"In this Orwellian era, working-class people pilfering convenience store goods is called “looting,” while rich people stealing hundreds of billions of dollars is deemed good 'public policy.'" — David Sirota
On Aug. 11, 1965, deadly rioting and looting broke out in the predominantly black Watts section of Los Angeles.
- More than 30 youths vandalising and looting a number of shops in Walthamstow and Waltham Forest
- Vandalism carried out by about 50 youths in Oxford Circus, central London

Willful or malicious destruction of public or private property.
vandalistic van'dal·is'tic adj.
- [vǽndəlìzm]
1 (故意または無知による)芸術文化の破壊;(公共施設の)破壊, 公共物などの汚損(いたずら書きを含む).
2 バンダル人特有の気質[風習];蛮行.
根據一項最新調查,英國首都倫敦被選為全國最憤怒的城市,其次是曼徹斯特,位在倫敦南部的蘭比斯(Lambeth)則是「怒氣」最高的地區。 英國憤怒管理協會(The British Association of Anger Management)根據犯罪率、就業、國家統計局的 ...
When does anger become an illness? Anger-management programs have become antidotes for road raging, office freak-outs and fury-induced vandalism. What's not clear is if they work.
Pronunciation: /ˈaŋgə/
[with object]Origin:
Middle English: from Old Norse angr 'grief', angra 'vex'. The original use was in the Old Norse senses; current senses date from late Middle EnglishAnger Management
Control of anger. Simple anger management techniques include finding ways to keep calm when confronted with stressful situations, for example, by breathing slowly and steadily, or by recalling relaxing memories. Other techniques include stress management and intervention strategies that might require the involvement of a qualified sport psychologist.
- riot
- [名]1 暴動, 騒動;大混乱;《法律》騒擾(そうじょう)(罪) a student riot学生騒動 a race riot人種間の騒動 cause [get up] a riot暴動を起こす...
- Riot Act
- 1 ((the 〜))騒擾(そうじょう)取締法:1715年に発布された英国の法律.2 ((しばしばr- a-))けん責;警告.read ... the riot act(1) …に(活動の)停止...
- riot gear
- [U]暴動鎮圧用装備.
- loot
- [名][U]1 戦利品, 略奪品;略奪;((略式・古風))(官吏などの)不正利得;盗品.2 ((集合的))((略式))貴重な物.3 ((米俗))金, (特に)大金;((米略式・おどけて))たくさ...
- looter
- [名]略奪者.