Paul Crutzen, who demonstrated that nitrogen oxides accelerate the depletion of the ozone layer, has passed away aged 87.
Crutzen was awarded the 1995 Nobel Prize in Chemistry alongside Mario Molina and Sherwood Rowland for their pioneering research on how ozone in the atmosphere is formed and decomposed. Thanks to their work the use of CFC gases were banned and today the ozone layer is slowly repairing itself.
Crutzen, an atmospheric scientist, is also known for coining the term 'Anthropocene', often used to refer to the era in which we now live, where human activity has had a profound impact on the earth's climate and ecosystems. He dedicated his Nobel Lecture to his grandson's generation "who will know so much more and who will celebrate the disappearance of the ozone hole. I hope you will not be disappointed with us."
Read Crutzen's full Nobel Lecture:
Guardian US 和 The Guardian 都分享了 1 條連結。
Having a bad week? Just bear this in mind: On Thursday, someone woke up, went to work where he or she pretends to be Kellogg'sFrosties’ mascot Tony the Tiger on the internet, and had to ask people to stop sending anthropomorphic animal porn.
[1] In this paper we investigate a severe pollution episode that occurred in Beijing, Tianjin, and the Hebei province in January 2013. The episode was caused by the combination of anthropogenic emissions and a high-pressure system that trapped pollutants in the boundary layer. Using IASI (Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer) satellite measurements, high concentrations of key trace gases such as carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and ammonia (NH3) along with ammonium sulfate aerosol ((NH4)2SO4) are found. We show that IASI is able to detect boundary layer pollution in case of large negative thermal contrast combined with high levels of pollution. Our findings demonstrate that anthropogenic key pollutants, such as CO and SO2, can be monitored by IASI in the North China Plain during wintertime in support of air quality evaluation and management.
Q. You’ve said you didn’t want to write a book that had only criticism. You’ve given some prescriptions on how China can lessen the environmental impact of its growth. What are some of the more helpful steps it can take?
A. The most helpful step Beijing could take would be to adopt a cap on its greenhouse gas emissions or to impose a significant tax on carbon. Many experts now believe that the world will be able to rein in carbon emissions only if China and the United States, which together produce almost half of global anthropogenic emissions, commit to limits. Because China is relatively poor and it is still building much of its national infrastructure, such a commitment would be challenging.
Human impact on the environment - Wikipedia, the free - Cached
Human impact on the environment or anthropogenic impact on the environment includes impacts on biophysical environments, biodiversity and other resources.My comic strip features an anthropomorphous frog that walks upright, wears a bowtie and vest, and speaks only in rhyming couplets.
人類世(英文:Anthropocene)又稱人新世[1],是一個尚未被正式認可的地質概念,用以描述地球最晚近的地質年代。人類世並沒有準確的開始年份,可能是由18世紀末人類活動對氣候及生態系統造成全球性影響開始。這個日子正與詹姆斯·瓦特(James Watt)於1784年改良蒸汽機吻合。[2]一些學者例如威廉·拉迪曼則將人類世拉到更早的時期,例如人類開始務農的時期。
Furry fandom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Definition of furry in English:
adjective ( furrier, furriest)
Chiuyung Tai 新增了 1 張相片
Having or suggesting human form and appearance.
Ascribing human motivation, characteristics, or behavior to things not human, such as inanimate objects, animals, or natural phenomena.
- 発音記号[æ`nθrəpəmɔ'ːrfik]
The study of human body measurement for use in anthropological classification and comparison.
anthropometric an'thro·po·met'ric (-pə-mĕt'rĭk) or an'thro·po·met'ri·cal (-rĭ-kəl) adj.
anthropometrically an'thro·po·met'ri·cal·ly adv.
anthropometrist an'thro·pom'e·trist n.
東京大學總合研究博物館之各項展覽,不僅將專業先進之學術成果,向社會大眾展示與發表,也冀望打破過往在學科專業化 發展下所產生的學術分野,使參觀者於「藝術與科學」的跨領域架構下,享受「觀賞」與「學習」之雙重樂趣。東京大學行動博物館展覽曾於世界各地進行展出,此 次於臺大圖書館之展出,為系列展覽III最完整的一次公開展示。
本展覽屬於「Mode & Science」系列展之一,期結合以抽象概念為主的數理科學及強調技術層次的時尚設計,從中帶領參觀者由新角度體察事物,思索各種人體、形態及運動等,如何游移於二度與三度空間之中的各種問題,並呈現融合科學與時尚的獨特之美。
開幕典禮:2011年5月16日上午9點 | 臺大圖書館一樓
專題演講:西野嘉章館長(東京大學總合研究博物館) | 2011年5月16日上午10點 | 臺大圖書館B1國際會議廳
展場規劃・視覺設計:UMUT WORKS (西野嘉章‧關岡裕之)
The University of Tokyo Mobilemuseum
“ANTHROPOMETRIA——Mode & Science III by Naoki Takizawa”
an·thro·po·gen·ic ( n thr -p -j n k). adj. 1. Of or relating to anthropogenesis. 2. Caused by humans: anthropogenic degradation of the environment.
For starters, the word Anthropocene problematically implies that humans as a species are responsible for the sorry state of the earth’s environments. While technically true, only a fraction of humanity, driven by greed and rapacious capitalism, is responsible for burning through the planet’s resources at an unsustainable rate. Billions of humans still lead lives with relatively modest environmental footprints, yet the terminology of the Anthropocene wrongly lays blame at their feet. Responding to the vote, a group of outside scientists wisely noted in the journal Nature Ecology and Evolution that “our impacts have less to do with being human and more to do with ways of being human.”
What’s more, inaugurating a new geologic epoch is an unacceptable act of defeatism. Geologic epochs are not fleeting moments. The shortest one, the Holocene — the one we live in — is 11,700 years long and counting. The idea that we are entering a new epoch defined by human-caused environmental disaster implies that we won’t be getting out of this mess anytime soon. In that way, the Anthropocene forecloses on the possibility that the geologic future might be better than the present.