China's launch could eventually reduce the influence of the London gold price.
Denominations Downsizing and Selling Assets in More Secular Era
In the 20th century, denominations became wealthier and acquired
better holdings, but now are pondering whether some properties "have
outlived their usefulness."
North Korea Appears to Restart Plutonium Reactor
New satellite images show steam emerging from a nuclear reactor in
North Korea, suggesting that the country may be making good on its
promise to resume the production of plutonium for its small nuclear
Istanbul Skyline Reflects Cheap Dollars Now Growing Scarce
Even optimists are growing nervous over the rapid accumulation of dollar-denominated debt in emerging economies like Turkey, while the Fed weighs its options.
It is by now pretty
well understood that traditional dating in college has mostly gone the
way of the landline, replaced by “hooking up” — an ambiguous term that
can signify anything from making out to oral sex to intercourse —
without the emotional entanglement of a relationship.
Customers are also getting antsy. Nabil Sarih, a 33-year-old taxi driver from San Bruno, Calif., said he is satisfied with his iPhone—for now. But Mr. Sarih, who bought his first iPhone years ago, adds that he thinks the Samsung Galaxy phones his friends recently bought are much "cooler" because they have features like the ability to run several apps at once. "Apple's losing its edge," he said.
Japan Leader Tries to Redo Pacifist Charter12
Cisco to Drop 6,500 Employees
Cisco Systems made good on a pledge to significantly trim its work force to improve the company's profitability, disclosing plans to shed 6,500 employees, or 9% of its staff.
BNP Weans Itself of Government GuaranteesBNP Paribas has sold the first euro-denominated, non-guaranteed senior bank bond since governments launched their credit guarantee schemes in October.
此senior 為債權優先的債券
- (Abbr. Sr.) Of or being the older of two, especially the older of two persons having the same name, as father and son.
- Of or relating to senior citizens. See Usage Note at old.
- Being in a position, rank, or grade above others of the same set or class: a senior officer; the senior ship in the battle group.
- Having precedence in making certain decisions.
- Of or relating to the fourth and last year of high school or college: our senior class.
- A person who is older than another: She is eight years my senior.
- A senior citizen.
- One that is of a higher position, rank, or grade than another in the same set or class.
- A student in the fourth year of high school or college.
[Middle English, from Latin, comparative of senex, old.]
━━ a. 年長の, 年上の(方の) ((to)) ((略 sen., Sr. )); 先任[先輩]の; 〔英〕 (学年が)上級の, 上席の; 〔米〕 (高校)最高学年の, (大学)4年生の.
━━ n. (普通one's ~) 年長者, 先輩; 先任者; 〔米〕 (高校)最上級生, (大学)4年生; 〔英〕 上級生.
senior airman 【米空軍】兵長.
senior citizen 〔米〕 高齢者 ((とくに65歳以上の退職者,年金生活者など)).
senior college 〔米〕 四年制大学.
senior high school 〔米〕 高等学校.
senior issue 【株】上位債[証券].

━━ n. 年長(であること), 先任(権,順), 年功.
senior management 上級管理職, 経営幹部.
senior service 〔英〕 (the ~) 海軍.
━━ n. (普通one's ~) 年長者, 先輩; 先任者; 〔米〕 (高校)最上級生, (大学)4年生; 〔英〕 上級生.
make out
Pronunciation: /ˈantsi/
Definition of antsy
adjective (antsier, antsiest)
North American informalmake good
1. Carry out successfully, make sure of, as in He made good his escape. This usage was first recorded in 1606. a college friend who made good in Hollywood
2. Fulfill, as in She made good her promise. This usage was first recorded in Miles Coverdale's 1535 translation of the Bible (II Chronicles 6:16): "Make good unto my father, David ... that which thou hast promised him."
3. Compensate for, make up for, as in They made good the loss. This usage first appeared in William Langland's Piers Ploughman (1377).
4. Succeed, as in He made good as a writer. [c. 1900]
From Mrs. Watanabe to Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Japan has long funded its huge deficit with dutiful lending from the mythical "Mrs. Watanabe." Will the U.S. follow? Massachusetts for the first time in two decades will sell "Build Mass Bonds" in bite-size $1,000 denominations. "I want to create a whole new class of investors," says Treasurer Steven Grossman.
A second reason why China may allow a stronger yuan is its desire to increase use of its currency in international trade and finance. In recent months China has allowed cross-border trade with some economies to be settled in yuan; it has raised quotas on share purchases by foreign institutional investors; and on September 28th it sold yuan-denominated government bonds in Hong Kong for the first time. If China wants to make the yuan a global currency this will require further loosening of foreign-exchange controls, and hence revaluation.
Crisis Comes to Hungary in Loans of Francs and Euros By NICHOLAS KULISH
The country has been marked as one of Europe’s problem countries because of its debt, almost a third of which is denominated in foreign currencies.
"I don’t see any contradiction in this. Not every Christian denomination is pacifist." KEN PAGANO, the pastor of the New Bethel Church in Kentucky, who is encouraging members of his congregation to bring guns to church on Saturday. | |
In the 1953 novel The Long Goodbye, the detective Philip Marlowe is sent a "portrait of Madison" (i.e. a $5,000 bill) by his former friend Terry Lennox.
--Large denominations of United States currency
denomination (VALUE) Show phonetics
noun [C] a unit of value, especially of money: 額面金額 面額
It always takes time to get used to the different denominations of coins when you go to a foreign country.
tr.v., -nat·ed, -nat·ing, -nates.
Of or relating to a quantity as a multiple of a unit: 12 in 12 pounds is denominate.

━━ vt. 命名する.- To issue or express in terms of a given monetary unit: securities that are denominated in dollars or yen.
- To give a name to; designate.
Of or relating to a quantity as a multiple of a unit: 12 in 12 pounds is denominate.
[Latin dēnōmināre, dēnōmināt- : dē-, de- + nōmināre, to name (from nōmen, nōmin-, name).]
denominable de·nom'i·na·ble (-nə-bəl) adj.denominate
de・nom・i・na・tion・al a. 宗派[教派]の.
de・nom・i・na・tion・al・ism n. 宗派心; 派閥主義.
Pronunciation: /ˈpasɪfɪst/
Definition of pacifist