Mnemonists, this is the job for you @NatGeo:
While it is just about possible to retain this information for exams – the corridors beforehand are full of sweating students chanting mnemonics – it is inevitable that some of the knowledge will go missing later on.
Then, in 1596, Ricci wrote A Treatise on Mnemonics, in Chinese, for the governor of Jiangxi Province. In it he recreated the medieval European idea of a memory palace -- an edifice you build in your mind and furnish with mnemonic devices. Recollection is a process of walking through the rooms and associating information with their contents. Those contents must be distinct and dramatic.
Could Ukrainian hooligans hamper EURO 2012?
EU politicians plan to boycott the EURO 2012 in Poland and Ukraine over the government's treatment of opposition members. But how will Ukrainian hooligans react to the sudden influx of so many foreign visitors?
◎俞智敏Ukraine failed to anticipate the angry Western reaction to its treatment of jailed ex-prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko and the dispute risks ruining its hosting of the Euro 2012 football, observers said.
The Euro 2012 tournament co-hosted with Poland was set to be a glorious showcase for the ex-Soviet country:but President Viktor Yanukovych appears to have scored a massive own goal by allowing it to be overshadowed by the Tymoshenko case.
Austria has announced it will boycott all matches hosted by Ukraine, a move that reportedly could be matched by Germany. All European Union commissioners will also be absent, while at least seven EU heads of state are shunning a summit to be hosted by Yanukovych in Yalta this month.
Tymoshenko, who was jailed for seven years on charges of abuse of power in October, upped the stakes in her standoff with the authorities last month by going on hunger strike and claiming she had been beaten by prison guards.
With an efficient PR machine fronted by the opposition leader’s telegenic, London School of Economics-educated daughter Yevgeniya, the Western reaction led by Germany has been tough. And it clearly caught the Yanukovych government off guard.
"No one expected that Germany would kick up such a fuss,"said a Ukrainian source close to the presidency, admitting that the administration had not drawn up any response to the crisis. (AFP)
up/raise the stakes:片語,指提高比賽的獎金或酬勞,亦可引申為讓情勢更危急或難以忽視,例句:The stowaways are trying to raise the stakes by refusing to eat until they are given money and aid.(偷渡者試圖以拒食方式對當局施壓,直到他們獲得金錢和援助為止。)
catch off guard:片語,指讓人措手不及,沒有提防,例句:One of the larger airlines caught its rivals off guard yesterday by suddenly announcing a cut in fares.(其中一家大型航空公司昨天突然宣布機票降價,讓競爭對手來不及應變。)
kick up a fuss/row:片語,指挑起事端、引發騷亂,例句:The customer kicked up such a fuss about the food that the manager came to apologize.(客人對食物大發牢騷,經理不得不出面道歉。)
kick up a fuss (or a stink)

- Needlessly nervous or useless activity; commotion: There was a lot of fuss on moving day.
- A state of excessive and unwarranted concern over an unimportant matter: made a big fuss over one low test grade.
- An objection; a protest: The longer working hours caused a big fuss.
- A quarrel.
- A display of affectionate excitement and attention: Everyone made a fuss over the new baby.
v., fussed, fuss·ing, fuss·es. v.intr.
- To trouble or worry over trifles.
- To be excessively careful or solicitous: fussed over their children.
- To get into or be in a state of nervous or useless activity: fussed with the collar of his coat.
- To object; complain.
To disturb or vex with unimportant matters.
[Origin unknown.]
fusser fuss'er n.fussbudget
North American informalA person who fusses over trifles. | |
Synonyms: | fusspot, worrier, worrywart |
Usage: | Stop being such a fuss-budget, and just relax and have fun! |
Line breaks: mne|mon¦ic
A system such as a pattern of letters, ideas, orassociations which assists in remembering something:the usual mnemonic for star types is O Be A Fine Girl Kiss Me
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本 書 將 台 灣 外 省 人 想 像 成 是 一 個「 助 憶 社 群 」(mnemonic community):靠助憶法建構出有共同記憶的社群,並將外省人理解為:正成為享有「1949 大出逃」記憶特色的「族群」。本書作者楊孟軒主張,透過社會記憶內容與形式變遷,亦即「助憶體系」變遷,我們可以同理理解外省人社群的處境與認同轉變。而外省人與其後裔,正流露出轉向「台灣化」的「認同趨向性」。
- mnemonic
- [nimɑ'nik | -mɔ'n-]
recollection : (1) 收斂心神:靈魂試圖集中精神面對天主的臨在。 (2) 小避靜;退省:指一天或短時間之精神修養、培靈神工。
1 [U]回想, 記憶(力)
to the best of one's recollection
be beyond [past] recollection
be outside one's recollection
記憶にない, 忘れている
記憶にない, 忘れている
be within [in] one's recollection
I had a dim recollection of that fuss.
2 [U]瞑想(めいそう);平静, 沈着.
3 ((しばしば〜s))思い出, 追憶
recollections of one's school days