In Japan Wii to Get Video and Food Services - New York,NY,USA
Japanese Wii owners will soon be able to order food and watch a video without dropping their Wiimotes. By Kris Pigna, 12/27/2008 Remember back in the ...
The Wii Remote, sometimes unofficially nicknamed "Wiimote", is the primary controller for Nintendo's Wii console. A main feature of the Wii Remote is its motion sensing capability, which allows the user to interact with and manipulate items on screen via movement and pointing through the use of accelerometer and optical sensor technology. Another feature is its expandability through the use of attachments.
━━ n. ロボット; 自動装置; 〔南アフリカ〕 自動交通信号; 機械的に働く人.
robotic control language 【コンピュータ】ロボット制御言語.
豐田汽車社長渡邊捷昭與3款夥伴機器人。左為單人乘坐Mobility Robot,後面的是Violin Robot,右為該公司8月份發表的設施嚮導機器人“TPR-ROBINA”
豐田發表兩款新型夥伴機器人 其中一款可單人乘坐移動
豐田汽車社長渡邊捷昭與3款夥伴機器人。左為單人乘坐Mobility Robot,後面的是Violin Robot,右為該公司8月份發表的設施嚮導機器人“TPR-ROBINA” 豐田汽車發表了新型夥伴機器人——單人乘坐移動機器人“Mobility Robot”和手指具有高自由度的雙足行走機器人“Violin Robot”。前者是一款利用馬達驅動的雙輪移動機器人,在人乘坐狀態下一邊控制重心,一邊以1~6km/h的時速移動。該機器人利用獨立的環式主動懸吊(擺臂)來支撐兩輪,在一個車輪軋到障礙物上時也能夠一直使座席保持水準狀態。此外,還可通過前後滑動座席保持平衡。 Violin Robot在雙臂上設計有17個關節,可靈巧地控制手指。能夠協調左右手演奏小提琴。此前發表的小號演奏機器人只有手指根部能動,與之相比,此次的機器人可進行更複雜動作,左手還能奏出顫音。行走能力也得到提高,能夠以3~4km/h的時速行走(小號演奏機器人為2km/h)。 該公司認為夥伴機器人主要有四大用途:“近距離個人移動支援”、“家務支援”、“看護及醫療支援”、“生產及製造支援”。此前豐田已經開發出了能夠吹小號的雙足行走機器人、DJ機器人以及單人乘坐行走機器人“i-foot”等。此次發表的機器人中,Mobility Robot用於移動支援、Violin Robot用於家務支援及看護及醫療支援。計劃從08年下半年開始在該公司相關設施內試用Mobility Robot。 力爭2010年代達到實用水準 在發表新機器人的同時,豐田社長渡邊捷昭還表示“將力爭在2010年代早些時候達到實用水準”,宣佈今後將在個人機器人開發上投入更多的資源。2008年度內計劃在廣瀨工廠內新建實驗樓,將目前分散于總部、廣瀨工廠及貞寶工廠的機器人開發團隊集中于廣瀨工廠。另外,還計劃將目前為100人左右的開發人員增加一倍。 在為達到實用水準而進行的嘗試方面,除了Mobility Robot之外,還將在該公司的關聯設施、醫院及住宅樣板房等進行看護、醫療支援及家務支援實驗。該公司表示,雖然業務可行性及市場規模到底有多大目前還不得而知,但是“今後將通過2~3年的驗證實驗來確定業務模式”(渡邊捷昭)。另外,該公司還表示,在將汽車控制技術及傳感技術應用於機器人的同時,從機器人開發中獲得的自行控制及智慧化等技術也將應用於夥伴機器人的開發,以獲得相乘效應。(記者:吉田 勝)
■日文原文 トヨタ,1人乗りの移動用など新しいパートナーロボット2機種を発表
Toyota Shows Violin-Playing Robot
The Associated PressThursday, December 6, 2007; 11:17 AM
The 5-foot-tall all-white robot, shown Thursday, used its mechanical fingers to press the strings correctly and bowed with its other arm, coordinating the movements well.
Toyota Motor Corp. has already shown robots that roll around to work as guides and have fingers dexterous enough to play the trumpet.
Toyota President Katsuaki Watanabe said robotics will be a core business for the company in coming years. Toyota will test out its robots at hospitals, Toyota-related facilities and other places starting next year, he said. And the company hopes to put what it calls "partner robots" to real use by 2010, he said.
"We want to create robots that are useful for people in everyday life," he told reporters at a Toyota showroom in Tokyo.
