‘Napoleon’ Review: A Lumpy, Grumpy Little Man
Joaquin Phoenix is oddly mesmerizing as the French emperor in Ridley Scott’s historical epic charting his rise and ruin.
Although the studies question some commonly shared perspectives on the morning meal, skipping breakfast isn’t necessarily the answer—especially if not eating in the morning makes you a grump. Keep your family, friends, and coworkers in mind, please.
"They simply don't write funny stuff anymore," he once said. "A lot of it is very depressing. Or violent. Or both."
Barney Frank's War of Words With Wall Street Barney Frank, the famously grumpy Massachusetts representative, who announced on Monday that he will not seek re-election next year, has been a harsh critic of big banks over the years.
Obama and Asian Leaders Confront China’s Premier
Prime Minister Wen Jiabao of China was by turns “grouchy” and constructive as he responded to concerns about his country’s claims in the South China Sea, an American official said.
- 発音記号[kənstrʌ'ktiv]
- Serving to improve or advance; helpful: constructive criticism.
- Of or relating to construction; structural.
- Law. Based on an interpretation; not directly expressed.
1 〈意見・考え方などが〉建設的な, 発展的な(⇔destructive).
2 構造(上)の;構成的な.
3 解釈上の, 推定的な;明示的でない
constructive dismissal
4 《法律》法定の, 擬制による, 準….
漫畫來源: Ted Goff
Over the past quarter-century no country has gained more from globalisation than China. Hundreds of millions of its people have been dragged out of subsistence into the middle class. China has been a grumpy taker in this process. It helped derail the latest round of world trade talks.
WILSON'S grumpy withdrawal from the contemporary American scene in his later years was never altogether convincing. ''When, for example, I look through Life magazine,'' he remarked on reaching 60 in 1956, ''I feel that I do not belong to the country depicted there, that I do not even live in that country.'' Edmund Wilson
What can we learn from animal emotions? Until recently for a scientist to examine the grumpiness of a cat, the joy of a dog, or the unhappiness of a zoo elephant may not have been considered the stuff of serious research.
That's no longer the case. Scientists are increasingly curious about what emotions animals are feeling and what emotions animals share with humans?
Madeleine Amberger explores the world of animal emotions for Spectrum.
沒 翻譯grump--"世間果真存在只有快樂了無憂愁的香格里拉?美國公共廣播電台駐外特派員懷納(Eric Weiner)別開生面,以地理學知識為雷達,偵測這個藍色星球上,哪裡才是快樂天堂。新書《福祐之地:世上最快樂的地方》(The Geography of Bliss: One Grump's Search for the Happiest Places in the World),將他親身踏查的心得統整歸納,告訴讀者快樂究竟在哪裡。"
adj., -i·er, -i·est.
Tending to complain or grumble; peevish or grumpy.
grouchily grouch'i·ly adv.
grouchiness grouch'i·ness n.
grumpy Show phonetics
adjective INFORMAL ━━ a. 気むずかしい; 渋面の.
easily annoyed and complaining:
I hadn't had enough sleep and was feeling a bit grumpy.
a grumpy old man
grump Show phonetics
someone who is easily annoyed and complains a lot:
He's only an old grump - don't listen to him.
early 18th century: imitating inarticulate sounds expressing displeasure.
grumpily Show phonetics
grumpiness Show phonetics
v., yelled, yell·ing, yells. v.intr.
To cry out loudly, as in pain, fright, surprise, or enthusiasm.
To utter or express with a loud cry. See synonyms at shout.
- A loud cry; a shout.
- A rhythmic cheer uttered or chanted in unison.
[Middle English yellen, from Old English giellan, gellan.]
yeller yell'er n.「臭臉犀牛」(Rhinoceros Sulkyface)