Some of the world’s most glorious sights can only be experienced if you crane your neck.
Sunlight! Above me stretched an expanse of blue. Lowering my gaze hopefully, however, I found a neat ring of clouds settled over the distant mountains. It was time, I decided, for my last-ditch strategy: a trip up Mount Nyukasa, on the eastern side of town, from where — with luck — I would be able to crane my neck over the top of the clouds to gaze upon Mount Fuji’s elusive peak.
Do cranes have ears? They sure do. Cranes have ear holes, about the same size as their eyes, on both sides of their head. The holes are hidden by tiny feathers that reduce wind noise, yet still allow sound waves to pass through. These "ear-feathers" even help cranes while diving, protecting delicate inner ears from water pressure. Because cranes rely on their intense vocal vernacular to get by, hearing is vital. They purr when happy, use loud warning calls before flight and release long dramatic "unison calls" during courtship. March is Crane Watch month, when spectators line up to watch over 500,000 majestic sandhill cranes migrate along the Platte River in Nebraska. The cranes' long neck and long windpipe gives volume to their calls, so, if you're thinking of joining the birdwatchers, don't forget to bring your earmuffs!
"A sparrow in the hand is better than a crane on the wing." — French proverb
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No Room for Error in a Crane at 1,100 Feet
Tom Gordon is among an elite cadre who operate the 200 cranes that swing
across the Manhattan skyline, but few work at the height that he does.
Pronunciation: /kreɪn/
Definition of crane
- レベル:大学入試程度
- 発音記号[kréin]
1 《機械》クレーン, 起重機;(映影カメラを移動する)クレーン.
2 《鳥》ツル(鶴);ツルに似た鳥(オオアオサギなど).
![Crowned crane (Balearica pavonina [regulorum]).](
(click to enlarge)
Crowned crane (Balearica pavonina [regulorum]). (credit: K.B. Newman)
Crowned crane (Balearica pavonina [regulorum]). (credit: K.B. Newman)
3 (暖炉の)自在かぎ;サイホン;吸水管;(機関車への)給水柱.
1 (よく見ようと)〈首を〉ツルのように伸ばす.
2 …を起重機で[のように]つり揚げる[つり下げる, 移動する]((up)).
1 首を伸ばす.
2 ((略式))〈人が〉(危険・困難などに直面して)ためらう, 二の足を踏む, しりごみをする;〈馬が〉(…の前で)立ち往生する((at ...)).
3 〈カメラが〉(クレーンで)移動する.