A cartoon by John Klossner. #NewYorkerCartoons
See more from this week’s issue: http://nyer.cm/hg0Q4EC
Furry Slippers and Sweatpants: Embracing ‘Gross Outfits’ at Work
The social media movement is the latest sign that some of China’s young people are resisting the compulsion to strive.
European Officials Move to Curb Overfishing
Officials hailed the deal as a landmark agreement, but environmentalists said it might not be ambitious enough.
Antarctica |
"RECOGNIZING that it is in the interest of all mankind that Antarctica shall continue for ever to be used exclusively for peaceful purposes and shall not become the scene or object of international discord" — The Antarctic Treaty
n., pl., krill.
The collection of small marine crustaceans of the order Euphausiacea that are the principal food of baleen whales.
- [kríl]
[Norwegian kril, young fry of fish.]
Word of the Day:
babel (BAB-uhl, BAY-buhl)
1. A confused mixture of noises or voices.
2. A scene of noise or confusion.
From Hebrew Babhel (Babylon). In the Old Testament (Genesis 11:4-9), people united in an attempt to build a city with a tower that reached the heavens. This displeased god who halted the project by confounding people's speech so they wouldn't understand one another. Earliest documented use: before 1382.
"While an excited babel of Spanish, German, Japanese, and Hindi emanated from the dozens of television news crews in the street, the response to Charles and Camilla's 'I do's' among locals was mostly 'We Don't.'" — Glenda Cooper; In Windsor, a Royal Pain; The Washington Post; Apr 10, 2005.
- 1.an area of fairly level high ground.
- 2.a state of little or no change following a period of activity or progress."the peace process had reached a plateau"
Definition of overfish