Besides being fascinated with color, the women are united by their zeal for experimentation, especially when it comes to mixing clay varieties and deploying unorthodox glazing methods. Inherent in ceramics is an element of the unpredictable (clay, after all, is an organic material, and even the most experienced artist will sometimes find herself bedeviled by it), and these makers all embrace the inevitable mistakes and surprises that arise in the process of building and firing their pieces.
Over a Million Are Denied Bank Accounts for Past Errors
Break bad habits and profits will be in the post
Google Joins Gripes About Microsoft Shutting Out Rival Web Browsers
Google is echoing concerns from Firefox parent company Mozilla that Microsoft is hindering rival Web browsers on some computing devices designed for the next version of Windows.
Report Shows How Pakistan Still Bedevils Obama
History Aside, Obama Bets on Congress
By asking Congress for authorization to retaliate against Syria,
President Obama has put himself at the mercy of an institution that has
bedeviled his presidency for years.
"Hundreds of thousands of Americans are being shut out for relatively small mistakes."
commissioner of the New York City Department of Consumer Affairs, on
databases that bar consumers from opening bank accounts because of past
missteps like overdrafts.Over a Million Are Denied Bank Accounts for Past Errors
Being rejected for a bank account can lead to a succession of fees for cashing checks, paying bills and wiring money.
Apple’s Retail Army, Long on Loyalty but Short on Pay
While consumers tend to think of Apple’s headquarters as the company’s
heart and soul, a majority of its workers in the United States are
hourly wage earners selling iPhones and MacBooks.
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Break bad habits and profits will be in the post
Google Joins Gripes About Microsoft Shutting Out Rival Web Browsers
Google is echoing concerns from Firefox parent company Mozilla that Microsoft is hindering rival Web browsers on some computing devices designed for the next version of Windows.
Report Shows How Pakistan Still Bedevils Obama
President Obama is still looking for leverage to compel Pakistan to shutter the haven for terrorists that has let al Qaeda leadership and a vigorous Taliban survive.
Companion bills before the House and Senate would allow copyright holders to go to court to compel credit card companies and online advertising companies, including Google, to cut off websites dedicated to distributing pirated material. Prosecutors would be able to get court orders forcing search engines to drop the sites.
The NBA lockout
The union rejects the league's take-it-or-leave-it offer(23)
sly devilment
Dad's sly grin reflected the devilment that had returned to his eyes.
爸爸咧嘴而笑 眼睛裏又閃出了從前那種狡黠的神情
( 問: sly有翻譯嗎?)
sly Show phonetics
adjective slyer, slyest
1 deceiving people in a clever way in order to get what you want:
He's a sly old devil - I wouldn't trust him with my money.
2 [before noun] seeming to know secrets:
"You'll find out eventually, " said Mary with a sly smile.
sly Show phonetics
on the sly If you do something on the sly, you do it secretly because you should not be doing it:
He drives his mother's car on the sly while she's at work.
slyly Show phonetics
She grinned slyly and refused to tell me where the money came from.
━━ a. (~er, ~est; slier, sliest) ずるい; 陰険な; ひそかな; ちゃめな, (目つきなど)いたずらっぽい.
Devilish behavior; mischief.
━━ n. 悪行; 乱暴ないたずら; 魔術.
The Writings in Prose and Verse of Rudyard Kipling ... - Page 65
by Rudyard Kipling - Dummies (Bookselling) - 1899
... and yet that isn't likely, for he'd blarney himself out of the Pit; or else
he is engaged on urgent private affairs— some stupendous devilment ...
he is engaged on urgent private affairs— some stupendous devilment ...
Snippet view - About this book - Add to my library - More editions
The withholding of work from employees and closing down of a workplace by an employer during a labor dispute. Also called shutout.
tr.v., -iled, or -illed, -il·ing, or -il·ling, -ils, or -ils.
- To torment mercilessly; plague.
- To worry, annoy, or frustrate.
- To possess with or as if with a devil; bewitch.
- To spoil; ruin.
bedevilment 【名詞】
verb (bedevils, bedevilling, bedevilled; US bedevils, bedeviling, bedeviled)
[with object]compel
tr.v., -pelled, -pel·ling, -pels.
- To force, drive, or constrain: Duty compelled the soldiers to volunteer for the mission.
- To necessitate or pressure by force; exact: An energy crisis compels fuel conservation. See synonyms at force.
- To exert a strong, irresistible force on; sway: "The land, in a certain, very real way, compels the minds of the people" (Barry Lopez).
[Middle English compellen, from Latin compellere : com-, com- + pellere, to drive.]
compellable com·pel'la·ble adj.compellably com·pel'la·bly adv.
compeller com·pel'ler n.
- レベル:最重要
- 発音記号[ʃʌ't]
[動](〜, 〜・ting)(他)
1 [III[名]([副])]〈戸・ふたなどを〉閉じる, しめる, 〈建物の〉戸締まりをする, 〈容器の〉ふたをする((up));〈目・耳・心などを〉(…に対して)閉ざす((to ...))
