Over 170 objects attest to the enduring majesty of artistic traditions that flourished in the face of displacement, civil war, and the devastating effects of the slave trade.
Today's #Dailychart shows how entrepreneurship differs wildly among countries. America is an engine of innovation, as attested by the upcoming public listing of Twitter, which aims to fetch a cool $1 billion. How do other countries rank in terms of entrepreneurship? Sadly, not so well http://econ.st/1bwElYI
Coronation Festival sponsored by the Royal Warrant...
Lin Does a Lot by Not Doing Too Much
Jeremy Lin has been a solid if unexceptional contributor for the Rockets, as his 12.8 points a game through Friday attest.
Court Issues Gadhafi Warrant
The International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants for Libya's Moammar Gadhafi, his son and his intelligence chief for alleged crimes against humanity.
Dubious Afghan Vote Drove U.S. to Revisit Strategy
Allegations of Afghan vote fraud have revived skepticism within Obama's national-security team about Karzai's role, convincing the White House that a complete rethink was warranted.
BRIEF-Microsoft partners with Cisco on unified computing system
Forbes - NY,USA
Neither the Subscriber nor Thomson Reuters warrants the completeness or accuracy of the Service or the suitability of the Service as a trading aid and ...
But Paul McKeever, the federation's chairman, will tell her: "This is a bad deal for the police service.
"We have less resilience, fewer warranted officers, a weakened front line and a radically altered model of British policing.
Barack Obama will meet Tibet’s spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, during his two-day visit to Washington, DC, that starts on Wednesday February 17th. Mr Obama cancelled a meeting in October ahead of his first official trip to China to avoid annoying his hosts. China routinely condemns any meeting between the Dalai Lama and foreign leaders as an unwarranted interference in its affairs. How China reacts to this meeting may be instructive. China’s president, Hu Jintao, may possibly rethink a planned visit to Washington in April. ...
Having no justification; groundless: unwarranted interference. See synonyms at baseless.
- Not required or requested; unwanted: uncalled-for suggestions.
- Not justified or deserved; unwarranted: uncalled-for rudeness.
Syllabification: (war·rant)
Pronunciation: /ˈwôrənt, ˈwä-/
[with object]Origin:
Middle English (in the senses 'protector' and 'safeguard', also, as a verb, 'keep safe from danger'): from variants of Old French guarant (noun), guarantir (verb), of Germanic origin; compare with guarantee━━ vt. 権限を与える; 正当化する; 保証する; 〔話〕 断言する.
tr.v., -rant·ed, -rant·ing, -rants.- To guarantee or attest to the quality, accuracy, or condition of.
- To guarantee or attest to the character or reliability of; vouch for.
- To guarantee (a product).
- To guarantee (a purchaser) indemnification against damage or loss.
- To guarantee the immunity or security of.
- To provide adequate grounds for; justify. See synonims at justify.
- To grant authorization or sanction to (someone); authorize or empower.
- Law. To guarantee clear title to (real property).
━━ n. 正当な理由, 根拠, 権限 ((for; to do)); 保証; 【法】令状; 委任状; 支払い命令書; 許可証; 【軍】准士官(任命)辞令; 権限証書[証券,保証書], 倉庫証券; 金銭支払証券; 新株引受権証書, ワラント; 短期公債証書.
war・rant・a・ble ━━ a. 保証できる; 正当の.war・rant・a・bly ad.
war・rant・ed ━━ a.

━━ n. 【法】被保証人.
war・rant・er, war・ran・tor

━━ n. 【法】保証人.
warrant of attachment 差押令状.
warrant of attorney 委任状.
warrant officer 【軍】准士官, 准尉.
suit (BE RIGHT) Show phoneticsverb [T]
to be right for a particular person, situation or occasion:
Corn is grown a lot in this area - the soil seems to suit it very well.
The city lifestyle seems to suit her - she's certainly looking very well.
音節war・rant 発音記号/wˈɔːrənt|wˈɔr‐/音声を聞く
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【動詞】 【他動詞】
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suited Show phonetics
1 right for someone or something:
With her qualifications and experience, she would seem to be ideally suited to/for the job.
2 If two people who have a relationship are suited, they have a good relationship which will probably last, often because they share a lot of interests:
They were never suited (to each other) from the start - they've got nothing in common.
suitable Show phonetics
acceptable or right for someone or something:
The film is suitable for children.
My mother doesn't like me wearing short skirts to church - she doesn't think they're suitable.
NOTE: The opposite is unsuitable.
suitably Show phonetics
suitability Show phonetics
noun [U]
n.The quality or state of being suitable; suitableness.
- 音節
- at • test
- 発音
- ətést
- レベル
- 社会人必須
- attestの変化形
- attested (過去形) • attested (過去分詞) • attesting (現在分詞) • attests (三人称単数現在)
1 …を証明する, 証言する;認証する;[III that節/wh-節]〈…ということが〉真実だと証言する;[III doing]〈…したと〉確言する
2 〈物・事が〉…の証拠となる, を証拠立てる;〈事・物の〉存在[使用]を立証する
━━(自)[attest to A]〈A(事)が〉(真実であることなどを)証明する, 証言する, 立証する
[ラテン語attestāri (at-へ+testis証拠+-āri不定詞語尾=証拠によって証明する). △CONTEST, PROTEST]