The widow of the US TV host has gone to court to contest a handwritten will that purportedly leaves the late star's $2m estate to his children.

Larry King's widow contests handwritten will
The future of global e-commerce is being staked out in China, not the West. It is a market that is worth more than America's and Europe's combined

Why retailers everywhere should look to China
Will the Chinese model of e-commerce go global?
How should European countries position themselves in the growing geopolitical and technological contest between America and China?
But European leaders want to stake out an independent position
America urges Europe to join forces against China
But European leaders want to stake out an independent position
It happened one morning after I had tried to sit in on a court case in Guangzhou in which one of my characters, Ah Peng, was contesting his detention by police.
Japan Courts the Money in Reactors
Japanese industrial conglomerates, with the cooperation of the government in Tokyo, are renewing their pursuit of multibillion-dollar nuclear projects, particularly in smaller countries.But a long road lies ahead in rescuing recent architectural history. Kevin Roche's nearby Veterans Memorial Coliseum, a big brute of a building whose spiral ramps and rooftop parking have made it a cult favorite of architecture students, is being demolished. A few miles away Marcel Breuer's Pirelli Building has been partly dismantled to make way for a parking lot.
RockMelt Covets Browser Market
A Silicon Valley start-up called RockMelt is entering one of the most hotly contested software markets—Web browsers—with a strategy to integrate social networking and other features.
v., -et·ed, -et·ing, -ets.'s Enviable Challenge: What to Do With Its Growing Cash Pile
- To feel blameworthy desire for (that which is another's). See synonyms at envy.
- To wish for longingly. See synonyms at desire.
To feel immoderate desire for that which is another's.
[古フランス語←俗ラテン語cupiditare(cupidus切望している+-are不定詞語尾). △CUPID]
[Middle English coveiten, from Old French coveitier, from covitie, desire, from Latin cupiditās, from cupidus, desirous, from cupere, to desire.]
covetable cov'et·a·ble adj.coveter cov'et·er n.
covetingly cov'et·ing·ly adv.
Pronunciation: /ˈɛnvi/
noun (plural envies)
verb (envies, envying, envied)
[with object]Origin:
Middle English (also in the sense 'hostility, enmity'): from Old French envie (noun), envier (verb), from Latin invidia, from invidere 'regard maliciously, grudge', from in- 'into' + videre 'to see'
v., court·ed, court·ing, courts.
- To attempt to gain; seek: courting wealth and fame.
- To behave so as to invite or incur: courts disaster by taking drugs.
- To try to gain the love or affections of, especially to seek to marry.
- To attempt to gain the favor of by attention or flattery: a salesperson courting a potential customer.
- Zoology. To behave so as to attract (a mate).
- To pursue a courtship; woo.
- Zoology. To engage in courtship behavior.

- A struggle for superiority or victory between rivals.
- A competition, especially one in which entrants perform separately and are rated by judges. See synonyms at conflict.
v., -test·ed, -test·ing, -tests. (kən-tĕst', kŏn'tĕst')
- To compete or strive for.
- To call into question and take an active stand against; dispute or challenge: contest a will. See synonyms at oppose.
To struggle or compete; contend: contested with other bidders for the antique.
[Probably from French conteste, from contester, to dispute, from Old French, to call to witness, from Latin contestārī : com-, com- + testis, witness.]
contestable con·test'a·ble adj.contestation con'tes·ta'tion (kŏn'tĕ-stā'shən) n.
contester con·test'er n.test | kn-〕
Word of the Day:
coliseum (KOL-i-SEE-uhm)
A large stadium, theater, or similar building for sports, cinema, exhibitions, etc.
After Colosseum, name of the amphitheater in Rome, from Latin colosseus (gigantic)
The Roman Colosseum was completed c. 80 AD. This amphitheater's name is derived from the huge 130 foot colossus of Nero that once stood nearby. The Colosseum was the site of gory gladiatorial contests from which came the term Roman holiday: roman holiday. See pictures and learn more about the Colosseum at
"The [Arena Football League] is talking to coliseum officials in Bloomington about a franchise there in 2006." — Dave Eminian; Say Bye-bye, Bottom Line; Peoria Journal Star (Illinois); Jul 5, 2005.