Bosses of major companies said on Sunday that the prime minister had left them in the dark about whether they would be required to provide face coverings to employees returning to work during the coronavirus pandemic
Coronavirus: Bosses say PM fails to allay confusion over face masks for workers
California Fires Devastate Close-Knit Community
Most of the 600 trailer homes at Oakridge Mobile Home Park in Los Angeles went up in flames, leaving residents to mourn the loss of their homes but also, of their community.
The American Constitution Society, founded in 2001 to be a liberal counterweight to the conservative Federalist Society, is rising to power.
Mr. Ma said Sunday that he wanted to negotiate confidence-building military procedures with China to reduce the risk of an accidental war and eventually a peace agreement ending hostilities across the Taiwan Strait.
But he also needs to allay the suspicions of American conservatives who value Taiwan as a strategic counterweight to China and who remain distrustful of Mr. Ma’s Nationalist Party because of its reluctance for years to approve the purchase of submarines and other military hardware first offered by President Bush in 2001.
verb [T] FORMAL
to make someone feel less worried or frightened:
The government is desperately trying to allay public fears/concern about the spread of the disease.
noun [C]
a weight that is as heavy as something else, so that the two objects can balance
Mr. Ma said Sunday that he wanted to negotiate confidence-building military procedures with China to reduce the risk of an accidental war and eventually a peace agreement ending hostilities across the Taiwan Strait.
But he also needs to allay the suspicions of American conservatives who value Taiwan as a strategic counterweight to China and who remain distrustful of Mr. Ma’s Nationalist Party because of its reluctance for years to approve the purchase of submarines and other military hardware first offered by President Bush in 2001.
verb [T] FORMAL
to make someone feel less worried or frightened:
The government is desperately trying to allay public fears/concern about the spread of the disease.
noun [C]
a weight that is as heavy as something else, so that the two objects can balance
━━ n. 釣合い(おもり); 平衡力; 中和する反対勢力.

vt. 釣合わす; 相殺する.

Used to express distaste or disapproval.
[Middle English fi, from Old French, of imitative origin.]
By staff writers "Meh" - the expression people use when they're feeling bored or indifferent has earned a place in the Collins English Dictionary. ...
closely/tightly knit (ALSO close/tight-knit)
closely connected:
a very close-knit family
a tightly knit community