Baidu to ensure AI won't 'hallucinate' on sensitive topics: CEO
"The motto stated a lie. If this nation has ever trusted in God, that time has gone by; for nearly half a century almost its entire trust has been in the Republican party and the dollar--mainly the dollar. I recognize that I am only making an assertion and furnishing no proof; I am sorry, but this is a habit of mine; sorry also that I am not alone in it; everybody seems to have this disease."
~Mark Twain in Eruption
Mark Twain in eruption: Hitherto unpublished pages about men and events
By Mark Twain and Edited with intro by Bernard DeVoto. 5x8" 402 pages. Copyright 1922, 1940,
At the back of all the geologists’ minds is the eruption of 1754. That blast had the force of a nuclear bomb
A big debate has erupted over Wall Street's bonuses and the culture that surrounds them. But amid all the outrage and rhetoric, there could be a valuable lesson that many people are missing.
The pandemic has upended the way people buy—online retail has soared as high-street shops and malls close. Brands are now racing to exploit one of the most important weapons in the battle for buyers: their customers’ data https://econ.st/3nJFyUu
No crater love
Taal volcano is a reminder of Asia’s vulnerability to natural forces
The hackers are said to be professional security experts who probe software, devices and services to find vulnerabilities that they can exploit.
from over-exploitation to fully exploitation
The prevailing image of European Jews during the Holocaust is one of helpless victims, but in fact many Jews struggled against the terrors of the Third Reich. In Defiance, Nechama Tec offers a riveting history of one such group, a forest community in western Belorussia that would number more than 1,200 Jews by 1944—the largest armed rescue operation of Jews by Jews in World War II.
Tec reconstructs for the first time the amazing details of how these partisans and their families—hungry, exposed to the harsh winter weather—managed not only to survive, but to offer protection to all Jewish fugitives who could find their way to them. Tec brings to light the untold story of Bielski's struggle as a partisan who lost his parents, wife, and two brothers to the Nazis, yet never wavered in his conviction that it was more important to save one Jew than to kill twenty Germans.
As Tibet Erupted, China Wavered
Winslet Earns Rave Reviews for Role in "The Reader"
The film adaptation of "The Reader" by German novelist Bernhard Schlink
drew warm applause at the Berlinale, largely due to Kate Winslet's
portrayal of an illiterate concentration camp guard.
The DW-WORLD Article
The recession is exacting punishment for a psychological vice: the unmitigated identification of self with occupation, accomplishment and professional status.
Both couples document their exploits in books published this month, the latest entries in what is almost a mini-genre of books offering advice about the “sex-starved marriage.” The couples, though, are hardly similar.
The Mullers are Bible-studying steak-eating Republicans from Charlotte, N.C. The Browns are backpacking multigrain northerners who moved to Boulder, Colo. The Mullers’ book, “365 Nights,” is rather modest and circumspect in its details. The Browns’ book, “Just Do It,” almost makes the reader feel part of a threesome, sharing everything they used to stimulate sexual desire (it’s hard to visualize and even harder to explain).
multigrain bread 為雜糧麵包
Aging and Life Extension question: What is the content for multigrain bread?
1 [I or T] to (cause to) become very weak or die because there is not enough food to eat:
Whole communities starved to death during the long drought.
From talking to former prisoners in the camps, an obvious conclusion is that they have been starved.
2 [T often passive] If you are starved of something necessary or good, you do not receive enough of it:
People starved of sleep start to lose their concentration and may hallucinate.
1 MAINLY US INFORMAL very hungry
2 half-starved dangerously thin:
A lot of these fashion models look half-starved to me.
1 dying because of not having enough food:
The cats were neglected and starving.
2 INFORMAL very hungry:
Isn't lunch ready yet? I'm starving.
noun [U]
a lack of food during a long period, often causing death:
Twenty million people face starvation unless a vast emergency aid programme is launched.
The animals had died of starvation.
FIGURATIVE They pay starvation wages (= not enough money to live on).
noun [C usually plural]
something unusual, brave or funny that someone has done:
She was telling me about her exploits while travelling around Africa.
━━ vt. 利用する; 食い物にする, 搾取する; 開拓[開発]する, 採掘する.