Watanabe and other company officials said robotics was a natural extension of the automaker's use of robots in manufacturing, as well the development of technology for autos related to artificial intelligence, such as sensors and pre-crash safety systems.
Watanabe presented a vision of the future in which wheelchair-like "mobility robots" _ also displayed Thursday _ would offer "bed-to-bed" services to people, including the elderly and the sick, just like cars take people "door-to-door."
In a demonstration, a man got on the mobility robot, a motorized two-wheeled chair, then scooted around. Toyota showed how the moving machine could go up and down slopes and go over bumps without upsetting the person sitting on the chair because the wheels could adjust to such changes.
The Japanese government has been recently pushing companies and researchers to make robotics a pillar of this nation's business.
Toyota, maker of the Prius hybrid and best-selling Camry sedan, has been a relative latecomer in robots compared to its domestic rival Honda Motor Co., as well as other companies, including Hitachi Ltd., Fujitsu Ltd. and NEC Corp.
Honda has been working on robots since 1986, recognizing the technology as critical for its future in delivering mobility for the future. It is showing the latest technology in its own robot _ the Asimo humanoid _ next week.
Asimo _ which stands for Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility and is play on the Japanese word for "legs" _ first became available for rental in 2000. It's considered one of the world's most advanced humanoids. Seen often at Honda and other events, it can walk, even jog, wave, avoid obstacles and carry on simple conversations.
The 51-inch-tall bubble-headed Asimo looks like a real-life child in a white space-suit, as it has grown smaller and lighter in size with innovations over the years.
Trying to one-up its rival, Toyota has been aggressively beefing up its robotics team. In August, it announced that it was teaming up with Sony Corp., which discontinued its Aibo dog-like robot last year, to develop an innovative, intelligent, single-seat vehicle.
Toyota said it is working with universities and its group companies to speed up robotics development, but ruled out a collaboration with Honda for the time being.
Toyota Executive Vice President Takeshi Uchiyamada said technology that Toyota has developed in industrial manufacturing and automotive engineering will "spiral up" into robots.
"We hope to create a robot that highlights Toyota's strengths," he said.
Also Thursday, the automaker showed its Robina robot, a legless robot-on-wheels, which has already been working as a guide at Toyota's showroom at its headquarters since earlier this year.
In the demonstration, Robina, which has a head shaped like a bobcut hairstyle, interacted smoothly with a person, including carrying on a simple dialogue. It also showed how it could sign its name in script holding a fat felt-tip pen with its three fingers.
"I am 120 centimeters tall and how much I weigh is a secret," the robot said clearly in a feminine voice. "I know a lot about the Prius."
Koji Endo, auto analyst with Credit Suisse in Tokyo, said it was still unclear whether Toyota's robotics will bear fruit as a real business. But he praised Toyota for trying to branch into new sectors, noting it's likely to produce innovations that will in the long run be a plus for its auto business.
Besides robots, Toyota has a housing operation and is carrying out research in biofuels. Honda is also expanding outside autos, including a jet business, and has long had a motorcycle unit.
Toyota Executive Vice President Takeshi Uchiyamada said technology that Toyota has developed in industrial manufacturing and automotive engineering will "spiral up" into robots.
"We hope to create a robot that highlights Toyota's strengths," he said.
Also Thursday, the automaker showed its Robina robot, a legless robot-on-wheels, which has already been working as a guide at Toyota's showroom at its headquarters since earlier this year.
In the demonstration, Robina, which has a head shaped like a bobcut hairstyle, interacted smoothly with a person, including carrying on a simple dialogue. It also showed how it could sign its name in script holding a fat felt-tip pen with its three fingers.
"I am 120 centimeters tall and how much I weigh is a secret," the robot said clearly in a feminine voice. "I know a lot about the Prius."
Koji Endo, auto analyst with Credit Suisse in Tokyo, said it was still unclear whether Toyota's robotics will bear fruit as a real business. But he praised Toyota for trying to branch into new sectors, noting it's likely to produce innovations that will in the long run be a plus for its auto business.
Besides robots, Toyota has a housing operation and is carrying out research in biofuels. Honda is also expanding outside autos, including a jet business, and has long had a motorcycle unit.
Sensorium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A sensorium (plural: sensoria) is the sum of an organism's perception, the "seat of sensation" where it experiences and interprets the environments within which ...
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Hi, Thanks for your interest in my article. There are so many robots these days in Japan it is a lot of work just keeping up with the news. I have recently written about the Hitachi robot, the i-Sobot from Tomy and other robots.
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Please check it out and link/leave a comment. Yuri