3 [III[名]([副])]…を(…に)閉じ込める((in, into ...));〈指・服などを〉(戸などに)はさむ((in ...));…を(…から)締め出す, 除外する((from, out of ...))
get shut of ...
((米俗))=get RID of.
shut ... away/shut away ...
…を閉じ込める, 隔離する;見えない所に保管する.
shut down
(自)(1) 〈夜のとばり・霧などが〉降りる.
(2) 〈店・工場などが〉休業する.
(2) 〈工場などを〉閉鎖する.
(3) 〈怒りなどを〉抑える.
(4) ((米略式))〈相手チーム・選手を〉徹底的にマークして抑える.
[shut ... down/shut down ...]
(1) 〈窓などを〉(下ろして)締める.(2) 〈工場などを〉閉鎖する.
(3) 〈怒りなどを〉抑える.
(4) ((米略式))〈相手チーム・選手を〉徹底的にマークして抑える.
shut ... in/shut in ...
(1) …を取り囲む.(2) 閉じ込める;((受身または〜 -self))(病気などで)閉じ込もる.
(3) …をさえぎる.
Shut it!
shut off
(2) …を(…から)切り離す, 遮断(しゃだん)する((from ...));〈視界を〉遮る
[shut ... off/shut off ...]
(1) 〈水道・交通・電気などを〉止める;〈生産などを〉やめる, 停止する.(2) …を(…から)切り離す, 遮断(しゃだん)する((from ...));〈視界を〉遮る
an outpost almost completely shut off from civilization
shut ... out/shut out ...
(1) …を締め出す.(2) …を見えなくする.
(3) ((米))(野球などで)〈相手を〉完封する.
(2) 〈家などを〉締める, 〈店を〉閉める.
(3) …を監禁する, 閉じ込める.
[shut ... up/shut up ...]
(1) 〈人を〉黙らせる.(2) 〈家などを〉締める, 〈店を〉閉める.
(3) …を監禁する, 閉じ込める.
2 《音声学》抑止音の.
1 [U]閉じること, 閉鎖;閉店時間;終わり.
2 溶接線.
[古英語scyttan. 原義は「扉にかんぬきをかける」]
post2 (pōst)
post3 (pōst)
v., post·ed, post·ing, posts.
- A long piece of wood or other material set upright into the ground to serve as a marker or support.
- A similar vertical support or structure, as:
- A support for a beam in the framework of a building.
- A terminal of a battery.
- Sports. A goal post.
- The starting point at a racetrack.
- The slender barlike part of a stud earring that passes through the ear and is secured at the back with a small cap or clip.
- An electronic message sent to a newsgroup: ignored several inflammatory posts.
- To display (an announcement) in a place of public view.
- To cover (a wall, for example) with posters.
- To announce by or as if by posters: post banns.
- Computer Science. To send (an electronic message) to a newsgroup: posted a response to a question about car engines.
- To put up signs on (property) warning against trespassing.
- To denounce publicly: post a man as a thief.
- To publish (a name) on a list.
- Games. To gain (points or a point) in a game or contest; score.
[Middle English, from Old English, from Latin postis.]
post2 (pōst)
- A military base.
- The grounds and buildings of a military base.
- A local organization of military veterans.
- Either of two bugle calls in the British Army, sounded in the evening as a signal to retire to quarters.
- An assigned position or station, as of a guard or sentry.
- Basketball. A position usually taken by the center, near either the basket or the foul line, serving as the focus of the team's offense.
- A position of employment, especially an appointed public office.
- A place to which someone is assigned for duty.
- A trading post.
- To assign to a specific position or station: post a sentry at the gate.
- To appoint to a naval or military command.
- To put forward; present: post bail.
[French poste, from Italian posto, from Old Italian, from Vulgar Latin *postum, from Latin positum, neuter past participle of pōnere, to place.]
post3 (pōst)
- A delivery of mail.
- The mail delivered.
- Chiefly British.
- A governmental system for transporting and delivering the mail.
- A post office.
- Archaic. One of a series of relay stations along a fixed route, furnishing fresh riders and horses for the delivery of mail on horseback.
- Obsolete. A rider on such a mail route; a courier.
v., post·ed, post·ing, posts.
- To mail (a letter or package).
- To send by mail in a system of relays on horseback.
- To inform of the latest news: Keep us posted.
- To transfer (an item) to a ledger in bookkeeping.
- To make the necessary entries in (a ledger).
- Computer Science. To enter (a unit of information) on a record or into a section of storage.
- To travel in stages or relays.
- To travel with speed or in haste.
- To bob up and down in the saddle in rhythm with a horse's trotting gait.
- By mail.
- With great speed; rapidly.
- By post horse.
[French poste, from Old French, relay station for horses, from Old Italian posta, from Vulgar Latin *posta, station, from Latin posita, feminine past participle of pōnere, to place.]