n. 功績. military exploits
ex・ploit・a・ble ━━ a.
━━ n. 利用; 搾取; 開発; 組織的宣伝, 広告.
ex・ploit・a・tive ━━ a. 資源開発の; 搾取的な.
香港資訊科技商會副主席范健文指出,今次的黑客攻擊屬於「零日漏洞」(Zero-day),意指未有解救方法的漏洞。他解釋,一旦電腦及手機被植入後門程式,「黑客就會知道你做緊咩,攞晒你嘅 data,甚至控制你部機」。他說,防範電腦被植入後門程式及資料外洩,最理想方法是重灌電腦,即清除電腦及重新安裝。

What is a Zero-Day Exploit | FireEye
A zero-day attack happens once that flaw, or software/hardware vulnerability, is exploited and attackers release malware before a developer has an opportunity ..
A zero-day attack happens once that flaw, or software/hardware vulnerability, is exploited and attackers release malware before a developer has an opportunity ..ero-day meaning and definition
"Zero-day" is a broad term that describes recently discovered security vulnerabilities that hackers can use to attack systems. The term "zero-day" refers to the fact that the vendor or developer has only just learned of the flaw – which means they have “zero days” to fix it. A zero-day attack takes place when hackers exploit the flaw before developers have a chance to address it.
Zero-day is sometimes written as 0-day. The words vulnerability, exploit, and attack are typically used alongside zero-day, and it’s helpful to understand the difference:
- A zero-day vulnerability is a software vulnerability discovered by attackers before the vendor has become aware of it. Because the vendors are unaware, no patch exists for zero-day vulnerabilities, making attacks likely to succeed.
- A zero-day exploitis the method hackers use to attack systems with a previously unidentified vulnerability.
- A zero-day attack is the use of a zero-day exploit to cause damage to or steal data from a system affected by a vulnerability.
"Zero-day" is a broad term that describes recently discovered security vulnerabilities that hackers can use to attack systems. The term "zero-day" refers to the fact that the vendor or developer has only just learned of the flaw – which means they have “zero days” to fix it. A zero-day attack takes place when hackers exploit the flaw before developers have a chance to address it.
Zero-day is sometimes written as 0-day. The words vulnerability, exploit, and attack are typically used alongside zero-day, and it’s helpful to understand the difference:
- A zero-day vulnerability is a software vulnerability discovered by attackers before the vendor has become aware of it. Because the vendors are unaware, no patch exists for zero-day vulnerabilities, making attacks likely to succeed.
- A zero-day exploitis the method hackers use to attack systems with a previously unidentified vulnerability.
- A zero-day attack is the use of a zero-day exploit to cause damage to or steal data from a system affected by a vulnerability.
exact (OBTAIN)
verb [T] FORMAL
to demand and obtain something, sometimes using force, threats or persuasion, or to make something necessary:
to exact revenge on someone
The blackmailers exacted a total of $100 000 from their victims.
Heart surgery exacts tremendous skill and concentration.
demanding a lot of effort, care or attention:
an exacting training schedule
exacting standards

━━ a., n. 読み書きできない(人), 無学の(人).
verb [I]
to explode or burst out suddenly:
At the end of a hot summer, violence erupted in the inner cities.
Since the volcano last erupted, many houses have been built in a dangerous position on its slopes.
Two days after he'd been exposed to the substance, a painful rash erupted (= suddenly appeared) on his neck.
Her back erupted in small red spots.
noun [C or U]
a volcanic eruption
There was a violent eruption of anti-government feeling. waver Show phonetics
verb [I]
1 to lose strength, determination or purpose, especially temporarily:
I'm afraid my concentration began to waver as lunch approached.
He has never wavered in his support for the leader.
