A Ready-Made Solution to the U.K. Housing Crunch?
After years of cuts to public school budgets across the country, many districts are relying on parents to pay for classroom supplies, extracurricular activities and even teacher salaries. But some worry that uneven distribution of funds will widen disparities between schools and between districts. NPR’s Neal Conan, host of Talk of the Nation, talks with New York Times reporter Kyle Spencer and Susan Sweeney, executive director of California Consortium of Education Foundations.
But how do we judge what is consequential in history? To Ray Huang, in 1587 things were rather quiet at the eastern as well as the western end of the Old World. His unusual and thoughtful book is a portrait of China in that Year of the Pig, which he calls a ''year of no significance.'' But he means precisely to show us the significance of the insignificant. He takes the poet's or the novelist's joy in turning a commonplace detail to the angle at which it reveals its glint of meaning.
Across the river, the corrugated-iron roofs of a prefabricated barracks glint in the midday sun.
The photography is an exception: the Multiple Exposures Gallery is first-rate, displaying not merely beautiful pictures but inventive techniques as well. On a recent visit the gallery showcased landscapes, including an especially arresting wide-angle aerial shot of a field in Fujian after a storm. Crops glinted in the rising sun like rows of wet sapphires, the scalloped grey clouds echoing the terraced farming beneath.

種類 ヴィエノワズリー

ブリオッシュ(フランス語: brioche [bʁiˈjɔʃ] ブリヨッシュ)はフランスの菓子パン(ヴィエノワズリー)の一つ。ブリオーシュとも書く。
盧梭在其回憶錄《懺悔錄》中寫道:「我想起了一位尊貴的公主的蠢話:有人告訴她說農民沒有麵包吃了,她回答道:那就叫他們吃蛋糕吧!(Qu'ils mangent de la brioche!)」,由於布莉歐由牛奶、奶油等烘培而成,遠較僅以粗麵粉製成的麵包高檔,故此語與晉惠帝之言「何不食肉糜?」意境相仿。
布莉歐(法語:brioche,發音:[bʁijɔʃ],英語發音:/ˈbriːoʊʃ/,英國發音:/ˈbriːɒʃ//briːˈɒʃ/,美國發音:/briːˈoʊʃ//ˈbriːɔːʃ//briːˈɔːʃ/)為法國的甜點(或麵包,亦有稱「甜點包」者)。其質外酥內軟、由豐富的高、中筋麵粉、糖、奶油、雞蛋與牛奶製作烘培而成;其味甜而不膩,不但可爲茶點,亦可與鵝肝、香腸一同品嘗。常見的布莉歐略分兩種:第一種為麵包型(Pain Brioche,亦稱Brioche Nanterre),外型為吐司狀,雞蛋、麵粉比例較高,口感扎實,有時可加入葡萄乾(後者稱Brioche aux raisins或Panettone)。第二種為尖型(Brioche à tête),上有一尖頭(tête),奶油比例較高,口感綿密。
- A momentary flash of light; a sparkle: a glint of sunlight through the clouds.
- A faint or fleeting indication; a trace:a glint of suspicion on his face.
- To gleam or give out small flashes of light, usually by reflection: Her glasses glinted in the sunlight. See synonyms at flash.
- To be reflected in small flashes: The moon glinted on the lake.
A bake sale is a fundraising activity where baked goods such as doughnuts, cupcakes and cookies, sometimes along with ethnic foods, are sold. Bake sales are usually held by small, non-profit organizations, such as clubs, school groups and charitable organizations.[1] Bake sales are often set up around an area of pedestrian traffic, such as outside a grocery store or at a busy intersection near a mall.
(skŏl'-) or es·cal·lop (ĭ-skŏl'-, ĭ-skăl'-)
- Any of various free-swimming marine mollusks of the family Pectinidae, having fan-shaped bivalve shells with a radiating fluted pattern.
- The edible adductor muscle of this mollusk.
- A shell of this mollusk, or a dish in a similar shape, used for baking and serving seafood.
- One of a series of curved projections forming an ornamental border.
- A thin boneless slice of meat.
- To edge (cloth, for example) with a series of curved projections.
- To bake in a casserole with milk or a sauce and often with bread crumbs: scalloped potatoes.
- To cut (meat) into thin boneless slices.
To gather scallops for eating or sale.
n. - 扇貝, 乾貝
v. tr. - 使成扇形
v. intr. - 拾扇貝, 捕撈扇貝
One of a continuous series of curves resembling segments of a circle, used as a decorative element on the outer edge of a strip of wood, molding etc.