He published his first New Yorker cartoon in 1962. It depicted a struggling writer in a “Shakespeare” sweatshirt, puzzling over his typewriter.
DeSantis Signs Into Law Latest Wrinkle in Disney Feud
Republicans have recently become more likely to take part in pollsters' surveys, inflating Donald Trump's approval ratings
A statistical wrinkle makes the president appear more popular than he is

Why Donald Trump’s high approval ratings may be misleading
A statistical wrinkle makes the president appear more popular than he is
Laura Pedrick for The New York Times
Wrinkle-Free Pants, Formaldehyde Fumes
Critics say more studies are needed on formaldehyde in textiles and the effects of cumulative exposure. Above, Professor David Brookstein taking a sample for testing.
face was vast, yellow and quite unwrinkled.
Ohio revises lemon law, reflecting Japan disaster
Associated Press, 07.15.11, 01:18 PM EDT

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio has made some changes in its new-car "lemon law" on a request from automakers still struggling to get repair parts in the aftermath of this year's earthquake and tsunami in Japan.
A revision in the law offering consumer protections to buyers of troublesome new vehicles was tucked into the new state budget that took effect at the beginning of the month. It cuts car companies some slack if a natural disaster or riot makes it tough for them to get parts to fix a defective vehicle, The Columbus Dispatch reported Friday.
"What happened in Japan is such a huge issue, with so many parts and vehicle plants that were affected by the tsunami," said Scott Corbitt, director of policy and legislation for the Ohio attorney general's office.
In such occasions, the law now allows an unspecified amount of extra time for repairs before the car company is required to permanently replace the vehicle or pay a refund. However, during the extended wait, the car's owner must be provided with a loaner vehicle, Corbitt told the Dispatch.
A consortium of automakers sought the change, citing parts manufacturing delays in Japan following the magnitude 9.0 earthquake and tsunami that devastated the country's northeast coast on March 11.
The Ohio law's new wrinkle is called a "fair trade-off" by consumer watchdog Kip Morse, president of the Better Business Bureau of Central Ohio.
DOC 甲醛(Formaldehyde)檔案類型: Microsoft Word - 快速檢視
注意:甲醛為一易燃、毒性之腐蝕性氣體,當發生緊急事件時,易燃性、毒性與腐蝕性 .... 眼睛初次暴露在1~10ppm的甲醛溶液時會造成刺痛,當濃度在4ppm時即會流淚,甲醛 ...
lemon law
A law obligating manufacturers or sellers to repair, replace, or refund the price of motor vehicles that prove to be defective.

- A small furrow, ridge, or crease on a normally smooth surface, caused by crumpling, folding, or shrinking.
- A line or crease in the skin, as from age.
- A clever trick, method, or device, especially one that is new and different.
- A problem or imperfection; a fault: The report had to be revised because of a few wrinkles.
v., -kled, -kling, -kles. v.tr.
- To make wrinkles or a wrinkle in.
- To draw up into wrinkles; pucker: wrinkled her nose in disdain.
To form wrinkles.
[Middle English, back-formation from wrinkled, wrinkled, probably from Old English gewrinclod, past participle of gewrinclian, to wind, crease.]
wrinkly wrin'kly adj.loaner
1 貸与者.
2 (修理中の)代替品.
3 借用語.