This past week, Trump referred to his Mar-a-Lago resort as the "Southern White House" in yet another clear violation of the (not phony) Emoluments Clause. Here are 3 ways to hold our grifter-in-chief accountable.
Michael Cohen is about to make Donald Trump star in the one reality TV show the president has spent his entire life avoiding.
胡適到國立編譯館演講「編譯」 的事體一個多鐘頭。胡送平說「今日的演講似無紀錄。」(p. 3262)

王邦維〈論陳寅恪在佛教研究方面的成就及其在學術史上的意義〉p. 365-377,李慶新教授〈陳寅恪先生與佛學〉p. 378-406
複數頁要採用 pp.105-12 等方式表達 單數用p.
1 (本などの)ページ(▼pまたはp. と略す;複数形pagesはppまたはpp. と略す);(新聞などの)欄;(印刷物の)1枚, 1葉
Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary 以前有此解釋 現在拿掉....
Why Google's grifter is our problem
Washington Post (blog)
Borker is exploiting the neutrality of Google's search algorithm. Simplified a bit (well, a lot), Google ranks pages by counting links to them. ...
Cables Depict Heavy Afghan Graft, Starting at the Top
Corruption in Afghanistan is dispiriting for American officials trying to build support for the government.
look the part
- have an appearance or style of dress appropriate to one's role or situation."he had been a major in an infantry regiment and he looked the part"
Synonyms: demoralizing, demoralising, disheartening
Meaning #2: causing dejection
Synonyms: blue, dark, depressing, disconsolate, dismal, gloomy, grim
grift (grĭft)

- Money made dishonestly, as in a swindle.
- A swindle or confidence game.
v., grift·ed, grift·ing, grifts. v.intr.
To engage in swindling or cheating.
To obtain by swindling or cheating.
[Perhaps alteration of GRAFT2.]
grifter grift'er n.
Dictionary result for grifter
- a person who engages in petty or small-scale swindling.
"I saw him as a grifter who preys upon people"
A Grifter, is somebody who can influence anybody, anywhere, at anytime, into doing whatever they choose to have them do, that will result in the grifter's personal gain. Usually monetary, but really anything that benefits him or her somehow.
New York Times
By ASHLEE VANCE Microsoft has created a chimera in its new Office 2010 software, part desktop software and part Web app. This latest version of Office, ...Working paper: The End of Chimerica
Download the PDF. For the better part of the past decade, the world economy has been dominated by a unique geoeconomic constellation that the authors call "Chimerica": a world economic order that combined Chinese export-led development with U.S. overconsumption on the basis of a financial marriage between the world's sole superpower and its most likely future rival. For China, the key attraction of the relationship was its potential to propel the Chinese economy forward by means of export-led growth. For the United States, Chimerica meant being able to consume more, save less, and still maintain low interest rates and a stable rate of investment. Yet, like many another marriage between a saver and a spender, Chimerica was not destined to last. In this paper, economic historians Niall Ferguson of HBS and Moritz Schularick of Freie Universität Berlin consider the problem of global imbalances and try to set events in a longer-term perspective.
chi·me·ra chi·mae·ra (kī-mîr'ə, kĭ-)

- An organism, organ, or part consisting of two or more tissues of different genetic composition, produced as a result of organ transplant, grafting, or genetic engineering.
- A substance, such as an antibody, created from the proteins or genes of two different species.
- An individual who has received a transplant of genetically and immunologically different tissue.
- A fanciful mental illusion or fabrication.
[Middle English chimere, Chimera, from Old French, from Latin chimaera, from Greek khimaira, chimera, she-goat.]
Chimerica is a term coined by Niall Ferguson and Moritz Schularick describing the symbiotic relationship between China and the United States, with incidental reference to the legendary chimera.[1][2][3][4][5]
- 発音記号[kimíərə, kai-]
1 ((しばしばC-))《ギリシャ神話》キメラ:ライオンの頭・ヤギの体・蛇の尾を持ち, 火を吐く怪獣.
2 (装飾・意匠に使う)怪物;架空の怪物;妄想, 根拠のない幻想, 非現実的な考え.
3 《生物》キメラ:別々の発生系統から成る生物体.