William Frederick Poole, Class of 1849, is best known for his accomplishments as a librarian. But if his bust in the Linonia and Brothers Reading Room at Sterling Memorial Library is a fair likeness, he also had truly epic facial hair.
He did not want his executors" to facilitate or countenance the writing of any biography of me." p.242
1976年 羅慧夫離開馬偕醫院,十二月六日轉任長庚醫院擔任創院院長兼整形
Craniofacial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Craniofacial - Cached
(cranio- combining form meaning head or skull + -facial combining form
referring to the facial structures grossly) is a term typically used to
describe ...
coun·te·nance (koun'tə-nəns) 
To give sanction or support to; tolerate or approve: The college administration will not countenance cheating.
- Appearance, especially the expression of the face: The question left him with a puzzled countenance.
- The face or facial features.
- A look or expression indicative of encouragement or of moral support.
- Support or approval.
- Obsolete. Bearing; demeanor.
To give sanction or support to; tolerate or approve: The college administration will not countenance cheating.
[Middle English contenaunce, from Old French, from contenir, to behave. See contain.]
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facial angle
Pronunciation: /ˈkaʊnt(ə)nəns, -tɪn-/
Definition of countenance
[with object]Phrases
Middle English: from Old French contenance 'bearing, behaviour', from contenir (see contain). The early sense was 'bearing, demeanour', also 'facial expression', hence 'the face'
(Anatomy) the angle formed between a line from the base of the nose to
the opening of the ear and a line from the base of the nose to the most
prominent part of the forehead: often used in comparative anthropology
(Anthropology & Ethnology) the angle formed between a line from the
base of the nose to the opening of the ear and a line from the base of
the nose to the most prominent part of the forehead: often used in
comparative anthropology