Progressives keep asking me: How do we make sure Donald Trump loses in November? Shouldn't we start getting behind Hillary?
My answer: Trump's popularity is based on 4 things, according to polls: (1) His bigotry and xenophobia directed against Latinos, Muslims, African-Americans, foreigners, and women. (2) His apparent anti-establishment populism directed against Washington insiders, free traders, Wall Street, and big corporations. (3) His apparent authenticity and seeming willingness to "say what he means" (4) He's not beholden to big money (other than his own, of course).
Bernie doesn't stoop to (1), fortunately. But he's the real thing when it comes to (2), (3), and (4). I fear Hillary won't make it on (2), (3), and (4).
So, at least for now, I suggest that if you really want to stop Trump in November, get behind Bernie.
What do you think?
Modern day slavery: why it is time for the Middle East's kafala system to end
The kafala system (sponsorship system) is a system used to monitor the construction and domestic migrant laborers in the Arab States of the Persian Gulf.[1] The system requires all unskilled laborers to have an in-country sponsor, usually their employer, who is responsible for their visa and legal status. This practice has been criticised by human rights organizations for creating easy opportunities for the exploitation of workers, as many employers take away passports and abuse their workers with little chance of legal repercussions.[2][3] According to The Economist, "The migrant workers’ lot is unlikely to improve until the reform of the kafala system, whereby workers are beholden to the employers who sponsored their visas. The system blocks domestic competition for overseas workers in the Gulf countries."[4]
Is the EU beholden to lobbyists?
How much influence do interest groups have on EU legislation? Experts are
divided, but the online platform LobbyPlag sees a lot. Sometimes, they say,
MEPs even copy and paste directly from lobby proposals.
copy and paste 剪貼
Still drinks market growing faster than carbonates
By Anthony Fletcher, 09-Feb-2006
Related topics: Industry & Markets, Ingredients and additives
The global still drinks market has lost its cheap image and is booming because beverage companies are concentrating on the premium end.
And while the category may be maturing in the US, it is very much in the growth stage of its lifecycle in the rest of the world. Canadean therefore predicts that the category is destined for a long period of sustained growth.
This is partly because the sectors image as being made up of cheap, low quality drinks targeting children is rapidly being shed. High quality premium brands from small companies and from the major players have been firmly established in the marketplace.
The success of these brands means that the still drinks category has the most to gain from the slowing demand for carbonated soft drinks, and Canadean argues that this is beginning to be felt. Last year saw an impressive 5.5 per cent jump in sales, to take the market to a size of nearly 32 billion litres.
Growth has now averaged 5 per cent over the past six years and the market is expected to expand by more than 4 billion litres by the end of 2008.
In contrast, the carbonates category has been more sluggish, averaging just 2 per cent growth between 1999 and 2005, with a compound average growth rate of just 1 per cent expected by the end of 2008.
In size however, the two categories do not compare, with carbonates accounting for a massive 194 billion litres, six times that of the still drinks market. And despite the differing growth rates, in actual volume terms the carbonates category will have added more than 7billion litres by the end of 2008.
《中英對照讀新聞》Eating pizza can stop sunburn 吃披薩可防曬傷
Eating pizza covered in tomato paste helps beat sunburn and wrinkles, say scientists.
Volunteers who stuffed the topping for 12 weeks had a third more protection against UV rays and higher levels of anti-ageing procollagen.
Researchers believe lycopene, the powerful antioxidant in tomatoes which gives them their colour, is responsible.
It has the ability to neutralise harmful molecules produced in skin exposed to UV rays.
The chemical, known to slash the risk of prostate cancer, is boosted by cooking.
And paste for pizzas is made from highly concentrated cooked tomatoes.
Volunteers ate five tablespoons of it plus ten grams of olive oil a day, while a control group had only oil.
Prof Lesley Rhodes, of the University of Manchester, said:"Tomatoes can’t replace sun creams but may be a good additive."
There are pressures in both directions. Banks are already becoming more beholden to national governments as the latter extend their economic lifelines. Predictably but disappointingly, many politicians are using their increased power to impose protectionist policies.
adjective [after verb] FORMAL
feeling you have a duty to someone because they have done something for you:
She wanted to be independent and beholden to no one.
The adjective
Meaning #1: under a moral obligation to someone
adj. - 負有義務的, 蒙恩的, 有所虧欠的
日本語 (Japanese)
adj. - 恩義を受けて, 恩義をうけて
Line breaks: be|holden
Pronunciation: /bɪˈhəʊld(ə)n/
[predic.]- owing thanks or having a duty to someone in return for help or a service: I don’t like to be beholden to anybody
More example sentences
- They are keeping the poorer nations exactly where they want them: beholden to their patrons.
- Equipment vendors are often beholden to investors that expect a return on investment.
- They're going to be beholden to folks who are paying for their travel.
late Middle English: archaic past participle of behold, in the otherwise unrecorded sense 'bound'.新聞辭典
slash:深砍、割破 、鞭打、大幅削減、苛刻批評。例句:The reviewers slashed the composer’s work.(評論家猛烈批評這位作曲家的作品 。)
paste:糊狀物、醬、膏。例句:She spread some tomato paste on the fried fish.(她在炸好的魚上塗了一層番茄醬。)
- paste
- 発音
- péist
- pasteの変化形
- pastes (複数形) • pasted (過去形) • pasted (過去分詞) • pasting (現在分詞) • pastes (三人称単数現在)
3 (模造宝石用の)鉛ガラス;人造宝石.
4 ((俗))痛烈なパンチ, 一撃(pasting).
1 〈掲示・紙・布などを〉はりつける[込む, 合わせる]((down, up, together/on, over ...));〈窓・すき間などに〉のりばりする((up, over));〈人を〉動けなくする
2 ((俗))〈人を〉(こぶしで激しく)なぐる, たたく;《スポーツ》〈相手を〉完全に負かす.
3 《コンピュータ》(カットまたはコピーしたものを)ペーストする.
[中フランス語←ギリシャ語. 原義は「塩がふりかけられた食べ物], やがて「こね粉」]stuff:大吃。例句:They’d been stuffing themselves with snacks all afternoon, so they didn’t want any dinner.(他們整個下午大吃零食,所以完全不想吃晚餐。)
━━ n., vt. 【化】炭酸塩(化する), 炭素化する.

still drinks
━━ a. 静かな; 静止した, 動かない; (声が)低い; 波立たない; (ワインなど)あわ立たない.

━━ ad. なお, まだ, 今まで通り; ((比較級を伴って)) ますます, 一層; それにもかかわらず, それでも; なおその上に; 静かに; 〔古〕 常に.

━━ v. 静める[まる], 和らげる[らぐ].
━━ n. (the 〜) 沈黙, 静けさ; 静物画; 写真; (映画の)スチール.
━━ conj. それにもかかわらず.

━━ n. 静けさ; 沈黙; 静止.

get a real pasting
