昨天我和AIT高雄分處處長杜維浩都帶著太太,到台南參加為206震災罹難者所舉辦的追思會,馬總統、蔡總統當選人、賴市長都致詞表達慰問。儀式一開始有段影片是親友們訴說對罹難者的思念,令人心痛不捨。我謹代表美國在台協會,向所有罹難者的家屬和朋友表達我們最誠摯的哀悼。--- 梅健華 #FromAITDirector
My wife and I went to Tainan yesterday along with the AIT Kaohsiung principal officer and his wife to attend a ceremony honoring those who lost their lives in the February 6 earthquake. President Ma, President-Elect Tsai, and Mayor Lai provided words of comfort and hope. It was heartbreaking to read the words of remembrance from loved ones during the video montage at the beginning of the program. On behalf of AIT, I extend our deepest condolences to all of the friends and family members of the earthquake victims...km
Quote: "Some day I will be better remembered."
Baiting Tactic Divides Fishing Community
A fishing technique known as "yo-yoing" -- stuffing a bait fish with lead weight so it will sink to the ocean's bottom where big stripers lie -- has stirred a debate about sportsmanship in a Massachusetts fishing community.
Another system, commonly known as motor learning, is subconscious and depends on other brain systems. This explains why people can jump on a bike after years away from one and take the thing for a ride, or why they can pick up a guitar that they have not played in years and still remember how to strum it.
A 2013 study found placing stickers over a male peacock’s iridescent eyespots caused mating success to drop to nearly zero. Photo by Roslyn Dakin
Train feathers are the the long, quintessential green, blue and bronze plumes that made the male peacock famous. In train-rattling, the bird shakes the train feathers to create a shimmering, iridescent background while the eyespots appear motionless.
Researchers filmed male and female peacocks at a botanical garden near Los Angeles with high-speed cameras. When train-rattling, the birds used the shorter, grey tail feathers to strum the longer feathers like a guitar. On average, they did it at a rate of 25 times a second.
showing luminous colours that seem to change when seen from different angles.
"the drake's head has an iridescent purple sheen"
verb [I or T] -mm-
to move your fingers across the strings of a guitar or similar instrument
sport (GAME) Show phonetics
A 2013 study found placing stickers over a male peacock’s iridescent eyespots caused mating success to drop to nearly zero. Photo by Roslyn Dakin
Train feathers are the the long, quintessential green, blue and bronze plumes that made the male peacock famous. In train-rattling, the bird shakes the train feathers to create a shimmering, iridescent background while the eyespots appear motionless.
Researchers filmed male and female peacocks at a botanical garden near Los Angeles with high-speed cameras. When train-rattling, the birds used the shorter, grey tail feathers to strum the longer feathers like a guitar. On average, they did it at a rate of 25 times a second.
- showing luminous colours that seem to change when seen from different angles."the drake's head has an iridescent purple sheen"
1 [C] a game, competition or activity needing physical effort and skill that is played or done according to rules, for enjoyment and/or as a job:
Football, cricket and hockey are all team sports.
I enjoy winter sports like skiing and skating.
2 [U] UK all types of physical activity which people do to keep healthy or for enjoyment:
She used to do/play a lot of sport when she was younger.
3 [U] OLD-FASHIONED fun or enjoyment
sporting Show phonetics
1 relating to sports:
The Olympics is the biggest sporting event in the world.
2 OLD-FASHIONED showing fairness and respect towards an opposing team or player
adjective [before noun]
relating to sport:
sports equipment.
It's the school sports day on Monday.
sportsman Show phonetics
noun [C]
1 a man who plays sport, especially well
2 someone who plays sport in a way that shows respect and fairness towards the opposing player or team:
He'll be remembered both as a brilliant footballer and as a true sportsman.
behaving in a fair and respectful way towards the opposing team or player when playing sport
noun [U]
when you behave in a fair and respectful way towards the opposing team or player when playing sport
sportsperson S
noun [C]
someone who plays sport, especially well:
He was voted Sportsperson of the Year.
noun [C]
a woman who plays sport, especially well:
a famous/keen/talented sportswoman
1 describes someone who enjoys sport and is good at it:
Guy wasn't really the sporty type.
2 describes clothes that are bright and informal, often looking like the type of clothes that you could wear for sports
3 A sporty car is a fast low car, often for two people only.
imprint (MARK) verb [T]
1 to mark a surface by pressing something hard into it
2 to fix an event or experience so firmly in the memory that it cannot be forgotten although you do not try to remember it:
That look of pure grief would be imprinted on her mind forever.
imprint Show phonetics noun
1[C usually singular] when an object presses on something and leaves a mark:
The button had left an imprint on my arm.
2 [S] when an event or experience becomes fixed in someone's memory or marked in some way on their appearance:
War has left its imprint on the strained faces of these people.
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
imprint━━ vt. (印を)押す; 銘記させる ((on, in)).
━━ n. 押印; 痕跡; (本のとびらや奥付に刷った)発行者の住所・氏名・出版年月日(など).
im・print・er ━━ n. 【コンピュータ】刻印装置.
im・print・ing ━━ n. 【生物】刷り込み, 刻印付け; 【コンピュータ】刻印.
M S Gorbachev:「每個人自己的人生命題,其實是由少年時期的切身體驗及所經歷的人生經驗所形成的。」((20世紀的精神教訓:戈爾巴喬夫與池田大作對話錄)(北京:社會科學文獻出版社,2005,頁十二)