Last month the singer fell into a coma after contracting pneumonia.
After 12 days he regained consciousness and his son Robin-John said his father was "completely compos mentis".
"He has beaten the odds... he really is something else," he said at the time.
This year, Intel gave out three first prizes to highlight the variety of the research conducted. One student developed an algorithm to study adaptive mutations across the human genome. Another studied how phonons, the basic particles of sound, interact with electrons.
A phonon is a definite discrete unit or quantum of vibrational mechanical energy, just as a photon is a quantum of electromagnetic or light energy.Phonons and electrons are the two main types of elementary particles or excitations in solids.
The concept of phonons was introduced in 1932 by Soviet physicist Igor Tamm. The name phonon comes from the Greek word φωνή (phonē), which translates to sound orvoice because long-wavelength phonons give rise to sound. Shorter-wavelength higher-frequency phonons give rise to heat.
compos mentis[com・pos men・tis]
発音記号[kɑ'mpəs méntis | kɔ'm-]
((ラテン語))((叙述))((時におどけて))正気の, 精神的に健全な.
In a sound manner.

adj., sound·er, sound·est.

v., sound·ed, sound·ing, sounds. v.intr.
sound off
sound2 (sound)
adj., sound·er, sound·est.
Thoroughly; deeply: sound asleep.
compos mentis[com・pos men・tis]
発音記号[kɑ'mpəs méntis | kɔ'm-]
((ラテン語))((叙述))((時におどけて))正気の, 精神的に健全な.
Japan's voters Sunday soundly rejected the ruling party that has set the nation's course for more than half a century.2009.8.30
In a sound manner.
4 まったく, すっかり.sound2 (sound) adj., sound·er, sound·est.
- Free from defect, decay, or damage; in good condition.
- Free from disease or injury. See synonyms at healthy.
- Having a firm basis; unshakable: a sound foundation.
- Financially secure or safe: a sound economy.
- Based on valid reasoning: a sound observation. See synonyms at valid.
- Free from logical flaws: sound reasoning.
- Logic. Of or relating to an argument in which all the premises are true and the conclusion follows from the premises.
- Thorough; complete: a sound flogging.
- Deep and unbroken; undisturbed: a sound sleep.
- Free from moral defect; upright.
- Worthy of confidence; trustworthy.
- Marked by or showing common sense and good judgment; levelheaded: a sound approach to the problem.
- Compatible with an accepted point of view; conservative.
- Law. Legally valid.
- sound
- [名]1 [U]音;音響, 音波;[C]物音;(機器による)音声;音量. ▼不規則で不愉快な音はnoise, 音楽的な音はtone the sound of laughter [feet]笑い声...
- sound
- [形](〜・er, 〜・est)1 〈論理・判断などが〉適切な, 思慮分別のある, 隠健な, 〈人が〉(…について)正統的な, 意見が適切な((on ...)) a sound policy健全...
- sound
- [動](他)1 〈海・湖などの〉水深を測る;〈海底などを〉調べる sound a channel海峡の水深を測る.2 〈人の考えなどを〉調べる, 探る, 〈人に〉(…について)打診する((out...
- sound
- [名]1 海峡, 瀬戸, 入り江, 小さな湾.2 (魚の)浮き袋.
- Vibrations transmitted through an elastic solid or a liquid or gas, with frequencies in the approximate range of 20 to 20,000 hertz, capable of being detected by human organs of hearing.
- Transmitted vibrations of any frequency.
- The sensation stimulated in the organs of hearing by such vibrations in the air or other medium.
- Such sensations considered as a group.
- A distinctive noise: a hollow sound.
- The distance over which something can be heard: within sound of my voice.
- Linguistics.
- An articulation made by the vocal apparatus: a vowel sound.
- The distinctive character of such an articulation: The words bear and bare have the same sound.
- A mental impression; an implication: didn't like the sound of the invitation.
- Auditory material that is recorded, as for a movie.
- Meaningless noise.
- Music. A distinctive style, as of an orchestra or a singer.
- Archaic. Rumor; report.
v., sound·ed, sound·ing, sounds. v.intr.
- To make or give forth a sound: The siren sounded.
- To be given forth as a sound: The fanfare sounded.
- To present a particular impression: That argument sounds reasonable.
- To cause to give forth or produce a sound: sounded the gong.
- To summon, announce, or signal by a sound: sound a warning.
- Linguistics. To articulate; pronounce: sound a vowel.
- To make known; celebrate: "Nations unborn your mighty names shall sound" (Alexander Pope).
- To examine (a body organ or part) by causing to emit sound; auscultate.
sound off
- To express one's views vigorously: was always sounding off about higher taxes.
- To count cadence when marching in military formation.
[Middle English soun, from Old French son, from Latin sonus.]
sound2 (sound)
adj., sound·er, sound·est.
- Free from defect, decay, or damage; in good condition.
- Free from disease or injury. See synonyms at healthy.
- Having a firm basis; unshakable: a sound foundation.
- Financially secure or safe: a sound economy.
- Based on valid reasoning: a sound observation. See synonyms at valid.
- Free from logical flaws: sound reasoning.
- Logic. Of or relating to an argument in which all the premises are true and the conclusion follows from the premises.
- Thorough; complete: a sound flogging.
- Deep and unbroken; undisturbed: a sound sleep.
- Free from moral defect; upright.
- Worthy of confidence; trustworthy.
- Marked by or showing common sense and good judgment; levelheaded: a sound approach to the problem.
- Compatible with an accepted point of view; conservative.
- Law. Legally valid.
Thoroughly; deeply: sound asleep.
[Middle English, from Old English gesund.]
soundly sound'ly adv.